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World of Warcraft addict.. well almost

polycounter lvl 18
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Hunter polycounter lvl 18
I pursposely avoided this game since it was released as I swore I would never pay monthly fees to play an online game. Well after a few years of talking co-workers into joining the Battlefield series bandwagon (and having countless hours of fun) reading the posts on Polycount regarding W.O.W. fun, I finally gave in and let them talk me into trying W.O.W. (It was actually very cheap with a 30 day free trial.) I will have to admit.. it is a very exciting, and involved game that really has an excellent knack for pulling you in.. but I am sure you all know that..

The real main reason for this post, is to poll all the Polycounters, and see if I can't muster up some good tips, strategies, advice etc to build a strong character, not be PvP'd so easily, or amass large quantities of gold etc.

Also, I am sure there was an old post (but I couldn't locate it) where Polycounters posted there character names and world they usually play on. I have found that I am often on when most of my co-workers / friends are not, and I am cursed to soloing most of my time playing. Not that that is a bad thing, but I have hardly played in any of the instances since most are a "group" or "party" adventure. I know I can probably hook up with a variety of people online when I am, though I find it more fun to play with people I like and know.. Thus I am looking for Polycounters who may have characters on Thorium Brotherhood or Anderhaul servers (sp?)

For the record I have a few characters "HunterLogan" and "Flaggstaff".. feel free to look me up..

Post your tips, info characternames etc here.. thanks..

(BoBo.. while searching some old posts I see you are a total addict, hehe .. I havent talked to most of the old Polycounters in well over a few years.. I wouldn't mind catching up with all of you..)


  • Motz
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    Motz polycounter lvl 12
    Hmm i was recently banned actually. They seem to think I was botting. I'm disputing it, but i'm actually gratefull WoW addiction is by far the worst think you can have. It eats up time, makes you unfit, and seriously messes with your head. Avoid it like the plague. I hit lvl 70 and the game got seriously boring.
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 17
    i never got into this. Friend gave me the free trial. Played for a week and was like ummm ok this is rather gay. I mean it sounds cool with the huge raids and all but spending 15 bucks a month isn't really my thing for a game like this.

    I like to get outside at some point during the day. Playing games like this would spell ultimate doom for my marriage and life.
  • rawkstar
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    rawkstar polycounter lvl 19
    my wow story is pretty tragic... i played in the beta... that was pretty fun, then the beta ended and i started playing again and i decided i would just play it casually, u know kind of every once in awhile get on and do stuff... while my roommates got way ahead of me so we couldn't even play together, which made the game quite boring... like they were 50s and 60s and i had a lvl 17... then a couple of times i decided i was just going to dedicate some time to it and just levelup a dude as quickly as possible, so as to not waste MONTHS playing and thinking about this game, basically get everything cool quick and get out. first attempt made it to lvl 34, then something else came up, usually contract work, art tests and stuff like that would always get in the way ... and then i'd come back and just didn't feel like playing that character anymore. the last attempt actually made it to lvl 55 and that was really kind of cool cuz i could go just about anywhere and actually be able to fend off when those ridiculously populous af hunters try to gank me... and by that time everyone was in outland so... i dunno i got bored, got a new job and said fuck it...
  • Xenobond
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    Xenobond polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    fuck it...

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Now that's the spirit!
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    I've had two times where I got into WOW, each time I spent only a month playing, after a month I realize the gameplay is kind of monotonous and quit. In a few monthes I will open my lvl 40 again and hopefully get him up another ten levels, and quit again.
  • blankslatejoe
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    blankslatejoe polycounter lvl 19
    ive never gotten to 30 even. I start addicted, but I get bored too easily..its a pretty world, but ultimately I'm not a social gamer, and the 'social' things to do dont appeal to me.

