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design a skirt for character



I am making a princess for a video game but I am very stuck on how to design the skirt better (I don't like how it looks now). What suggestions do you have please?

A little information: This main character is a princess caring for animals. She is fun, active, independent and mystical, and since the game is aimed at little girls she is also princessy, girly and fashionable (although not too much). The environment is mystic.

On the model her right hand will have a henna tattoo. The Jewellry communicates her higher status and the red hair makes her look 'different'. The boots and short skirt lend to an active persona.



  • Genjix
    maybe a skirt like this would do good, but how would geometry for a skirt like that look like?
  • Asherr
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    Asherr polycounter lvl 18
    don't know about the skirt but her waist looks quite small.
  • Slash
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    Slash polycounter lvl 19
    Look at fashion magazines or websites to get inspiration for clothing.

    as for your texture, get rid of all those creases, take a look at real clothing to see how light and shadow falls on the fabric.

    When in doubt, use reference. Reference is your friend.
  • John Warner
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    John Warner polycounter lvl 18
    it looks as if your character has been inspired by some cultural reference. get clear what you want to convey and go with that. as i see it right now, character art is nothing more than a collection of specific references that other people pick up and understand, which, when joined together, form a very clear and concise understanding of the character you want. thinking about your choices in terms of smaller components will create a hodge-podge mess. thinking in terms of the larger picture, and then considering what components are necessary to communicate that message.. that's the way to go.
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