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Treena Cavewoman & Sabre Toothed Tiger

polycounter lvl 18
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kunglao polycounter lvl 18
Here is my latest Character.As with every model there are things i could and should have done differently but in the main i am fairly happy with the result.

Polycount is 9000 tri's.
Textures are 1024 comprising of diffuse,spec,normal and opacity,although the Hair and Harness are 512 and 256 respectively.
Added Fall Off to Treena skin.

Light setup basic 3 point lighting

Rigging (a 1st for me) is basic using Skin and Biped.

Tiger was posed using Transpose in Zbrush3 (again a 1st for me)
This is an area that i will concentrate more in the future but for this model i just wanted to add some character for the pose.She has mouth complete with teeth and tongue but to be honest facial animation is a bit to much for me atm.

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  • Rick Stirling
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    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
  • bounchfx
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    bounchfx mod
    sweet dude, can we see some wires?
  • Mark Dygert
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    thats quality! I really like it. The face reminds me of a person I work with. The hair looks great!

    - Spec maps seem off, they are kind of shinny. On Treena's flesh it is ok because she could be in a hot humid place and kind of sweaty. But the same spec on the cloth parts is making her look like she's made out of one material. Same goes for the saber tooth tiger. I'm not sure if you're using a "spec color map" or just a "B&W spec map" it looks B&W. If you change it to a spec color map you can actually pick the specular color, for the fleshy bits you can pick a dark blue which will help sell the flesh as flesh, and for the fur bikini parts you can go with a dark brown or regular B&W. The fur bikini bits need to be much darker in the spec map so they shine less.
    - The tiger looks a bit more like a bear then a tiger. It's kind of wide and stocky to belong in the cat family.
    - The tiger paws are posed at an odd angle. Tigers/Panthers/Cougars all crouch/prowl/stalk/walk on their toes. Their heels are farther up their legs and never really touch the ground, unless they are sitting on their back legs. It looks like the model has two heels one at the base of its feet (touching the ground like a bear) and then actual cat heel farther up the leg where it should be. This second hel is contributing to the bear look. Cats don't walk heel>toe its more palm>toe but bears walk heel>toe more like humans. It's part of what makes cats faster and more agile then bears. Take a look at the back legs of a bear, notice the placement of the bears heels to that of big cat.
    - You should thicken up the wrists on the front paws it would help bring that tiger look back into the legs.
    - Put your toes on the ground and raise up your heel, thats closer to a cat's foot, now imagine never putting your heel down when walking. Do the same with your fingers, put them flat on your desk and raise the heel of your hand up, now imagine walking like that and never putting your palm down.
    Now put your heel down and your palm down, thats how bears walk, thats what it looks like the model is doing.

    Awesome models, work out the spec maps and adjust the tiger's proportions and it'll be perfect.
  • kunglao
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    kunglao polycounter lvl 18
    thanks for the feedback guys.Appreciated.Gonna work on Spec map,may change to colour spec as suggested.Also gonna tweak her a little more give her some better proportions.
    Vig-thanks,some great info there.This was my 1st attempt at a quadruped and the front legs do need sorting,i will see if i can make the changes.
    I just ordered a book recommended to me from Amazon called "An Atlas of Animal Anatomy for Artists by W.Ellenberger",Covers Detailed drawings showing the external anatomy, the musculature and the skeleton forms of lions, cows, dogs, and horses.
    Including P+P £6.30.Bargain!
    Will update soon.
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    So, is treena, sheena's cousin? laugh.gif
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