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odd 3ds max problem

polycounter lvl 15
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Jarrod1937 polycounter lvl 15
i recently upgraded my hardware and got an 8800 gts, then reinstalled windows (god knows i've needed this for quite a while). i then run a multi-monitor setup, one goes to my crt where i model off of and the other goes to my projector where i watch shows/movies...etc (helps keep my awake late at night when modeling).
however, the problem is that whenever i am in wireframe view the video will freeze on my projector, while the audio still plays. then if i move my view while still in wireframe the video then plays until i stop moving. its almost like the video frames are tied to my viewport updates while in wireframe view...
anyone have any idea how to fix this?
i tried switccing from dx to opengl, it still happened. then i switched to software rendering mode, it doesn't happen, which shows its tied to my hardware acceleration.
i then messed around with the viewport updating preferences, but it doesn't help.
so anyone have any ideas?


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