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aesir's thesis

polycounter lvl 18
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aesir polycounter lvl 18
So I'm making a short film. This isn't my first film, but it is the first time that I've undertaken a project this big before on my own. When I started out, I had these grand amazing plans to put something out that was professional quality from every angle, however, I overestimated myself a bit (mainly my speed) and am now just determined to finish my film in time (so I graduate). I didn't have much time to work on it last semester due to classes and what social things and what not, so this next semester is gonna be crazy work time for me. Not everything is going to be perfectly polished like we all might want it to be, but I'm on a schedule and I'm sticking to it.

I'm at the point where my characters are all modeled, unwrapped, and morph targeted out and am now rigging the shit outta them using the AMAZING brad noble rig. Seriously, that shit is fucking tight. Makes me want to weep with joy. Since I can't script worth shit, I'm quite happy to have this lovely rig.

check it out here: http://www.bradnoble.net/rigging/index.html

Anyways, rigs. Im gonna try and rig one per day or so with maybe an extra day to polish em all.

In any case, here's the first guy. Weighting isn't perfect but I can always tweak the camera angles and increase the motion blur wink.gif


I'm happy to hear crits, but theres no time to go back and change things so your crits are futile.

As far as the story and stuff is concerned, I've got my whole story boarded out and all. You'll all get to see a 3d animatic in a month or so. Not gonna spoil it till then.


  • pliang
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    pliang polycounter lvl 17
    Have to say...I love the expressions on his face.

    Thanks for the rig btw.
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    looks like a fun character, is it all rigged? thats the worst part for me.
  • Eclipse
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    Eclipse polycounter lvl 18
    I love the style on these man. can't wait to see more!
  • Parnell
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    Parnell polycounter lvl 18
    Can't wait to see this!
  • Mark Dygert
    Awesome stuff! I'm glad you're using your time in school to its fullest. It's little glimmers of hope like this that keep me from loosing total faith in the game art education system. Of course a big chunk of what you're getting out, is what you're putting in.

    Something tells me you would be churning out awesome stuff regardless this just gave you an excuse and motivation.
  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    awesome work.

    his sword is backward?
  • bounchfx
    sweet dude, I'm excited to see how this comes out.

    I'm really interested in learning some basic character animation myself, so I snagged that rig, I'm grabbing a book this holiday too to learn from, I haven't seen any good tutorials online about animation. if anyone knows some though, pm em to me and I'd be ever so grateful =)

    keep us posted if you get the chance. When's the full thing due?
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    ged: thanks man, yep its all rigged. Unwrapping was the part I hated the most though smile.gif

    eclipse and modeling_man: thanks and you will

    vig: thanks! Im actually an animation major in the film school of a normal university.

    slum: yes...

    bouchfx: thanks. Try this rig. Its a lot better to learn on. Tons of fun to play with: http://www.3dluvr.com/clisk3d/
    It's due the first week of May.

  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    christmas is slowing me down...


    (note: very large monster)
  • MAUL0r
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    MAUL0r polycounter lvl 18
    I like it! reminds me of Don Bluth in a way.
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18

    (yea whatever, it's hardly in the film at all)
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    so... FUCK YOU 3dsmax!!! FUCK YOU IN THE ASS! I knew I should have done this shit in maya.... theres a reason everyone uses maya for films. its this:

    max has no real way of referencing characters. That means I'd have a master file for each character that is referenced into each scene file. That way I could update the skin, or the materials, or the morph targets, and all the changes would go directly into all the scene files. I assumed this was just a normal part of the xref package max has. I figured that just because maya can do it nice and easy, so could max. FUCK! Instead, I'm left with an xref system that can reference objects just fine, but once it gets into rigs and modifiers and morphers, just fucking DIES. You cant touch modifiers in references, so no morph targets. You touch the rig, it all breaks. You add an object, it isn't added to all the scenes. You rename something, everything breaks. The internet tells me everywhere that its impossible without a team of scripters to make it work for me. FUCK YOU AUTODESK! This should be fucking basic shit to have in your program. BASIC WORKFLOW SHIT!

    -rant end

    (guess I'll just have to do it the old fashioned way and manually save the animation, delete the character, re-merge the character, load the animation, re-set any links to objects in the scene. Then rinse and repeat for all the characters in all 60ish scenes.
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 18
    You may want to check out XSI's referencing tools instead of getting upset with Autodesk. Animation has never really been Max's strong point.
  • Mark Dygert
    I feel your pain, we made the mistake of trying out an XRef work flow once... it wasn't pretty. Even with the bug fix improvements they added to 2008 its still a mess and no where near where it should be.

