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Zoom-Zoom.info reliable?

polycounter lvl 18
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RickA polycounter lvl 18
I was looking for a cheapish older version of 3D Studio Max the other day and came across Zoom-Zoom.info. Has anyone used this or a similar site before? It seems fishy, but I'm not quite sure if it is. If it's legit I'd be interested in using it.


  • CrazyButcher
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    CrazyButcher polycounter lvl 18
    it looks illegal to me, they dont even mention were the company would be located, no address, no contact. and the prices are just way too low.
  • Eric Chadwick
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    Sounds like warez to me. IIRC, the official Autodesk position is that old versions are not resellable by owners. Each version is only sold to one person/company, a non transferrable license. You can still use their Portable License Utility to move your (paid) license between PCs (work > home > work) though.
  • RickA
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    RickA polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    Sounds like warez to me. IIRC, the official Autodesk position is that old versions are not resellable by owners. Each version is only sold to one person/company, a non transferrable license. You can still use their Portable License Utility to move your (paid) license between PCs (work > home > work) though.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Thanks. How about shops selling older versions (not reselling, but just older stock)? Does Autodesk'support' that? And if yes, what would be a good place to look for those?
  • Eric Chadwick
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    I'm not an Autodesk lawyer, but I think they officially don't support the selling of old versions, only the latest. If you install an older version, you're not likely to get an authorization code unless you upgrade it first.

    Upgrade section of the license:
    [ QUOTE ]
    You must destroy all copies of the Previous Version, including any copies Installed on Your hard disk drive, and upon request by Autodesk return any User Documentation to Autodesk or the authorized distributor from whom You acquired the Previous Version within one hundred twenty (120) days of Installing the New Version. Autodesk reserves the right to require You to show satisfactory proof that the Previous Version has been destroyed.

    [/ QUOTE ]
  • RickA
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    RickA polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    I'm not an Autodesk lawyer, but I think they officially don't support the selling of old versions, only the latest. If you install an older version, you're not likely to get an authorization code unless you upgrade it first.

    Upgrade section of the license:
    [ QUOTE ]
    You must destroy all copies of the Previous Version, including any copies Installed on Your hard disk drive, and upon request by Autodesk return any User Documentation to Autodesk or the authorized distributor from whom You acquired the Previous Version within one hundred twenty (120) days of Installing the New Version. Autodesk reserves the right to require You to show satisfactory proof that the Previous Version has been destroyed.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That sounds like it only applies if you buy an update license though. Not if you just stay on the old version and never upgrade.
  • Eric Chadwick
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    Don't listen to me, talk to a reseller. Also email Autodesk, see what they say (also to double-check the reseller, since in the end it's Autodesk who holds the keys).
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