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broadband services ... dont you just love em?

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danr interpolator
As I finally buy a new laptop to replace the pc that burnt out shortly after I moved house, and experience a few problems getting online ... it now turns out that t*scali are just getting round to switching my broadband from my old address to my new one. A full thirteen months after I moved

That's nice of them, isn't it?

Time to collect my refund and cancel, I think. Anyone recommend a UK provider who aren't a shower of clowns?


  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    Im in the uk. had plusnet, they absolutely sucked. Really slow dodgy connection and even though the contract said "unlimited broadband" they will cut people to a smaller bandwidth after about 3GB or 4GB - this information was hidden quite well on the website. Plusnet seem to have taken on far too many customers and havent improved their hardware so they went from good to rubbish.

    Im now on virgin broadband and it seems ok but I havent tried downloading big 1GB files much or anything because Im at a house with 3 people.

    My advice would be to check the forums of the provider your interested in, if its busy and all the news is bad then its maybe not a good idea to join.
  • Michael Knubben
    Tiscali deserve to die horribly in a fire.
    We've been calling their helpdesk for months now, trying to get their broadband set up. After some 50-odd hours calling them (much of it on hold, naturally), we've been told both our computers have faulty usb-ports, our registries are broken, we need to re-install windows, and they've tried to send us five modems, which I wish I accepted since I could sell them all now. After all these months (in which we also found out BT had never actually physically connected our line, which is fun since we paid a fine for leaving them before our contract was up) the top helpdesk-guy says we should just cancel. Great, we think, since Orange seemed the better option anyway, on second thought. But now Tiscali wont release our line, so we need to open a NEW fucking line with BT so we can move to Orange for our broadband (but not for our phoneline, because that'd mean paying BT that fine AGAIN)

    Has anyone had any experience with Orange (in london?)? Their helpdesk hasn't yet outright lied to us yet, and better yet, they've not outright lied to us in English, which is nice.

    Also, I hope you get that refund, danr, because we/ve been promised several by several people (by friday at the latest, I promise!) and never received anything, even after several attempts. Make sure they even ASK your account-number laugh.gif
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    We're on Nildram ADSL down in Kent and it's great, they connected it in half the time they estimated, and I've never had a problem with it yet. Dunno if it's available around your area though.

    I also had a really good experience with Blueyonder cable broadband up in Scotland, basically I signed up for the 2mb service, then a couple of months later they dropped the price, then they doubled it to 4mb, then they dropped the price again, then they increased it to 10mb... so that was nice.
  • thnom
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    thnom polycounter lvl 18
    I'm with Virgin/NTL and I have very little problems, if at all.
  • Michael Knubben
    So in short, your providers are all dandy, and Tiscali are a bunch of cockwipes. Also, I love their slogan: Internet with a passion.
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    we are using aol and it very reliable. fast too.
    just got a router, so broadband is not only faster, but never off.
    I had tiscali and it was generally slow as dial up. utter waste of time
  • kendo
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    kendo polycounter lvl 18
    They were known for having the worst customer service in the uk but i would have to agree going on nearly 3 years now i think and have had no problems with service at all.
  • pliang
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    pliang polycounter lvl 17
    I used AOL before and now with a router most of the time mine never breaks...hated dial up that's for sure.
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    in sweden we have proper broadband, 100mbit is not too unusual to see people have, the network cable goes straight into the wall!
  • Rick Stirling
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    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
    I've been with BT for years now after NTL (shower of bastards). They have never been less than excellent to us, giving us free modem upgrades twice now, and recently knocking another 2 quid per month off the bill.
  • thomasp
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    thomasp hero character
    have been with NTL - now virgin since i arrived at these shores. bandwidth seems ok with me, hardly any trouble getting this cable thing of unknown speed up and hasn't failed in over a year (*knock knock*). however since virgin took over, i receive fairly regularly spam in my letterbox to join their other services i do not care the least bit about - and they even started annoying me on the mobile. bloody business practices!

    bottom line - providers are normally ok until you got a problem. then they all suck equally in my experience. been only through three or four in ten years tho.
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    hmm ntl were ok for me Rick, when I lived in Birmingham/coventry.
    never had any real troubles apart from they would often go down late at night and the email would occasionally be off.
    day to day though they were ok.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    I used ATT DSL a few years ago, they were good. I moved to Charter cable modem service about 4yrs ago and have been very pleased. A bit expensive ($59 for 7mbit), but I get maybe 1 outage a year and great service otherwise.
  • Fordy
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    Fordy polycounter lvl 18
    I'm just moving from AOL to BT Broadband.

    While AOL speed and reliability were both good, there was a couple of downsides.

    1) Couldn't get XBox 360 working wirelessly for love nor money (see point 3).

