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polycounter lvl 9
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Masakari polycounter lvl 9
Ok, instead of opening up a new thread everytime i work on something, i'm gonna use this thread for all my work.

First up, my entry for the Dominance War contest, i didn't finish on time, but i'm still gonna finish the work. This will also be used on a mod for UT3.

Tools: 3ds Max 9, Photoshop CS2
For which Engine - Project Deus mod (UT3) / Portfolio
Current Polycount around 6800 (bot, 2x drone, 2x minigun)
Max Polycount 7500
Texture Size - 2048*2 for robot+drone, 1024*2 for minigun
Background info - This is the "Daedalus HK" robot, he is a special Hunter-Killer robot, deployed only on the most important and difficult missions. His two "Zahn" Drones act as weapons, spotters, and advanced sensors (the Hunter role), enabling the bot itself (the Killer bit) to close in and finish the job!

Concepts - Regular / Heavy Variant:
dw2wip10ik5.th.jpg dw2wip11di5.th.jpg

"Daedalus HK" hi poly (around 20 million polys):
daedalushpfinalpt5.th.jpg daedalushpfinal2ki8.th.jpg

"Zahn" Drone + "Barrage" Minigun hi polys (around 4.5 million polys):

Low poly set (still some tweaks to come):

Some early Normal Map testing, just diffuse, normal, and diffuse as specular. A lot of errors to fix, dunno if it's better to fix them, or redo the uvs in a different way.



  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
    realy awesome dude! welcome to polycount. i think your robot needs butt shielding.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Look at the UNIT on that machine wink.gif

    Great work. Welcome aboard.
  • Jeremy Wright
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    Jeremy Wright polycounter lvl 17
    I'm a man who likes a good robot design, and that's a good one! I will say I'm not as in love with the model of the gun as I am teh concept (something got lost along the way).
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    gosto wink.gif mas 20 milhoes de poligonos OMG ! n
  • Masakari
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    Masakari polycounter lvl 9
    Thanks guys! Currently rendering out all the normal maps, Max really could be a bit better there lol

    Johny: hehe 20 milhoes = normal maps perfeitos! laugh.gif
  • dom
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    dom polycounter lvl 18
    nice work masa! i love the design! there's something about the lower body of the 3d model that doesn't quite sync with the dynamic look of your concept art, perhaps it just isn't posed yet.

    Good job mang! very inspirational.
  • Masakari
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    Masakari polycounter lvl 9
    Hey Dom, i changed the legs a lot, could be from that. Some more Normal Map testing, compiling them & fixing stuff as i go along.

  • Masakari
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    Masakari polycounter lvl 9
    Progress for today, still some errors to fix, but almost done on the normal map front, and now includes the glow map. Although i can get the self illumination to work, it's not emitting a "glow" atm, dunno why.

  • Criminal
    Hey Masakari, didnt know you frequented this forum wink.gif . Saw alot of your previous work for a mechwarrior mod/game with mts. Anyhow your model is looking great, i'm sure you know already that the self illumination property in max won't actually emit any sort of glow it will just cause any light applied to the color/material to not affect the shading on the mat so much. You could try baking the textures onto it using close up omni lights in the regions that you want to emit a slight glow. Otherwise you could wait until you get your hands on the UT3 engine and i'm sure you can write up some custom shaders. Anyhow look foward to seeing more work from yah, always loved your stuff.
  • Davision3D
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    Davision3D polycounter
    Nice to see some ut3 mod work and your mech is a really great piece, The details you modeled in the high poly are amazing. You should test your model in the UE3 roboblitz editor.
  • Lonewolf
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    Lonewolf polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    Look at the UNIT on that machine wink.gif

    Great work. Welcome aboard.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    awesome work dude
  • Masakari
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    Masakari polycounter lvl 9
    Thanks guys!

    @Criminal: yeah, been a long time since MTS, but i still love doing robotic stuff hehe About what you said, i know that, but i've tried using the VrayLight Material, and i've also tried the Adv Lighting Override material, both are supposed to actually count as lights and emit, but somehow they aren't working =/

    Yeah, i should get Roboblitz installed and try it out!
  • Mongrelman
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    Mongrelman polycounter lvl 18
    Sweet, been awhile since I've seen some great mech models.

    More....more! laugh.gif
  • Masakari
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    Masakari polycounter lvl 9
    Ok, corrected Normal Map errors, and worked on the diffuse & specular maps. I reckon it's around 75% done.

  • Masakari
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    Masakari polycounter lvl 9
    Well, worked some more on the maps, added some color/surface variation, with brighter metal, adjusted & added specular highlights, finally did the wrist and hand, and added some decals. I'm at a loss on how i can improve it, so aside from the odd tweak here and there, the Daedalus HK is done!

    Now off to finish the Minigun skin, and then do the Drone.

  • Masakari
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    Masakari polycounter lvl 9
    Found some time to work on this, minigun completed. On to the little drone.

    dw2wip34ku0.th.jpg dw2wip35ww9.th.jpg
  • verybad
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    verybad polycounter lvl 17
    Maskari, are you the same Masakari I was working on a modding games for battletech related stuff with about 5 years back? (before i went over to MekTek for MW4 modding?).

    If so your skills have really improved! Impressive. (Impressive if you're not the same Masakari also smile.gif )
  • StJoris
    Sweet stuff man! More more:)
  • Masakari
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    Masakari polycounter lvl 9
    Hey VB! Yeah, same guy. I closed down BMP in Jan, and have been concentrating on my art skills, portfolio, and personal game project. I thought you didnt do 3d anymore due to your health?
  • verybad
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    verybad polycounter lvl 17
    Nah, I still do stuff. I take medicine that pretty much keeps me from having siezures (epileptic for any third parties reading this). I still have to be careful, if I start feeling off I take a break for five or so minutes. Basically I've learned to live with the problem. Make sure I get enough sleep, stay in good physical shape, and don't drink alcohol to excess-all stuff I should be doing in any case.

    I love modeling too much I simpply can't give it up in any case. It's like an addiction.
  • Masakari
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    Masakari polycounter lvl 9
    For which Engine - game art contest / portfolio
    Polycount - LP 500 / HP 1.4 million
    Texture Size - 512x512 diffuse, normal, specular, glow, opacity
    Description of background information on piece - Did this for the remote robots mini-challenge at gameartisans. It's a tattoo and paint robot, hence the needly thingies and some tats on his body. I wanted a punk-ish look, something that would make him stand out, and wanted to use color, as i usually tend to very monochromatic works.


    2007spikey01jm9.th.jpg 2007spikey02zq4.th.jpg 2007spikey04fj5.th.jpg 2007spikey05qz4.th.jpg



    Texture Sheets

  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    nice work, although the lighting in the coloured renders doesnt show off the normal map.
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