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Anyone in need of a software/electrical engineer?

polycounter lvl 18
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Soccerman18 polycounter lvl 18
I so just had a meeting with my boss. The company hasn't been doing too well the past few months, haven't been paid since March and that was actually Feb's paycheck. There's been slow times before but never this bad. Thought about leaving before, but it's an awsome place to work and I've got some cool projects going on, plus I'm in a situation where I can last a little longer than others, so I've stuck around.

But it seems that the company is going to be moving to Wisconsin (I'm about 30 min west of chicago right now), and I'm not really sure if I want to be moving right now. Not having been paid in a few months certainly doesn't help that situation either. So it seems I'm going to be out of a job soon (hopefully not too soon, month or two).

Anyone know of any places that might be looking for software/electrical engineers?


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