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Tales of San Francisco, Pt. 17

polycounter lvl 18
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Malekyth polycounter lvl 18
I was standing at a street corner waiting for the signal to walk. I had a Walgreen's humidifier in one hand and a fluffy Warhammer 40k novel in the other. My mind was focused on getting home to play WoW and eat some tasty Indian food. The moment was calm, 9:30pm on a well-lit, well-traveled street, not in the best part of town but neither in the worst. When I heard the mumbling homeless crazy man approaching from the left, I resolved not to look his way unless directly addressed, and then only to shake my head no, I didn't have any spare change for him. This is a fairly standard plan, as street skills go. The encounter would've been standard, overall, had he not broken the usual routine to punch me in the face.

Right! He punched me!

In the face!!

Still mumbling, he turned to wander off, leaving me to wonder how one is supposed to respond to something like that. After a moment, it came to me: "what the FUCK?!" and then, when there was no response, "you ... you ... fucking asshole!"

It wasn't a particularly hard punch, but it felt solid enough and my cheek rang for two blocks. He was big and crazy, not small, weedy and crazy, and I expect the punch could've been both more heartfelt, and skull-felt. His size probably accounts for my limiting my reaction to a cry of outrage directed at his back, then hurrying away in the opposite direction.

Top that for random fuckupedness, won't you?


  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    you shouldnt have ignored him you BASTARD!
  • cep
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    cep polycounter lvl 18
    Had a same encounter with two younger gentlemen. Except after he throws fists, I throw back. He throws machette, then I go get stitched up.

    Random, no words exchanged.
    Do I win?
  • Thegodzero
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    Thegodzero polycounter lvl 18
    No cep you fail, I question as to if you know the meaning of the word gentlemen? You use it as if you do but then follow with a statement proving you do not...

    Anyone who throws punches and/or uses a machete on someone is quite far from being a gentle man.

    BTW Who the fuck walks around with a FUCKING MACHETE!!!!!
  • Daz
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    Daz polycounter lvl 18
    Mal, that's fucked. (cep, that's much more fucked)
    There have been many occasions (but no major incidents touch wood) that I've been walking down somewhere like market st, or 6th st, or shit, a heck of a lot of other streets in this town when I've just been overwhelmed with the skankiness of it all and just thought 'fuck this hole, it's a fucking dump. I'm done with it'. Then I have other occasions like a couple of weekends ago when I cycled with my gf through the marina, across the gg bridge and down into Sausalito and had a beer on the ferry on the way back overwhelmed by the sheer beauty of the place.
    It's such a cliche I suppose but it really is a town of extremes. Your story sucks. I think I've been lucky so far.
  • Malekyth
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    Malekyth polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    There have been many occasions (but no major incidents touch wood) that I've been walking down somewhere like market st, or 6th st

    [/ QUOTE ]

    hehe ... funny you should say that, this happened at 6th and Market. That's about the right spot for most things I guess!

    Yeah, I was prepared to say "fuck SF" after I got home and had a few minutes to turn the shock into a frothing rage, but it didn't take long for treacherous memory to point out that I've had as many really nice times here as I've had bad ones. San Francisco doesn't let you stick with an extreme impression long enough to set on it. It's like the world's cutest, fluffiest, most purry-wurringest widdle kitty-cat, who likes to shit in your mouth while you sleep. You wake up vomiting foulness but there's a happy cuddle no further than arm's length.
  • Thegodzero
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    Thegodzero polycounter lvl 18
    No wonder i hated SF, because if i had a cat like that id kicks its ass outside and bring it in when it was being cute. Wonder what that says about me then...
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    That was you I punched in the face? How dare you call me a homeless crazy man.

    That's agreeably fucked up. Personally I would have done much more, but I'm not you. I've never really been fucked with when I'm on the streets.... even in Detroit. I'm 6'5" and about 270lb... then again, maybe I've just been lucky since my buddies don't have any stories like that either.

