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Game Design Education in Toronto

hey guys.

just looking for some assistance in terms of education in Toronto. I'm just trying to figure out if the International Acadmy of Design and Technology is any good for the Game Art courses? i know many of u don't live in canada [well, toronto specifically] but i was just wondering if institutes which advertise themselves and are in close contact with the 'electronic playground' are note-worthy? Plus, what type of courses/degrees should i be looking for? like bachelors in "bla" or am i looking [supposed to be looking] at diploma courses?

im just a bit confused, and don't wanna end up screwing my future up!

thanks guys!


  • vahl
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    vahl polycounter lvl 18
    from what I heard, it's expensive and a lot of BS
  • FunkaDelicDass
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    FunkaDelicDass polycounter lvl 18
    I know this is tired advice, but why not try looking for a traditional art school that could get you a fine arts or illustration degree. If you want to work in games, you're already doing the right thing by posting your work over here and getting feedback. The forums contain the most up to date discussion on game tech - schools tend to slouch in that category. I just think that taking some drawing classes would further your education a lot more than any computer class would...
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    Honestly Im almost finished my interactive media degree and Ive learnt alot more from forums like this than from the university. The only real plus is getting that piece of paper which makes you look a little better on your CV and possibly getting paid a bit more.

    I think Funkadelicdass has some good advice, just keep working on your 3D, from seeing your work on here you probably already know 80% of the 3D stuff they would teach you at university you just need to carry on working at it. Some of the simplest things can be most important at university, just spending time learning about colour choice, design and technique is so important. Im still learning, going into 3rd year and still find colour choice and anatomy a big challenge.

    So if you are going to do a degree do something you really have a passion for, even if its nothing to do with 3D or computers, like illustration or other arts disciplines. You will probably still have plenty of time to do 3D and maybe even be able to integrate it into your art pieces. Honestly no one really teaches much at all at my university. unless you are doing a purely academic subject you will be teaching yourself anyway.

    This could be a different situation on a game art course in Toronto. I would suggest you get in contact with the university/college itself and ultimitely have a chat with some of the students, the university might make out it is an amazing course but the students will be honest if you ask the right questions smile.gif
  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
  • Fuse
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    Fuse polycounter lvl 18
    I am from Toronto, and I would avoid these advertised game programs. They cost quite the penny and dont seem to be of much value. More often than not, private institutions just want to cash in on the growth of the industry.

    If you want to do game art, you could always consider an art school degree, or something in digital media... But be very careful about these alleged game courses offer.

    If I were you, I'd avoid them... I, myself, finished a degree at OCAD quite recently.
  • indian_boy
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    ahh thanks guys.

    and thanks for that video. as funny as it was, im ow scared if i should choose a different career path lol!

    but yeah, so i should go to college and do an art-related course? like architecture and stuff? cuz my brother had a friend who's done bachelors in computer animation, and now is doing masters or something. [http://davidbasalla.com/]

    is that something i should follow? computer animation degrees? or avoid that aswell?
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