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boys with toys - girls too, it just doesn't rhyme

howdy gang!
long time no post!

I have this model I was working on for kicks and thought I would share with the community. It's not super ultra fantastic, I'm an animator but I like to dabble in all the arts. smile.gif

I would love to see some variations on it if people felt so inclined or a UVed and Textured version. Enjoy!




  • Japhir
    Offline / Send Message
    Japhir polycounter lvl 16
    looking pretty good! post some pictures, otherwise some people might not download it laugh.gif
    too bad you didn't finish the uv's, those are the most ennoying thing to do, especially if it isn't your own model.
    love the dread locks!
  • Thurban
    Offline / Send Message
    doh! I forgot the pictures! haha, thanks Japhir. smile.gif
  • Mark Dygert
    Offline / Send Message
    pic's might be more enticing then a link to a rar file.

    I like it a lot, the legs/boots are great!
    - Providing the model in .obj format will let more people play with it in different 3D apps.
    - Unwrap the model and providing sample templates will get people rolling quicker.
    - Reset your material editor and only show the materials used. Also label the multi/sub object materials, delete any materials in the multi/sub that aren't being used.
    - Organize the Material ID's by texture sheets so as to cause less confusion and shorten the list of multi/sub object materials.
    - Clean up the file, by deleting all the working meshes, it just makes it confusing with a bunch of tiny pieces floating around.
    - The jaw disappears into his neck in the front view, leaving his ears kind of sticking out.
    - The head is scaled to match the boots, if those where his actual legs and feet. Those are big clunky boots and his head should be smaller.
    - You should strengthen the jaw line under the ear, and bulk up the neck.
    - The hands are shaped oddly and kind of flat. There is very little definition for the first knuckle in each digit (where it connects to the hand) when you bend the finger it will flatten out even more.
    - You should remove the edges from the sides of the fingers and put it along the top to help give the knuckles shape.
    - Thumbs don't naturally stick straight out the side of the hand, even the horribly flawed default biped hands make an attempt to put the thumb in a more natural position.
    - Tilting his belt/pelvis will give him a little more attitude to his stance. As well as open his abs to a more natural edge flow, like muscles do. You want the belt to be more of an arch in the side view rather than straight across. It also helps create the illusion (in the side view) that the high muscles attach to the pelvis/leg joint.
    - Tiny crotch in the front view. Remember the cod piece is armor over something, not the actual body.

    Lastly, I had some time to kill so I made the changes above but I didn't touch the materials or the UV's, thats a nightmare for another day. I merged a set of hands I built. They are a big higher poly because they contain finger nails, and some extra geometry you might not need. But you can reduce the poly count if you wish fairly quickly if you need to.
    And, the file: http://www.vigville.com/forum_images/BountyHunterforPolycount01.zip

    I really think you should unwrap the model and clean up/label the materials.

    Nice model but not exactly finished =)

    Edit: ahh craps I was kind of slow, good to see you posted some pics =)
  • Thurban
    Offline / Send Message
    yeah I guess I should really be good and unwrap it. I'll make it an early Christmas present. Great feedback Vig, that helps quite a bit.

    could I trouble you for a couple close ups of the hands and face? I'd like to see how you changed it.
  • Mark Dygert
    Offline / Send Message
    I'll do ya one better, the file I linked above, has both versions =)
  • Thurban
    Offline / Send Message
    aaaah look at that, so it does laugh.gif
  • Cody
    Offline / Send Message
    Cody polycounter lvl 15
    yes. Y E S

    love the dreads, i might take a shot at texturing it as well if you UV it.
  • D4V1DC
    Offline / Send Message
    D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18
    Aww man & I wanted to texture somthing too...

    Hope to see the fixed & UVed one soon I might get swamped frown.gif.

    Nice model Vig coming through again with the awesome critics. smile.gif
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