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Enviromental model: WaterFall

polycounter lvl 17
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kypo polycounter lvl 17
Hi, I've been working on this piece for a while and got made redundant a few weeks ago which has allowed me to finally get the model to a stage where some C&C and ideas would help me finish it. I wanted to get a sort of gears of war feel with it. Some ideas I thought of was having allot of metal strut braces around the outer walls like it was being held together and maybe littering the low pool with chucks of concrete ect.... I was going to make some sort of statue part as well for the top of the fountain but couldn't think of any thing that wasn't cheesy.







  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Looking good so far. I don't think I'm sold on the broken up walls though. Seems like, if it's functional, it wouldn't be THAT broken. The water should be darker/dirtier and needs more ripples/foam.
  • JKMakowka
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    JKMakowka polycounter lvl 18
    Is the hand supposed to look really mutilated?

    The front of the hand doesn't seem to be correctly connected to the thumb and arm at all.

    Oh and the water needs a nice shader wink.gif
  • kypo
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    kypo polycounter lvl 17
    hey guys,

    notman: i had it looking perfect and it looked a bit dull. i do agree with the water, looks a bit like caribbean water. i have been toying with the idea of messing around with decails to create some ripples around where the water hits the lower pool.

    JKMakowka: yeah the thumb was pulled back as it looked like the bowl was slipping out of his hand, i guess it would make sence to pull it forward so it was in the correct position, guess it would make sence : S i have been looking for some good realtime water shaders in .fx format but haven't found much, so the one in those renders is just a multilated standard max shader.

    thanks for the C&C so far
  • Spacey
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    Spacey polycounter lvl 18
    The fingers look completely broken...

    The little broken pillars around the pool could use some variety. I'm sure you could make some taller without the texture stretching being too obvious. Maybe even delete one or two.

    Add some nature to it. Where ever there is water, you can never go wrong with moss (and what moss you do have could be greener). In a pool like this you could even add some algae around the outer most water on the lower level. Or even falling leaves that have collected.

    It's a nice start and I do love that blue water, though I completely agree with notman, given the decay, that it should be much dirtier.
  • yeluis
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    yeluis polycounter lvl 17
    biggest issue i see is the differentiation of materials, everything has a light gray tone with a lot of noise in it. try and make the concrete look different from he stone and so on. Cool concept i dig it
  • kypo
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    kypo polycounter lvl 17

    I've changed some of the postions of the fingers as they where really off, hopefullt they will be a bit better. i've also been doing a paint over to try getting some more colour using moss and plants ect.. let me know what you think so far.

  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Much nicer... can't see the new hand though wink.gif The moss adds more to it than the broken up walls did.
    What does the sign say? Typically it's no swimming/wading. just curious. Looks like it says Do Not Drink.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 18
    Thats some very clean water for a fountain thats covered in moss. If you were to give it a darker, less transparent green colour and built up a little slimy residue around the outer edges of the water it'd look more belivable. Some duck weeds might complete the effect nicely.
  • Mark Dygert
    Much improved! I'm glad you didn't go the standard cheesy route and just dry the fountain up. Water is always hard to do in games and more times than not people just choose to leave it out.

    With that said I think you should take a few hours to revisit the water and really make it believable.
    The mist is too dense and very cloud like. I take it you are using the atmospherics to generate the clouds? It looks like the kind of mist you would get when water falls a great distance. Since this is only a small distance it would be more of a big drop splash not a cloudy mist. If so play with those settings to thin the clouds out and bump up the tiny particles. You might want to toss the atmospherics out and use animated opacity maps on cylinders or planes.
  • Bronco
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    Bronco polycounter lvl 18
    Hey pete

    Hows it going?

    me likes,I think making the water greener would really help it as stated before.

    Yeah get some ripples going on and possibly some weeds as well.

    For me the current temp ground you got is putting me off,make a dedicated ground that incorpurates the edges of the fountain or have a single colour background.

    keep it up dude.

  • kypo
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    kypo polycounter lvl 17
    Thanks for all the replys so far.

    Notman:glad you like the update, the sign says do not drink. To be honest i nicked the sign from from ref photos, but it was just to give me some ideas in the paint over for now. should replace with with a beware sharks or some thing :S

    Jackablade: working on the water as i'm typing this. i mean to revist it but got into just trying to sort the ground texture and the walls out. i'm thinking of making it less saturated and adding some dirt / grim to the water. i'll add some duck weeds to the outter ring as well and see what it looks like.

    Vig: Thanks, i really wanted water. i had some ideas with decals for creating water flow, along with using some uv texture stretching to show the speed of the water but i didn't get round to it yet. the ref i used for the mist was from a water fall, which now i think of it was probably not the best ref to use. i might have a light mist and concentrate on getting some ripple and oxgenation water effects going. currently the mist is being made from a pflow particle system in max with billboards.

    Bronco: Wazz up! lol i'm alright dude, just working on my own stuff which has been nice. i'm glad u like the water fall, i might try those animated normal maps i produced to make some nice ripples, i guess i will see how it goes. the ground has been a pain to be honest. i wanted to be cobbly, but it needs to be very plan so that the fountain is still the main focus. i'm not sure having no ground will look better. i might play with changing the texture to some other type of stone or pattern. I wanna see your stuff on here soon, talk to u soon bud.
  • kypo
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    kypo polycounter lvl 17

    update, hopefully it looks better to you guys, i've been tweaking it alot and think i may have gone to far, not sure if the water looks right, almost like its not see through enought. however i do like the colour more now with the plants on the walls. i think some more plants maybe spreading onto the floor, and tweaking of the colours and it should be finished. ideas?

  • Mark Dygert
    This struck me as funny
    [ QUOTE ]
    Hey pete
    Hows it going?

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Did you get the memmo? I'm going to need you to work late and come in on Saturday, Mmmkkay? Have a good-one, bye bye now.

    About the updates, it looks 10 times better. I'm really glad you went back and really put the wow in the water, nice work. I really like the mist and the way the water transitions from the bowl to the pond. Here's the next tough hurdle to get over, does it animate? heh, yeah waters a bitch.

    My suggestions are:
    - Add a little more color variance to some of the areas like the block tie down posts. Think about what water does to some of the materials, if there are metal parts they would rust and leave streaks. Don't forget that plant life dies and isn't always the same shade of peppy mint green.
    - Then fake some AO shadow details by either baking it or painting it.
    And I think you're done!
    Paint Over

    I'm sure someone will find something more to nit-pick about but I think you can call this one done the way it is. I think you're ready to take what you learned on this one and make some more props.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah, nice work... huge improvement from where you were. I think Vig is right, a few more tweaks and I'd call it done.
  • kypo
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    kypo polycounter lvl 17

    Here's the final, i'll be posting it on my site later on today.



    Thanks to every one for there C&C.
  • Bronco
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    Bronco polycounter lvl 18
    hey pete I like this alot,amazing improvements.

    Really like the waterfall particles ya got going on now as well,much more charcter to the entire thing than before. thumbs up from me.

  • NeoShroomish
    Stunning piece, absolutely stunning.
  • yeluis
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    yeluis polycounter lvl 17
    very nicely executed. i think i would only say to add a bit more contrast with the spec to spell out wet vs dry spots. overall amazing piece man!
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