    2) Unless you use AOL's own bloatware, you can't send more than 1 email per half hour or thereabouts. I use and like Outlook and AOL is a real pain in the ass in this respect.

    3) The Indian call centers are a total waste of time and 100% useless.
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    yup, I am having the same problems with wireless and my xbox 360, but thats no real biggy for me as I don't use it that often, same with the email.
  • danr
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    danr interpolator
    Oh tiscali ... You're a fucking comedy company

    So, after being promised that the broadband would be connected in max 8 days (on top of the year-plus-change) I wait adsl-signalless till day 12 and the saturday in which I can waste my own time rather than work time sitting on hold ...

    So after 40 minutes on hold

    "I'm sorry sir, it will take another 7-10 days to be able to connect you"

    "No it won't, you will do it today"

    "I'm sorry sir but ..."

    "No, listen, I can put this phone down, get in touch with any of your competitors and they will set me up an account, switch on the line, deliver a free wireless router, and I can be online quicker than it will take you to switch on the line I am currently paying for. You will do it today"

    "Ill have to pass you through to my manager"

    20 minutes of hold later, the line disconnects and dumps me back at the main menu

    So - select cancellation. The cancellation team aren't open on a saturday. So, onto billing. And although billing can see fit to take money for a service they aren't providing, they are somehow powerless to stop taking money, or in fact, do anything with my account other than give me the number of the cancellation team and the info that they're only open monday-friday 9-6.

    Gobsmacking, really.

    I'm thinking of doing the easiest thing and going with Sky broadband since I've always been impressed with their customer service regarding the satellite telly. Anyone have any experience, good or bad, with sky?

    Edit - signed up to sky already: ten quid a month for 16mb, unlimited use, no set up fee and a free router - not even worth deliberating as far as I could tell.
  • Rick Stirling
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    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
    Dan, contact Ofcom. They'll kick Tiscalis teeth in.

    Aye, I know I'm a moaning fucker these days, but when utility companies start pissing about, I just go right to the independent bodies and let them deal with it.
  • danr
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    danr interpolator
    yay, back in the world of the broadband living. Thanks sky, excellent service so far. Nice, after over a year, pulling down files at around 900k per second for a tenner a month ...

    now, you have to remind me ... where does the internet keep the streaming pornography?
  • Flynny
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    Flynny polycounter lvl 17
    Sounds good Dan, currently on virgin broadband (well apparently we are lol). Biggest pile of shite ever. So far its just about good enough for downloading applications for my nokia phone lmao, anything bigger and it throws a wobbly.
  • East
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    East polycounter lvl 14
    I'm relocating to Manchester, UK, in two weeks, to start my first industry gig, and I'll be leaving the broadband heaven which is Sweden, where you can get unlimited 100 Mbit fibre for the price of a good meal.

    I'm terrified of what kind of broadband I'll end up having there, and what kind of restrictions they'll slap on my usage. I subscribe to all the shows over at Revision3.com in HD, so I'm sure that's enough to traffic shape my ass off, especially since they are delivered using bit torrent tech..

    Anyways, any of you local (or in-the-know) guys have any advice on what to get? A few of the flats I've looked into renting can get Virgin broadband fibre, which -sounds- promising on paper..
  • Lee3dee
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    Lee3dee polycounter lvl 18
    nothing can be as bad as Optimum Online in NJ or Reflex Cable in Jacksonville, NC.

    Reflex cable wasn't even cable, it was 1 cable modem distributing the network as 100K to each subscriber. Optimum Online was slow and always down. I'd call you and explain about the outage and they would deny it.
  • Marine
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    Marine polycounter lvl 19
    go with virgin media, east. they're upgrading 4mb to 10mb before the summer, and 20mb is supposed to be going to 50mb some time this year as well. no download limits, but if you've gone over your daily allowance they'll shape you between 4pm and midnight.
  • TheWinterLord
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    TheWinterLord polycounter lvl 17
    [ QUOTE ]
    no download limits, but if you've gone over your daily allowance they'll shape you between 4pm and midnight.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    how can you go over your daily allowance if there is no download limits? and "daily" not monthly?

    I have no limitations here in Sweden so im just curious how stuff works (in other locations).

    Good luck East!
  • East
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    East polycounter lvl 14
    Thanks for the input, Marine, and thanks, WinterLord smile.gif

    From what I can tell it's common practice to have limits on the Internet connections in the UK. It probably partially is because of the really bad copper they have there, and the infrastructure as a whole. Even fibre providers seem to claim they have unlimited access, while, as Marine says, there's still an allowance.

    I'm okay with that if there's an -actual- need for it, and not just an artificial, imposed way to keep costs down below a threshold for the sake of pure gold in the coffers.
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