    There's a definite lack of things for a solo gamer to do.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    Post deleted by Justin_Meisse
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    I got on the 'Friends and Family Only' testing and played the bejesus out of it... realized that I could potentially get addicted.. decided that finishing college and having a life was more important.. promptly dropped it like hot sh*t when it went to the public beta and swore never to play when it went retail. A whole crapload of the people I work with now and at a previous game company play it, and my god it's sad when all they have to talk about what they did last night / weekend was play WoW.
  • bounchfx
    yeah I was into eq hardcore during HS, which was fine because high school was bleh and I had a lot of time, then I got into WoW at college and played pretty hardcore the first year... tried to get back into it again recently but realized it wasn't worth the time, I mean I REALLY wanna see endgame more and stuff, and if you have the time that's great, but like anyone else I'm gonna say don't let it take over your life too much lol. It's dangerous !
  • Jay Evans
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    Jay Evans polycounter lvl 18
    I once had a co-worker that managed a full 40h five day work week, at the same time as a 43h WOW week.

    Personally I've avoided it. Short, and being able to put it down are two qualities I like in games:P
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 17
    Yeah a guy I worked with at Best Buy has something like a year of game time played. The dude is insane! He's a great guy though just plays a bit too much wow. I mean a full year! That's nuts.
  • Cthogua
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    Cthogua polycounter lvl 18
    I've been playing it for a few months, and after making a few characters realized that the solo stuff drops off pretty quickly, and the only way to advance at anything like a reasonable speed is to join guilds and do more group stuff...which honestly just doesn't appeal to me. I got into it because I really liked the Warcraft world and I liked the idea of a really expansive, open ended RPG that didn't look like it feel out of someones infected ass cough*Morrowind*cough. Anyway the more I play the more I realize the endgame is just raids and crap hording, and am rapidly loosing interest
  • Lee3dee
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    Lee3dee polycounter lvl 18
    i have been officially WoW free for 2 months, the God of war 2 patch, helped me through the rough times.
  • greenj2
    Your stories sound familiar Rawkstar and Blankslatejoe, my experience was pretty much the same and I gave up at about lvl 35.

    Seems like it would be very addictive at the higher levels with some friends playing. Personally I don't have the patients to sit by myself and grind away for hours trying to hit the high levels so I can play with my mates.

    That and every time I think of playing it I can always think of a heap of things I could be doing that are a lot more productive in real life. Although I do sometimes pump $15 into it if I'm stuck at home sick for a few days and my brain's to messed up to do anything else.

    As for your character I'd highly recommend picking a class that can have a pet/minion, especially if you do a lot of solo play. They can tank for you and make the game a fair bit more interesting. I started as a Warlock myself and personally could not see a reason to play as any other class , they just don't seem as interesting to me.
  • Asherr
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    Asherr polycounter lvl 18
    i've been subscribed twice. once for about six months then a year later for about 8 months. my interest tends to wane after a few months. only got a 54 mage the first time and the second i got a paladin to 64. i might resubscribe to see the next expansion but i'm not missing the game any at the moment.
  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    I bought into the hype of the game when they had the massive price drop for the game. I used the 30-day free trial and played for a total of 7 hours before I realised I had just wasted 7 hours of my life and a good AUS$30. Probably one of the most boring games I have ever played.
    I think the biggest let down for me was not having anyone to play with. I prefer playing with people I know instead of some random dudes.

  • Asherr
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    Asherr polycounter lvl 18
    oh and if you want to enjoy the game stay off the WoW forums!
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    [ QUOTE ]
    ive never gotten to 30 even. I start addicted, but I get bored too easily..its a pretty world, but ultimately I'm not a social gamer, and the 'social' things to do dont appeal to me.

