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New here. Undead Knight in UE3 - pic plus vid

I'm new to the forum but have been working in the game industry for a while. I wanted to work on something on the side and decided on an Undead Kight. All the armor was done in Max. The cloth and face were done in Zbrush 2. Textures were done in Photoshop of course. Comments are more than welcome.


Undead Knight Video

By the way, I work at TimeGate Studios and our recruiter just told me that she has posted jobs in the job section.


  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    looks pretty sweet!

    cant relly see the specular however, maybe you could go to lighten it up on the darker metal with maybe some orange-yellow or blueish hues?

    The transition from spike to shoulder pad seems a little jarring, could maybe go for some additional detail there, of either an indentation, bolts, extra metal buildup, solder, gunk+goo, etc.

    Are you multiplying the nomral map at all in your material? it looks a little washed out. do you have it set to Normal map compression, SRGB off, and min max set to 1/-1? At any rate, the normals could use a little boosting, unless its solely scene lighting (are you using a skylight + spots?).

    for the diffuse on the face, i think you could go for a little tonal variation, specifically in the cheeks, and maybe some detaily textural stuff like cracked, dried skin, scabby stuff around the cuts, dry caked areas under eyes and lips, etc.

    the straps on the arms are cool, but they're getting lost in the fabric under the armor. pop some bright blue in the specular there (assuming its leather), will really make those straps shine (just besure to knock out the cracks with black)

    cool design.
  • Neo_God
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    Neo_God polycounter lvl 18
    I dig the presentation in the video. And it's a really neat model, I still feel like it could use some work though. The armor has some nice detail, but the flesh and leather parts seem just a little blah. But I understand that this is freetime work as well.

    Awesome stuff though.
  • jgarland
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    Looks really great. I dig. I don't know how I missed this thread.

    If I were to change anything, it'd be the face. It looks great on it's own, but the face looks very stylized, and his expression is a bit jovial, which doesn't seem to fit with the overall theme. I suppose this is ultimately a style choice, but those are my two cents. smile.gif

    Keep posting, man. I'm looking forward to seeing more of your work, and we need some more industry vets around here. laugh.gif
  • JordanW
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    JordanW polycounter lvl 19
    I agree with moose, you really should push the normals as much as you can, and like he said it could just be a compression issue.

    I think your texture for the body looks a little blurry especially the white scratches. They dont have a very sharp metal scratch look to them. They're also pretty evenly distributed. Its fine to outline some of the main forms with edging but you need some random scratches in there and some random lack of scratches. Right now it just looks too intentional.

    The base texture for the metal is also a little too even. It'd help to work in a different tone or metal where the surface is kind of broad and exposed and have it transition to another tone in the deeper areas.
  • The Umbrella Man
    Ok, to me the model looks great, but the head area is a little distracting, looks like skeletor, but what distracts me is the fact that it looks like it is part skin, and part skull but the whole thing is painted skull color. If it's supposed to be partly flesh and bone then I would paint it that way, it's really in the jaw line where it gets distracting because if it was a skull it would have a hole under the cheek bone. Just my two cents. Really nice looking presentation though.
  • SubPablo
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    SubPablo polycounter lvl 17
    It's Good to see you took this guy further, Ricky. I can't comment on the normal mapping, but as far as the diffuse, I second what Moose said. A little more color variation in the face would go a long way. Also, anything you can do to visually separate the plates of the armor more would help a lot as well, -specifically around the ab plates. A little more edge wear and tear would probably hit the spot.
  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
    total deja vu with this model. is this new? i'm doing this to a lot of the shit i've seen these days! i think my mental reference morgue needs a cleaning.
  • Slash
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    Slash polycounter lvl 19
    Aye, i got a deja vu feeling too. Did you post this somewhere sometime around 05? An untextured hipoly version perhaps?

    Anyways, its a neat model, but i agree with whats been said about the skin in his face. I'd recommend pushing it more towards either wrinkled and dried up, or bruised/rotten flesh.
  • sketchmaster
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    thanks everyone. yeah, this is bit old already. I wish i could post some newer stuff but can't. I agree with everyone about pretty much everyting said. The normal maps on the model are very not good because the original design of the armor required very subtle grooves here and there. That doesn't come across very well in the normal. lesson learned. As for the textures. i spent most of my time messing with the shaders and trying all sorts of things. By the time i got to this point i was pretty much burned out on this model and felt like moving on. If i ever get motivated enough, I'll come back to this guy. Just too many things i would want to change, that i'm better off creating something new. That said, you are all starting to convince me....mm..
  • conte
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    conte polycounter lvl 18
    har harr, he have character. nice!
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