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New Line drops Peter Jackson from The Hobbit

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  • danr
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    danr interpolator
    get Brett Ratner!
  • Jelmer
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    Jelmer polycounter lvl 17
    NO PJ = No Weta
    NO Weta = ILM
    ILM = Welcome Blue Screen Middle Earth.

    Giddy up.....
  • danr
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    danr interpolator
    i was watching Labyrinth the other night and thinking how truly ace that looked ... CG my bollox.

    No PJ/Weta = Wires and pulleys!
  • motives
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    motives polycounter lvl 18
    where us uwe boll when you need him smile.gif
  • McIlroy
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    McIlroy polycounter lvl 17
    [ QUOTE ]
    NO PJ = No Weta
    NO Weta = ILM
    ILM = Welcome Blue Screen Middle Earth.

    Giddy up.....

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You know I did'nt like the last couple of Star Wars films very much as films but man the special effects were outstanding so I think ILM could do a good job . Also what makes you think Weta would not be involved Peter Jackson does not own Weta there is no reason Weta could not at least do some of the effects work .
  • LordScottish
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    LordScottish polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    Also what makes you think Weta would not be involved Peter Jackson does not own Weta there is no reason Weta could not at least do some of the effects work .

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    Yes, Narnia had Weta effects and props too as far as I know. And I don't think Jackson is the only one who could turn the hobbit into a good movie.
  • Neo_God
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    Neo_God polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
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    Also what makes you think Weta would not be involved Peter Jackson does not own Weta there is no reason Weta could not at least do some of the effects work .

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    Yes, Narnia had Weta effects and props too as far as I know. And I don't think Jackson is the only one who could turn the hobbit into a good movie.

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    This is true. However, there could be fears of the production team not following the same style, due to the directors taste in style for shooting. The harry potter movies are a good example. From movie to movie, there are many changes both subtle and noticeable. So if the director decides to go with a newer direction for this movie, there's a chance this one will seem very detached from The Lord of the Rings. Because of the styles and what not already established in the first 3 movies.

    Hopefully WETA does do it though, as it just wouldn't seem right if they didn't.
  • Ninjas
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    Ninjas polycounter lvl 18
    I think Rhythm & Hues did almost all of the CG for Narnia. I think Weta Workshop (their practical effects company) did the props.

    I really liked the Hobbit as a book much more than LOTR, so I would love to see a move, but I have no idea why they would go with another director.
  • Smirnoffka
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    Smirnoffka polycounter lvl 17
    From my belief there is a lawsuit between New Line and Peter Jackson about the first LOTR movie. I am not sure what it is all about, but I know the Sir Ian Mckellen wanted PJ to direct the hobbit. So, if he is pissed, well, we might even see a new Gandalf.

  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18

    As Gandalf, you know it!
  • Mark Dygert
    Oh crap, the Hobbit is going to be just like "Every Which Way but Loose". Sorry Eld Burt's not gnarled enough to be Gandolf but Clint is! Clyde the Monkey would make a perfect Bilbo!! ... if he's still alive... maybe cast his grandson or something?

    I'm sure it will turn out ok. If not, then fans can just treat it like Godzilla(1998).
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Is anyone else beginning to wonder if Peter Jackson is becoming a problem? He does great work... but that's the second project he's been dropped from. (Halo)
    Just a thought... I agree with the idea that he should be doing this film.
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    He wasn't dropped from halo, I didn't think. The film studios backed up, but Microsoft and Jackson remained on the project.
  • Jelmer
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    Jelmer polycounter lvl 17
    McIlroy: Peter Jackson is co owner of Weta. Himself Richard Taylor and his wife Tania Rodger, and Jamie Selkirk are the owners and founders of Weta.
    Besides co-owners they are close friends. I think it will be more of a All for one and One for all kinda thing with PJ and Weta.
    They did the Rings with eachother and I actually expect them to refuse working on the Hobbit if it will be without Peter. It seems to be a pretty tight group of people.

    Narnia didn't have any vfx work done by Weta. Weta was only involved in crafting practical elements, the armor, weaponry and a large number of the creature designs. Most of the practical creature work however was done by Howard Berger with his KNB EFX group. (Berger won the Oscar for Best Make Up on Narnia)

    Ninjas: The CG for Narnia was not for the most part done by R&H. They were responsible for Aslan, assorted CG characters, leg replacements and work on the final battle. 380 shots total.
    Sony Imageworks did work on the beavers, fox, wolves and synthetic environments. 562 shots total.
    ILM was also responsible for the leg replacement work and environment work, but also the CG crows are theirs. 211 shots total.
    Other houses that were on the project: New Deal studios, Studio C, Digital Dream. Sandbox Effects, Illusion Arts, Independent Computer Operators, Pacific Title & Art Studio, Soho Visual effects, Svengali Visual Effects and Hatch Productions.