    TGZ: I think CEP was being sarcastic when he referred to them as gentlemen wink.gif
  • Ryno
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    Ryno polycounter lvl 18
    My wife is from San Francisco, and I've got a bit of a love/hate thing for the city as well. They are just so god damn friendly to the homeless, that the homeless feel they are entitled to everything and have a right to live on the streets. They had some big problems with this a few years back, as the panhandlers started getting very aggressive.

    It evolved from vocal panhandling to physical intimidation, then to strong arm robbery. All the while the local lefties were saying "But it's not their fault that they are homeless, and you can't fault them for needing money." Then a few of the whacky liberals got beat pretty badly and robbed, and they finally decided they should curtail the more violent behavior of the homeless.

    Personally, I'll never turn my back to weirdos approaching me on the street just because you never know when one of them might get violent. If they hit me up for cash, I'll just politely tell them "Sorry but no." If they keep pushing it I'll look them in the eye and tell them "I said NO." I've never had any of them push it farther than that, although they oftentimes start cursing.
  • arshlevon
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    arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
    You have President Regan to thank for the abundance of wackos in SF..when he was the mayor he decieced that there was no such think as crazy people, and they were all faking it, so he shut down the asylums and let them just run loose.. like anyone is going to hire a freaking skitzo.. what an awesome dude!!! how can anyone believe there is no such thing as crazy people??? what a dipshit..
    i really love the city tho, but i usually just act crazy back or start making monkey nosies, one time a homeless looking dude actually game me some change!!!
    true story..
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    I don't have any tales from SF, but the bums, panhandlers and crackheads (or any combination of those three) in downtown Seattle are pretty bad. My fiance used to work at a chocolate shop right off of Pike Place market. The shop would occasionally give out samples, this made the bums super aggressive. They would come in demanding samples, and get angry and violent if they were told no. If she was closing I would hang out, her boss was stupid enough to schedule with over an hour of time alone. One time I'm walking towards the entrance from the street, and a bum walks in right before me. As I get in the door, I see Denise with her back turned doing some cleaning, and this bum with leaning over the counter with his hand almost in the tip jar full of cash (the jars are CHAINED, because bums would grab the whole jar and run). He still didn't notice me as I walk up right beside him and tap him on the shoulder and say "can I help you sir?" He whips around startled, bringing his hand away from the jar empty, and quickly walks towards the door saying "woah! no I'm fine, just stopping to see if they have samples out!" I give him the "I see what you did there" glare, and as he turns at the door he says "WHAT?!" I point at the jar, and tell him "nice try stealing from the jar, jackass!" He yells at me "I WAS NOT!" and runs away down the street.

    Personally the big city life isn't for me, the novelty wore off after a few months living here, give me the more laid back suburbs any day.
  • shape
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    shape polycounter lvl 17
    Any areas to specifically avoid or where the homeless bums are more common? I'm moving to the bay area and possibly SF..
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    Arsh , once again you made me cry with laughing !! god...
  • Malekyth
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    Malekyth polycounter lvl 18
    shape: Avoid SoMA (where I live) and the Tenderloin. smile.gif

    There are a few generally nice places in the city, but it's so small (seven miles by seven) that you see a fair amount of bleed between areas. The Lower Haight, Noe Valley and the Castro are hip and cool and largely bum-free. Pacific Heights, the Marina and Cow Hollow are clean but expensive. I'm not sure about the Mission, I want to say it's safe but I haven't spent a lot of time there ...

    My girlfriend and I are thinking of getting a place in the sleepy ol' Sunset, which will never be mistaken for the cool part of town but offers more value for your dollar with less crazy shit going on.
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    You have President Regan to thank for the abundance of wackos in SF..when he was the mayor...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Are you like remembering an episode of Sliders or something? Ronald Reagan was never mayor of San Francisco. Or are you meaning when he was governor of California?
  • Thegodzero
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    Thegodzero polycounter lvl 18
    sliiiiiiders... loved that show!

