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Tank alla massive

Hello all! I got a concept from massive to do a internship assignment, i finished it but they haven't had time to look at it, tell me what you think about it.


  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Looks pretty good.
    However your surfaces are fairly monotonous - the wear and rust at the edges is a nice touch but then you leave the overall panels just a flat colour with a bit of noise, looks a bit boring.

    Also your UV layout could be MUCH more compact, there's no need to give the tracks all that space to themselves, you could easily tile that texture.
    Also I don't know why you have given so much space to the bottom of the tank, surely nobody will ever see that part, or even if they do it won't be for very long, or will probably be obscured by smoke/explosion effects (since you'd only see it if in the tank was upside down or flipping around in an explosion). Just seems like a waste of space there.

    That said, it's pretty competent work, certainly very sharp, and the model is well made. Just needs an extra texture pass to give it that extra level of quality and detail. No point re-UV-mapping at this point but it's worth bearing in mind that you could use your texture space a LOT more effectively.
  • indian_boy
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    can't se things too clearly. its too dark. lighting is screwing it up a bit.... the tex looks dark itself, tbh.
    or it could be my monitor?

    other than that, i think that the tank looks great, though it is a bit bare. maybe add some dirt at the bottom and some more wear? though it does look like there already is some. a bit of colour variation would be great. nice work!

  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    I really like this, man, great work. Few suggestions, though:

    -I'd put a little subtle color/shade variation in the diffuse that isn't in the spec. Should help that military sheen come through.

    -Your spec is universally about the same level, which looks awesome for the most part but falls flat on the grey metals. They look like they should be a bit shinier than the rest, I'd brighten them up.

    -Your spec is great, but it could use a few sharper areas to bring interest. Add some scratches and nicks and worn edges that are a bit brighter than the rest, for some extra punch.
  • HEx
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    thanks all, i'll keep it in mind ^^
    I was aware that the uv was badly placed though, the reason why i had the bottom so big was because of the pixel dencity, but when i came half way on it, i realized that it didn't matter (stupid me). I can also agree that the texture is a bit dark, but i had it made dark to look more depressing, I know that some screens show the whole thing as super dark for some reason, i dont know why though. When i did the texture, i started of with a 2048x2048 workarea to be able to do fine details more, i have the texture still. but when i scaled it down, the realiztic highress detail almost died out, it seems i will have to work on "exaggerating" details in the future so that it might show on the real texture itself it seems.
    thanks for the tips on the specmaps, will do!
    I am fairly inexperienced, but i have had my share of prodjects over the years, this is the first serious try ive had.

    Oh i also forgot to mention why the tracks have all that uv space, it's because the tracks are supose to have animated uv's so it might look like it can move. I dont know if there is a better ways to do this, but this is what we have allways done it at my school atleast. Ower programmers like it, because it's simple.
  • Ancient-Pig
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    Ancient-Pig polycounter lvl 18
    Hey that's not bad for an internship..

    Most student reels (after 'graduating') aren't even that good
  • HEx
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    Ancient-Pig: your'e bad! getting my hopes up like that, what if i can't find any internship spaces, i will blame you for getting me disapointed ;P (kidding)
    thanks anyways. I will try to become pro as fast as possible. anything negative is a learning experience, i hope i won't make the same mistakes twice.
  • dejawolf
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    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
    if you want to make a cool looking tank (even a fantasy tank, bleh)
    you should study how people paint scale models.
    heres one sample:

    the dirt here is called a "wash" where they mix water with
    paint, and let it collect on the tank like real dirt would.

    did a minor paintover:
    basically just brightened the centers of a few surfaces.
  • HEx
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    [ QUOTE ]
    if you want to make a cool looking tank (even a fantasy tank, bleh)
    you should study how people paint scale models.
    heres one sample:

    the dirt here is called a "wash" where they mix water with
    paint, and let it collect on the tank like real dirt would.
    basically just brightened the centers of a few surfaces.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I have in my younger days, allthough i can't say that i was go at it back then, but things have changed over the years.

    But i see your point, that's a really good fix tip! i'll try it out right away! Thanks!
  • HEx
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    Ok, i did a fix with some of the textures, and man, it really looks more alive! thanks for the tips! 070903_100343_massive_show2.jpg
  • Ape.of.Gods
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    Ape.of.Gods polycounter lvl 15
    Everything is the same tone, saturation, and brightness so I think a lot of your shapes are getting lost in there and its looking really uninteresting because of it.

    It's a cool vehicle and you're getting there, I just feel that every peice looks the same which makes it uninteresting
  • HEx
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    hehe i guess, i just followed the concept as much as possible, i think i can't get it any more intressting ;P
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    That wrap on the front side of it could use a different color, actually -- I had to double check your model to see if it was even there. Still, aside from some small fixes like that, it's looking awesome. smile.gif
  • osman
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    osman polycounter lvl 18
    Hey this is looking pretty cool, i like it.
    You can try baking some AO to it, the rolled up thing for example, isnt casting any shadows at all.It could help seperate the different shapes.
  • Smirnoffka
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    Smirnoffka polycounter lvl 17
    Just echoing the comments made by others. The whole thing looks a bit "meh". There is nothing to make it pop. There is not alot of difference from this model and say, models such as piors and peppis and vahls fzero racers for example. Perhaps they had better concepts, but each of them just seem to catch the eye, has noticable features of interest. I dunno, Maybe its the lack of normal map, but really try and improve those areas.
  • HEx
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    I admit that it looks a bit unintresting, but not much to do about it, unless it want's to get a major paintover, which i don't have time with right now, we have already moved on to the next project.
    I cant bake a AO cause i have merged loads of shells in the UV to save space, the whole problem is in the UV i know this, lesson learned :P no need to smear salt in the wounds of my pride here ^^
  • CheeseOnToast
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    CheeseOnToast greentooth
    Nice work mate...unless the competition is very stiff I'd guess you'll get the position with this. I do agree that the texture needs a bit more polish, but already it's looking a lot better than most of the stuff I see from artists applying to junior positions. Best of luck laugh.gif
  • HEx
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    hehe thanks, i hope i will get a position, my future depends on it right now. ^^
    oh and i made this, right after i made the tank's "quick fix"

  • Pedro Amorim
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    nice whellbarrow. i like it alot smile.gif
  • HEx
  • Piotr Słomowicz
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    Piotr Słomowicz polycounter lvl 17
    I agree with texture comments, but it still looks cool. Good luck with internship man.
  • HEx
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    thanks! i learned alot from all the tips here, im preatty confident now ^^
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