    But thats max for you, jack of all trades master of none.
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    ummmm I dont really wanna show you guys this, but fuck it. heres my rough rough animatic.


    some things may need explanations, so if youre curious wtf happened, read this.

    First off, the Title screen, it's either gonna be a simple title with text, or if I have time, Im gonna have some little black snakes crawl onto the screen and spell out the title with their bodies.

    Secondly, the first scene, thats just going to be a simple matte painting. We will be looking off in the distance at the forest, and we'll hear a grumbly roar, and some birds will take off in the distance. Then there will be a blur pan down to our characters in the forest. They look up, hearing the roar, and take off in it's direction. They see a goat walking like a zombie toward a cave. It stops and the monster emerges and eats it. It's likely I'll change that scene slightly. I think I might have the goat jump onto the monsters hand willingly, and then let the monster eat it. Timing wont change much. The hunters watch it all in disbelief. The spearman is sent out, throws a spear which does no damage. The monster picks up the spearman, and it's eyes start to glow and hyponotizes the man. I need some come up with some sort of cool hyponotizing sound that doesnt copy the hypno-toad from futurama too badly. Anyways, when the spearman is dropped, his eyes are now glowing, and he attacks his comrades. When the axeman gets a chance to attak the monster, the monster looks to his hyponotized spearman off screen, its eyes glow for a moment, and as the axeman is about to strike we hear quickly approaching footsteps from off camera, the axeman hears it, barely dodges the spear which plunges into the monster's stomach. The monster growls, annoyed, then knocks over the men and hypnotizes the axeman. The swordsman runs away but finds himself cornered by a cliff face. The monster approaches, eyes glowing as the swordsman raises his sword to protect himself. The light from the glowing eyes bounces off the sword and slowly rises up until it hits the monster's eyes, causing it to have hypnotized itself. It collapes. Fade to black and we're at a castle gate where the men are dragging the monster into the castle. As the monster is dragged off screen, it's eyes pop open. The cheers coming from the castle for the "heroes" turns to screams and we hear the hypnotizing sound causing the screams to fall silent. We probably hear some chewing sounds too. All those sounds will be going on through the credits.
  • EricElwell
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    EricElwell insane polycounter
    I like it smile.gif I know it's really rough, there were a few areas that just "happened all of the sudden"... Specifically, the goat getting eatin, but from what you have described that's not the timing you're ultimately going for.

    I really like your description, and I can kind of picture the dragon sort've laying relaxed, summoning the goat maybe with a finger motion while smirking kind of care free.

    It's probably too late now, but it'd be helpful to have more unique builds for each character to help tell them apart. ie: spearman tall and lanky, axeman short and pudgy.. Could add a lot of character that way..

    I'm looking forward to seeing where you take this!
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    yea, i agree about the monster suddenly appearing. Thats definitely getting tweaked, but Im moving through this whole thing at a pretty fast pace. I'll clean things up as I go along.

    As far as character desings, I see what youre saying, but that gets really cliche sometimes.

    also, Ive decided, I really need to re-time some stuff. again.
  • Mark Dygert
    I like it, good style some good humor I think it will turn out great.

    Right now I think you can do more with the monster. It almost seems like the star of the short yet not a lot of personality is coming across and it seems like you're trying to show a story instead of connect with the audience, you want to do both. That could be just because you're blocking it out right now?

    - When the spear man runs up you might want to drag that out a bit, with cuts back and forth between his determined face and the monsters. Keeping the spear man's face constant and determined (maybe have him running) If you establish the short distance with the current shot you have, and extend the cuts it will build tension and prep the audience for the punch line. One of the last cuts before the spear hits could be of the monster rolling its eyes, as if to say enough already, this will help the audience identify with the monster. Then you deliver the current punch line and maybe have the spear man look back over his shoulder at the other two and shoulder shrug, as if to say "what now?". Behind him the monster could be raising up on its hind legs.

    - If the monster was bigger you could do a little bit more with the camera and you wouldn't have to block out so much of the environment, the monster could fill most of the shots. For example when it picks up the spear man if the shot was the same, and the monster was bigger you could have the little spear man standing at the feet of the monster, looking up as its hand comes down and picks him up, then the camera follows the hand up to the face where they meet. The monster examining him like he does, and the spear man giving a nervous smile. A bigger monster would also add to the comedic value during the goat scene, and the dragging.

