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Valkyrie Profile

For those of you that prefer the old school low poly diffuse color map only type challenges, I got something right up your alley. I can’t partake in it because I am a judge but I figured I would share it for those that might not be able to partake in a bigger contests but still want something fun but challenging to do on their free time. However this is a first come first serve contest. Concepts are all ready done for you! Only 20 participants will be aloud to enter. Each character can only be used once. The first person who posts their WIP (work in progress) thread will have exclusive rights to that character. So the longer you take the less choice you will have. Hardcore lineup of professional Judges (who actually critique!), $50 gift certificate to EBgames goes to the person who brings their “A” game. However everyone who finishes will get a T-shirt. So if you think you got what it takes to show some hardcore game artist skill, check it out:

..::Enter Valkyrie Profile::..


  • EarthQuake
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    1024 seems a bit excessive for a 1300 poly character
  • Vailias
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    Vailias polycounter lvl 18
    aww sweet. I love VP and was thinking of doing this anyway. Thank god finals are coming up soon.
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    Seems a little odd that you would limit a contest to 20 participants.

    arg, too many contests!
  • Japhir
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    Japhir polycounter lvl 16
    looks like fun! i'll register :P

    I registered smile.gif it wasn't that hart to find the names of the characters: just right click, properties and you see the image name :S
  • george.vas
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    @ EarthQuake – Agreed, not sure why they went with that but it’s not going to make up for crappy texture work.

    @ Vailias – grin.gif

    @ Sectaurs – Yes it is a bit odd but considering how many contests are going on I don’t think it’s a big issue. It’s so cool to have so many choices out their for us. It’s a great time to be a game artist.

    @ Japhir – Ya you would be surprised at how many people will not figure that out. Hehe.. good way to weed out the mentally challenged.
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    Cool~, definitely keep an eye on the results from that contest, enjoyed the game immensely (despite never beating it tongue.gif )
  • jgarland
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    Sounds like a cool contest. I'm tempted to enter, but I don't know if I'd finish. Considering it's limited to twenty people, I wouldn't want to take away someone else's chance of entering, especially if they're willing to put the time and effort into finishing.

    I imagine the cap is there so they don't have to end up giving out more than twenty tees. I still think they should have just chosen the twenty best and given the tees out to those people instead of just limiting their own contest, though.
  • ill_logic
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    ill_logic polycounter lvl 17
    ... what kind of contest limits the amount of entries? i'd rather participate in a wider ranged comp then score a free t-shirt. it's like a 'participation medal'. i'm with jgarland on this one. rank the entries & give tees out to the cream of the crop. or maybe the first to finish? but whatever.

    EDIT- Or is the limited number something to do with the number of premade concepts? in which case, why not let the participants do something similar based on their own creation...?

  • george.vas
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    @ flaagan – grin.gif

    @ jgarland & ill_logic – It’s definitely a different kind of contest. My guess is it’s more like a micro contest than the normal macro contests. Giving it a little more exclusivity and more attention to all the participants.
  • Xenobond
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    Xenobond polycounter lvl 18
    Aww! Freya and Valkyrie are already taken.

    Oh well...

  • george.vas
    Offline / Send Message
    Well contest is at full capacity now... Looks like a good lineup of contestants too. Some pretty big hard hitters. This madness will be a fun to watch... laugh.gif
  • Xenobond
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    Xenobond polycounter lvl 18
    Maybe would be a better idea (if there is a next time) for something like this- You'd still have your 1st place, and then the t-shirts would go to the best of each character. Kinda like a dog show. Best of breed, and best of show type thing.

    Or BBQ cook-off.
  • george.vas
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    That’s a great idea Xenobond I will definitely run that by them.
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