    There's a definite lack of things for a solo gamer to do.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    QFT. Unless you want to join a guild, or really want to get into the social aspect, soloing is a pretty shallow experience.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    Dungeon Runners > this thread
  • Ozymandias
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    Ozymandias polycounter lvl 18
    I've been playing for a few months now, and am really enjoying WOW. I think it is certainly the best mmorpg I've played. If anyone is interested, I play on the Daggerspine Server and my character's name is Knadir.
  • snemmy
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    snemmy polycounter lvl 18
    subscribed/unsubscribed more than i can count. the first 8 months in which i managed to get to 42.

    every time i resubscribe i spend more time playing with UI mods and crap than actually playing. i think the early game (1-30) progresses too slowly for solo play. and i really cannot find a class i enjoy.

    love the art, the ideas and enviroment but the classes bore me. some of the art needs to be loved on some more (human male model and animations are terrible! no weight at all to them). would love to be able to get engrossed i the game but i just cannot..

    then the whole thing with my ex being addicted/substituting WoW for reality and finding other guys to talk to on it.... er.. bitter? hahaha no. tongue.gif
  • Hollowmind
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    Hollowmind polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    Yeah a guy I worked with at Best Buy has something like a year of game time played...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I had that much play time on my favorite character in Dark Age of Camelot.... And 100+ days on at least a couple others and a dozen other level 50's....

    MMO's are bad.

    /me goes back to the City of Villians forums...
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 18
    I've watched people play on several occasions. I've been asked to play, and given trial CDs. Everyone I work with, save for maybe two people, play. Every day, every conversation is about what they did last night, or what they're doing tonight. Lunch with them is annoying. I had a roommate for a short time that was addicted. In the 3 months we shared an apartment, she attempted to quit smoking, and quit WoW. She quit smoking. Her and her BF would only talk WoW, until he quit. Didn't hear about him much after that.

    I'll never play it.
  • ScoobyDoofus
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    ScoobyDoofus polycounter lvl 19
    I played for around 3-4 months or so and even then only a little bit. Got to level 29 with my 1 and only character (Night Elf Druid) before deciding that I

    A: Dont like MMO games at all or social/multigaming. (were it a solo RPG I'd have loved it)
    B: Refuse to pay 15$/month for a game I already had to pay $50 to buy.
    C: Have better uses of my time.

    Fun anecdote:
    I was in Walmart with the GF awhile back just idly browsing the computer games section when an employee walked up and asked if I was looking for a computer game and if I knew much about games.
    Humoring him I said, "well maybe. I have a lot of games that I've yet to finish and dont really need another. Im just looking"

    At which point he picked up the WOW box and proceeded to talk non-stop with his eyes firmly affixed to the floor for 10 minutes about how awesome WOW was and that I should buy it, etc. We could be friends online if we played, blah blah.

    Like...this guy hadnt spoken to an actual person IN person in years/months. Super creepy. He wouldn't even let me interrupt him, we just had to walk away. Quickly.
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    I'll admit to it, i play a lot of wow. I started in the closed alpha, mostly because a friend from school was working on it. Played into Closed Beta, then Open Beta, then Live. Currently, im GM of a raiding guild, on US-Dalaran (Vicious and Magdaline).

    When i started playing, i had no idea what i was getting into. I was innocently wanting to see my friend's art... and forever later, im still playing (he however is not at Blizzard anymore). If i knew then how i'd be playing now... i wouldn't have continued.

    If you want to build a good character, i'd suggest finding, and playing with good people. If the sweet epic gear is your thing, it may be difficult to get into an established raiding guild who is doing the second and third tier raids - because honestly, it is a very slippery slope. That isnt to say it is impossible, you can level your characters up, get into a guild, get some experience with the raiding and how you need to adjust your playstle to fit into 10, 25, or 40 man raids, and just go with it. Learning and understanding the mechanics of the game makes it easy smile.gif

    Gold is pretty easy when you hit 70 (i left 4 zones unquested on my 70 priest... made 600 in one zone alone), you just need to not buy everything you see on the Auction House like i do frown.gif Tips for getting a lot of gold: Loot everything, sell everything. Auction green items, auction herbs and ore. Keep only what you need, and try to pick up some large bags in the lower levels. Complete quests, and if there isn't a viable upgrade for you, just pick a 2h weapon or plate gear and sell it to a vendor. Complete quests, quests, quests. When you're leveling to 70, try to save a few zones to quest in after you hit level 70. You can still do them all at the level cap, but they replace experience with gold.

