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Built a fake Cintiq last weekend!

polycounter lvl 18
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Ryan Clark polycounter lvl 18
Hey guys,

Girlfriend (hereafter "Julie") and I built an LCD touchscreen last weekend!

We followed the example at this website. (Mad props are hereby given to Drew Northcott for creating the aforementioned site.)

Basically, we dismantled a 12x12 Intuos2 and a 15" lcd, and then sandwiched their guts together to make a lovely ghetto-touchscreen!



It was inexpensive and not very difficult. It would have been cheaper if I hadn't accidentally toasted our first lcd panel ;)

Pressure and tilt sensing work well. There's a bit of interference caused by the monitor electronics, but it stays accurate to within a couple of pixels.

Julie posted a detailed buildlog with more pictures at this site.
(I love how she throws a completely off-topic CrazyBump plug into her post. I swear I had nothing to do with that ;)

Anyway, the project was much fun. If you're on the fence about paying for a Cintiq and you have a weekend to spare, you might want to try this!



edit- A word of warning: even if a monitor takes DC power, the wires going to the backlight might, hypothetically, still have AC power in them... and if you were to touch such wires, they might fucking burn your thumb. Hypothetically, I mean.


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