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  • bugo
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    bugo polycounter lvl 17
    Hello there, we have a nice job here, im from Brazil too, nice to meet you. Some things i want to ask you, isnt this too low polycount, because i cant understand why so squared. Another thing is, you using too much edges on the pants and not using on the big parts at the shoulders. Blood is too brighten, I would put it darken, the texture of the pants when it goes for the shoes, its kinda strange. But at the hole image you got the concept very well.

    Take care.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 18
    Were you given any direction, texture-wise? Right now the model seems to match the bizarre shape of the concept, but your texture has strayed quite a bit.

    If you've been given a bit of freedom in that respect, I'd reccomend getting some more colour and more importantly a lot more contrast in there. At this stage he's almost all the same shade of grey with a few muted colours that don't do much to break up the forms and as a result he's a little difficult to read in some of your shots coupled with his equally grey shield and lance. Even where his forms are easily understood, he's a bit boring to look at. I'd suggest changing his pants back to a contrasting coloured fabric and changing the colour of trims and decorations, if not some entire plates on his armour to a likewise contrasty colour.
  • Baddcog
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    Baddcog polycounter lvl 9
    He's pretty cool. I know you are following the concept but that shields gotta require one hugh jass screwdriver to assemble laugh.gif
  • Zephir62
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    Zephir62 polycounter lvl 12
    The color value of the blood is too light - blood stains are a deep red/brown.
  • pliang
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    pliang polycounter lvl 17
    I see grey, black, brown and red...I think you should work on some wear and coloration on the armor and yes, darken up the color hue.

    Otherwise...its interesting subject.
  • veteehrri
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    veteehrri polycounter lvl 17
    bugo: hi man, nice another br here. So for this test i have 5k for polycount limit so i tried keep this, or a bit low. Agree about the edges and i thing (now) it would be better too, when i'm modeling i didn't have ideia yet about the texture because the company talked to do just a model with a basic texture and when i saw it in gray shade it looked nice to me, so i went on. About the texture you're right, when i saw it in another computer the blood looked too clean as the all knight texture. Tks for the coment man.

    Jackablade: tks man, the shape i tried keep strait to the concept i personaly don't like it, but it's ok. the texture you are completely right, i don't know what happend because in the computer i have donne this, it is with nice contrasts, but when i saw in other (at work) it lost all contrast, i really need to fix this, tks very much for the tips.

    Baddcog: hehehe, you right. just followed the concept.

    Zephir62: agreed, tks for the tip man, i'll fix this.

    pliang: tks man, i'll work on with this tips, tks!
  • smurfbizkit
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    smurfbizkit polycounter lvl 18
    You may need to adjust your monitor's default contrast levels, I used to have the same problem (it looking fine on my screen, but washed out on others).

    Some crits;

    I have to echo the poly distribution comments that were first brought up...as well as the concern over the texture style. What other types of games has the company created in the past? The concept is really cartoony, and if all their past games are styled like that...it may become an issue of them not knowing if you can actually do the style they want.

    I do really like the texturing, my favorite parts has to be the animal emblems on the armor.

    The blood looks too soft for my tastes, I'd prefer it to look more dried up and caked onto the armor.

    Also as said before, some weathering on the armor would be great. I'd additionally add in some more color variance...since right now its mostly just greys.

    The texture on the front of the face, and chest seems a bit warped, and not quite as well made as the rest of it and really is the weakest spot...texture-wise. I'd suggest you throw a bit more detail in on the chest, so it doesn't look like pure lines. The castle doesn't look nearly as cool as the animal detailing...maybe go with a shiny silver or gold one of them there?

    Also if you wanted to get really crazy, you could go for far more elaborate detailing on the armor....buuut that would stray even further from the cartoony nature of the initial concept.

    The biggest area for improvement has to be the uvmap, there is absolutey no reason why it isn't all placed onto 1 512x512 texture. The main body not only has a lot of wasted space (ie all the black areas), but could easily have sections mirrored up not only once...but multiple times. The side-armor-skirts have no need to have 4 completely unique sections (at most it would need 2...one for the sides, one for the front/back). As I said, the rest could easily be optimized much better.

    The spear itself doesn't need to have each of the cylindrical 8 sections textured...you could easily do with 2-3 (and use them for both of the 2 parts...thus instead of 16, you'd have 3).

    I just had a look at your blog, and some of the images there as well...and it really does seem that the uvmap layout is the area that could benefit most by improvement.

    I hope it doesn't seem like I was picking on you. :P I really do like your work, there are just a couple areas that could be improved on. wink.gif
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