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if ur planning on watching this movie (which u should unless u have a weak stomach) then u might wanna skip it).

okay, i know the movie is old, but sadistic stuff like this take a looong time to reach india.
so i saw it last night... and well:
holy fecking A!!! what the hell is wrong with the director! SAW I was okay, cuz it was fairly minimal (or had i seen an overly sensored version?) but this was nasty! Especially the guy who was hooked onto chains in the classroom (second eew scene that they show).
the story was cool though, so i have no beef about that. the ending was kinda' obvious, but the reveal at the ending about the guys kid was awesome. My jaw dropped open and stayed that way throughout the night.

what about u guys, any thoughts on the movie? (if u've seen it).


  • Rick Stirling
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    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
    Bag of utter shite.
  • Mongrelman
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    Mongrelman polycounter lvl 18
    I thought Saw 1 was really good, as it was really character driven, and like Silence of the Lambs it didn't really show gore, merely suggested it. Saw 2 moved a bit away from this, adding more characters, thus watering down the character stories and showed more gore.

    Saw 3...yup, the director was on something and went even further. I like how they tie it into the other films, and how they keep the twists, but all I got from the amount of gore actually shown was that it was there to actually shock. It was an uncomfortable experience for me (and I'm used to violent movies and all that). It was like "Right, let's add in the obligatory bit of the character story and twist, and fill the rest with hardcore gore! That'll shock'em! OH! This will shock them more!".
    I much prefer saw 1 which relied more on the characters and suggestion of violence than saw 3 with was just a gorefest with a bit of story thrown in.
  • Hollowmind
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    Hollowmind polycounter lvl 18
    I'd much prefer that I never saw any of the Saw movies. They were some of the worst acted and worst written movies I've ever seen. Saw 1 felt like a cheap knock off of Seven and Saw 2 was just the usual modern day thriller bullshit. Definitely won't be seeing 3. I love gore but can't handle the utter shit writing and acting in the Saw movies.

    That's my opinion. smile.gif
  • Michael Knubben
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    I really liked Saw 1, saw 2 was a bit of a shit watered-down saw, and saw 3 seems to continue on that tradition.
    Apparently there are seven saw's coming out, or so rumour has it.
  • Rhinokey
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    Rhinokey polycounter lvl 18
    i liked saw 2 best i think cause it was just wattered down, and was not trying to be provocative and meaningfull. which i felt saw 1 attempted and failed. watched saw 3 the other nite and nothing at all was entertaining about it.
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    I still remember someone who'd lost a leg slowly carefully explaining that if he didn't 'go... get... help' he was gonna' bleed to death and then feebly and hilariously overactingly crawling away in SAW 1, so, I think I've had my fill of the series.
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    [ QUOTE ]
    I really liked Saw 1, saw 2 was a bit of a shit watered-down saw, and saw 3 seems to continue on that tradition.
    Apparently there are seven saw's coming out, or so rumour has it.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Seven Saw films?! Didn't Saw 3 go straight to DVD? ... or am i under that big of a rock

    I liked Saw. Saw II, meh, was ok - but didn't grip me as having anything important to say like the first one did an ok job at (message itself aside, it did at least have *something* to say). Haven't seen Saw III yet, will probably pick it up on DVD when 4 is coming out this halloween (if they keep up the tradition).
  • diminished_Self
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    diminished_Self polycounter lvl 12
    yep. should have gone straight to DVD if it didnt. was complete crap. first one was hot hot heat! but after that...not so much. should have left well enough alone.
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