    I'm 1337 bitches!
  • Geezus
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    Geezus mod
    @Malekyth: that frickin' sucks man. I've had some rather pleasant encounters with the homeless here actually. In my first week here, I had a guided tour all throughout downtown. I just had to keep feeding the bum cigarettes. It was actually pretty interesting.

    @Thegodzero: Sliders was indeed an awesome show! :] That was also your 1337th post btw, hehe.
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    sliders kicked ass!!! at least till they started fighting the monkey overlords of all dimensions.
  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    Growing up in and around Footscray (pretty sketchy place about 5mins from the City), you see a lot of whack shit. Not many homeless bums around but you get the junkies and dealers out in force. They always seem to bypass everyone and decide to hassle me... Though its been cleaned up a lot since I first moved there.
    I can't say I've ever had anyone be violent with me, though I've had the whole cursing attack because I wouldn't give some dude money to buy alcohol.

  • arshlevon
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    arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]

    Are you like remembering an episode of Sliders or something? Ronald Reagan was never mayor of San Francisco. Or are you meaning when he was governor of California?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    thats what i ment.. when i went looking for the incident for the post the article had something about the mayor of SF.. but yeah i knew it was his fault all the crazies are running wild there, i had a friend of mine tell me the story a while back.
  • Daz
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    Daz polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    shape: Avoid SoMA (where I live) and the Tenderloin. smile.gif

    There are a few generally nice places in the city, but it's so small (seven miles by seven) that you see a fair amount of bleed between areas. The Lower Haight, Noe Valley and the Castro are hip and cool and largely bum-free. Pacific Heights, the Marina and Cow Hollow are clean but expensive. I'm not sure about the Mission, I want to say it's safe but I haven't spent a lot of time there ...

    My girlfriend and I are thinking of getting a place in the sleepy ol' Sunset, which will never be mistaken for the cool part of town but offers more value for your dollar with less crazy shit going on.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The Mission has its decent and really sketchy parts. Same with SoMa really. Further down toward the embarcadaro its pretty decent. I'm on Potrero hill and I totally dig it. Awesome weather, views and parking (generally a nightmare in this town) and very easy access to the 101 and no bums. The only downer is it can feel a little detached from the city proper. If I didn't work down south I'd probably live deeper in.

    Took this recently from my front door:

  • richkid
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    richkid polycounter lvl 17
    wow, you guys must have bad luck, or just look like you hav money. Lets put it this way, last time i was there, i had all my luggage on my back wondering the city(mind you i slipped into a bad neighborhood and had my laptop and mp3 player on me) when all of the sudden a homeless dude comes running up behind me yelling. i was expecting the same kind of encounter as you guys, ending with me losing all my material possessions.
    what happens though, the dude offers me a place to crash and a hot meal. no kidding, i looked worse off than him apparently.

    so just dress like you didnt let your mom pick you clothes and they are great people.
  • Michael Knubben
    So you're saying you don't look like you have money, richkid?

  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    wait a second... you eat indian food now?!? bravo!

    i gotta ask, did he blind side you and just jab ya in the jaw and walk off, or did he look ya in the eyes first? sucks that happened to ya frown.gif but that is pretty damn random, haha.

    Maybe its a global game of 'punch a random person,' and now it is your duty to punch another random person in the head, and walk off mumbling. You dont want to be responsible for the chain of events you could set in motion!
  • Malekyth
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    Malekyth polycounter lvl 18
    Huh! "Punch a Random Person in the Head 2007!" We need t-shirts, man, t-shirts.

    Naw, it was a total blindsiding. That was part of the Weird, we didn't have any eye contact before or after. I don't think it really registered to him what he was doing ... the stew of sensation he was swimming through must've gone something like VAGUE vague vague VAGUE grey VAGUE VAGUE punch that guy in the head GREY VAGUE vague vague ...

    Crazy bastards, they add so much to the local color.
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