    I still really enjoy wow. I lead our raids, lead up our strategies, and help coach our crew of players into defeating stuff with the help of the other officers and leaders of the guild. I genuinely find a lot of it still fun, even the stuff everyone groans and whines about (Heroic Shattered Halls trials ftw).

    There is a lot of stuff in the game that saddly will go by the way side with the level 70 cap, such as the older raid instances. We sometimes go back to them to have fun, and even though its retardely easy... its still fun to go back and experience that stuff again. The Nefarian fight is probably still one of my favorites, and we're planning on poking around and killing Kel'thuzad after we can remove the entry-level 10 man raid instance from our schedule.

    Just have fun with it, and if you're bored... try to fix it, or stop playing. smile.gif
  • Lee3dee
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    Lee3dee polycounter lvl 18
  • JDinges
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    JDinges polycounter lvl 18
    WoW is the devil!!!
    oh noes!!!

    ...too funny.
  • BoBo_the_seal
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    BoBo_the_seal polycounter lvl 18
    Heh, yes still very much an addict. I found that it was a great way to keep in touch with my mom now that I’m in Boston and she’s down in Texas. We play the game co-op. We rarely have to group up with others though the high level dungeons have presented some issues. We each have 4 high level characters and have all the trades covered. We just bounce between characters and configurations based on our needs. We only play and average of 10 hours a week now. We are thinking of trying out one of the others on the horizon. War Hammer and Conan look pretty cool.

    - BoBo
  • Mansir
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    Mansir polycounter lvl 18
    Used to play non-stop from beta. Had 3 60+ (2 Warriors, 1 Hunter) but I quit, just because I wasn't a big fan of a lot of new stuff.

    I still stop by an old roommate's house and watch him do some of the instances though, and it's fun watching his guild and thier strategies.

    Hey, if you have fun playing it more power to ya.

    Oh yeah, fan art comic:

  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    The Life of the Chinese WoW Gold Farmer

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Earns an equivalent to 30c an hour... DDAAYYYAAMM!

  • spider2cool
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    spider2cool polycounter lvl 18
    I just started playing myself. I too avoided it, and all other mmorpg's like the pleague, but one day my brother came over and talked me into letting him download a game called Kal Online (free). He played it and got me to play it...it was cool cuz I built him a computer and we could both play. Well while in a guild I found out about another game called SilkRoad online(also free). I desided to try it out. It was way better than kal. got into it and enjoyed it alot...convinced my brother to try it out. he loved it and switched. we both got pritty high in level and started our own guild. we worked hard on our guild and worked pritty hard managing it and taking turns being leader. well I moved to the other side of the world and got a different job, met new people, and was convinced to try out WoW with someone's account they would let me use to try it out. I knew people here that had an established guild(s) with lots of high level characters. Was persuaded to get my own account after having fun with the character i made on the other account so i dished out the $$$. After playing Kalonline and Silkroadonline it was nice to be able to get On the server without having to wait inline. Also the free games have tons of Botters and no real monitering from spammers. Though i enjoy the game art in silkroad better, WoW is huge compared to those games, with tons of stuff to do, and events. Since i knew people that played constantly I got the hookup for a good start. 10gold goes along way for a new character. I convinced my brother to play and we both use the same account. It works because we are on the opposite sides of the world. day and night shift...ha.

    man the soap box....sorry.

    I refuse however to be the people that "speak" wow. I can not stand when people call people "noob" or pronounce "lol" (lawl). *twitch.

    I seperate game world from reality. I don't go to work talking about what i did on wow. If i want to chat about wow, i get on ventrillo, when playing wow, and talk to the guys that are playing it.

    I spend time with my family for a cuple of hours and work on my computer(art) or play wow for a cuple of hours.

    just don't let it consume you. I know a chick that owns 2 or 3 accounts because she could not stand to see someone waste all that time spent. so she keeps up the accounts and plays on 6 or 7 60-70 level characters. *twitch
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