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Dominance war II - Aftermath

polycounter lvl 12
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UniqueSnowFlake polycounter lvl 12
Hi all,

Well was a good experience going into the dominance war and I took alot from it. Being as Greedy as I am.. or just trying to better myself as an artist I was hoping I could get some feed back on my character.

I've spead a few more days on the character after the Dominance war trying to get him to a state where I was at least happy with him. Since there were so many great models made here at PC I was hoping I could get some feed back on ways to make my character better.

--I'll stay sorry right now because I'm using geocities to post my work on. Which has a rather small bandwidth. Please come back later if the images don't load. (On that note can someone fill me in on where to find a good website host)--

Well I just made a photobucket account so hopefully no more red X's for me from now on.

Anyways, here are the current renders/textures:



Thank you for reading and I hope you can share your experience with me. smile.gif


  • Slaught
    Offline / Send Message
    Slaught polycounter lvl 18
    The pictures aren´t showing. frown.gif
  • D4V1DC
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    D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18
    Geoshities, use imagshack to post images it would be better as imageshack is all about images.
  • UniqueSnowFlake
    Offline / Send Message
    UniqueSnowFlake polycounter lvl 12
    Images should be working now, hopefully I won't have the same problem with photobucket as I did with geocities laugh.gif
  • shotgun
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    shotgun polycounter lvl 19
    to me what the character lacks is more contrast in the color designs. with the yellowish light, things blend and look a pretty dull and unassuming haki color. maybe u'r going for the camo-type soldier, but in my idea of cool character the color separation should be very obvious and graphic even from a distance. as the forms and shapes are very monumental and immersing (whats-his-name is an awesome concept artist), i don't think the colors equally deliver the same impact. the dark plates work well againts the yellow armor, but the flesh and suit don't do it to me.

    one way to go about the palette would simply pushing the palette, like yellow/dark-brown/red, vs green/purple, i think that for example would read much more than yellow/grey/green
  • MAUL0r
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    MAUL0r polycounter lvl 18
    I agree with what shotgun says, and I think that in addition some more distinct contrast of texture between his flesh and his clothing would be good. I think there's actually 3 different levels of texture going on here:
    *armor plating

    If there were a greater contrast between these 3 aspects of the character I think it would read much better. Perhaps a specular map would help with creating some of these elements; in addition to what shotgun was suggesting
  • Steakhouse
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    Steakhouse polycounter lvl 18
    I like the design, but I can't reconcile the goggles (they do nothing!). Seriously though it's a creature with four eyes and those goggles are obviously designed for a creature with two eyes. How is he supposed to wear them?
  • conte
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    conte polycounter lvl 18
    i like it, nice work, Flake=)
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