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Power Supply Question

polycounter lvl 17
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Penzer polycounter lvl 17
My current computers power supply is getting old now frown.gif

As a result, my computer will randomly dip out and die. It's happening pretty much every other day now, so I need a fix. I'm getting closer to wanting a whole new box, but can't afford it until I'm done school in June. What I'm wondering is if a UPS would be a better idea. I would normally go with the new power supply, but since I know that I want to get an entire new box in the 6-12 month range I'd rather buy something I can use for years.

I've never used a UPS before, but I would think that should solve the problem. Is using a UPS as a solution a good idea, or should I just get straight to the source even though I'd be getting a whole new computer in a year?


  • greenj2
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    From what little I know about them they're expensive and even the best ones only last a couple of hours. Besides, as far as I know they will only kick in when your residential power drops out and your problem is in your system, so I don't think that'd help at all.

    If I were you I'd invest in a good, new PSU. Get a better one than you need now, that way when you can afford a whole system you can just swap it into the new one (and the latest GFX cards tend to be pretty power hungry too).

    I've got one of these bad boys right now:


    Been using Antecs for about 6 years now and so far they haven't screwed up on me. Good luck with it dude.

    [BTW, I'd get a new one soon too before the power drop outs fuck with your hard drives.]
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 18
    a UPS is there for those times when the power drops out for a few seconds and it's also there so you can save your work and shut down for an extended power failure, you'll spend around $60-$80 for a decent one.

    This won't solve your problem but a UPS is a good investment in the future if your computer is more than a game system.
  • Penzer
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    Penzer polycounter lvl 17
    Well it looks like a can of compressed air was might have been enough to fix it. I can't remember the last time I cleaned out the dust before yesterday, it hasn't died since.
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