    - I think it would be kind of cool for the monster to lure the goat with some kind of food like a branch from a berry bush. At first all you would see is a branch behind the rock wagging and a hungry goat looking at it tentatively. Maybe some piece of the monster could be poking out from behind the rock, but it shouldn't be the first thing you notice in the scene. It might be funny to take some branches and tie them to the monster, like cheap camouflage, which it quickly becomes embarrassed about and removes when it sees the humans.

    I know you're pinched for time but you have to think about this being a huge part of your grade, and your future. The strength of this short can get you much praise, a good grade and a good job or it can be the project that towed the line right along with the others in your class and got you an ok grade and not much more. I think you owe it to the work you've put into this already to make just a few more attempts to connect with the audience.

    Keep at it, you've got some really great progress so far and in such a short time, nice work!
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    Thanks a TON vig.

    really, posting this kind of thing really helps me get a better of idea of whats wrong with it. I'm definitely gonna try and rework some things before I get to the animation phase.
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    couple little updates.

    I started on the textures for the characters. Its still a WIP but Im gonna leave em alone for a bit while I work on other things. I'd LOVE suggestions on color schemes and what not. Also, if the skin is too red for you. Different monitors are showing me different things. I decided not to go for any SSS cause it was being a bitch to get to look good and dont really want to deal with the render times.

    (sexual tension?)

    i also made some rocks. They'll come in different colors. Lack of specular map and really fine detail is a style choice that may or may not work out. We'll see once I have a full scene.


    also, I retimed my animatic a bit. No huge changes, but it feels a lot better to me. Changes are still gonna be made in the future, but not till the animation phase starts in a month or so.

    Lastly, I've got a badass professional composer working on my music right now. I cant wait to see what he makes for me.

    (i've been doing other shit too but i'll post it some other time)

    btw, I'm at 11 weeks and counting till the due date. so scary.
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    FAT_CAP polycounter lvl 18
    Love these characters Aesir!

    Just wondering how you are handling the eyes/ eyelids- are the eyes perfectly spherical with the eyelids being animated by morph targets?

    Im doing a similar character at the minute and am having some problems figuring the eyes out- I've posted a more indepth explanation of my problem in 2D/ 3D discussion if you can help out!
  • low odor
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    low odor polycounter lvl 17
    Hey Aesir...cool stuff man. In the animatic I noticed all of your shots are straight on. Adding some high/ low angle shots lends alot of wieght to the scenes. Also having the camera go canted in the shot where the fist charater turns bad ( as his eyes turn) would be a nice touch. In any case I would play with your camera bit more....Fun stuff..the characters are reminiscent of Dragon's Lair
  • Sage
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    Sage polycounter lvl 19
    I liked it for the most part, looks really cool. I was expecting something to happen at the end with the monster but whatever. Looks cool. Good luck on finishing it you might need it with Max. I can pm you the thought if you want. wink.gif ooh just finished reading your script and what thought was going to happen is what you had in mind. I hope you post it here when you are done.

  • Mark Dygert
    [ QUOTE ]
    (sexual tension?)

    [/ QUOTE ]I actually lol'ed

    Looking good, now it is much easier to distinguish who is who, before it was pretty easy to get confused. For a cheap SSS you can add FallOff to your opacity slot. It will render pretty quick. I use fall off in the self Illumination map slot to help pump up rim lighting. You can even use it in the defuse slot to create a toon shaded outline.
  • Zephir62
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    Zephir62 polycounter lvl 12
    Do you have a thing for raised eyebrows?
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    Do you have a thing for raised eyebrows?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    you have no idea

    vig: thanks for the tips. I'll try those out.

    low odor: thanks, I'll be messing with camera angles a bit more as I animate.

  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    this is kinda what Im going for as far as the enviros are concerned.

  • Japhir
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    Japhir polycounter lvl 16
    really cool! great style! looks a bit wii-ish tongue.gif
  • Jonas Ronnegard
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    Jonas Ronnegard polycount sponsor
    love the style, looks pro wink.gif hope you have a big renderfarm.
  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    Environment looks awesome. I'm sure the lighting is still WIP so I'll reserve comments on it. I really dig the stylist approach to the modelling. good stuff man.
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