    I think Weta and Peter Jackson have claimed the right to do the Hobbit after they finished the first Rings film. They are a perfect fit. The difference with other leading VFX Houses is the people and experience in the genre.

    New Line's rights to produce the Hobbit run out in a year, so I guess that's why all of this has made the news now. There is a slight amount of presure from their side on the project. They would have let PJ do the Hobbit if he would have dropped the lawsuit, running against them concerning the Fellowship film. It's a shame that legal matters and battles in suit are the main reason for all this crap.

    I am totaly bummed out. bah
  • thomasp
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    thomasp hero character
    [ QUOTE ]
    ILM = Welcome Blue Screen Middle Earth

    [/ QUOTE ]

    i think we already have seen that. i recall lots of shots in rings with rather poor compositing. if only directors would use FX in a more subtle manner...

    on the topic: at least we won't get to see more of the same, i hope. get on with a fresh style - and fresh faces. smile.gif
  • LordScottish
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    LordScottish polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]

    i think we already have seen that. i recall lots of shots in rings with rather poor compositing. if only directors would use FX in a more subtle manner...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Agreed, some of the bluescreen shots were terrible
  • Asherr
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    Asherr polycounter lvl 18
    from imdb.com's news:

    Zaentz Rings in Jackson for Prequels

    As Lord of the Rings fans mounted a protest following word that New Line had dropped Peter Jackson from consideration as director of The Hobbit and another Lord of the Rings prequel, producer Saul Zaentz has given assurances that Jackson will indeed direct the two films. A German website, Elbenwald.de, posted an interview with Zaentz, who acquired the rights to the works of the late Rings writer, J.R.R. Tolkien, in 1976 (the Saul Zaentz Company owns Tolkien Enterprises), in which Zaentz says, "It will definitely be shot by Peter Jackson. ... Next year The Hobbit rights will fall back to my company. I suppose that Peter will wait because he knows that he will make the best deal with us. And he is fed up with the studios: to get his profit share on the Rings trilogy he had to sue New Line. With us, in contrast, he knows that he will be paid fairly and artistically supported without reservation." (The preceding quotation is a translation that appeared on TheHobbit-Movie.com from the German interview posted on Elbenwald.de.)
  • Neo_God
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    Neo_God polycounter lvl 18
    well that's good to hear
  • Ruz
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    Ruz polycount lvl 666
    is peter jackson a hobbit. He is certainly stumpy and I bet he has huge feet
  • Luxury
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    Luxury polycounter lvl 18
    The Hobbit AND the Silmarillion? I don't buy it. Sounds like a fanboy making up news that everybody wants to hear.
  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    I'm not nerdy enough to care... Atleast without Jackson directing, we wouldn't have to sit through a 6 hour movie.

  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    some new news


    looks like he's 100% out, never to return
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    Never to return to New Line it seems, but that is New line's loss. The rights to a film version of the Hobbit only remain in New Line's possession the rest of this year, and after that Saul Zaentz can give the rights to a studio that agrees to put Jackson in charge of the project.

    Regarding the lawsuit, the New Line guy comes off as a complete tool. The gist of the lawsuit is that Jackson wants to see New Line's accounting records from the first film, to be sure he was paid all he was due. New Line swears that he was paid correctly, but refuses to open their books to prove it. New Line CEO Bob Shaye, in the interview I read, keeps going on about how Jackson has already made a quarter billion dollars off the trilogy and yet is still trying to wring a few more millions out of New Line. It sounds like Shaye has decided that New Line has already given Jackson enough money that he shouldn't complain if they're actually shortchanging him.
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    is peter jackson a hobbit. He is certainly stumpy and I bet he has huge feet

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Dude has lost 70 pounds. Here's a pic of Jackson from the King Kong shoot:

  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    Michael Bay should take on the project, and rename it "Hobbitageddon!" Imagine the great story, now with 4124% more explosions and bad acting!
  • Mark Dygert
    If they want the bad press and Jackson to go away just open the books and shut him up, that is of course if they are on the level which it sounds like they aren't.

    Yeah Bob Shaye sounds like a total dick in this interview.

    How the interview reads to me;
    Bob Shaye: We tossed a lot of money Jacksons way, f*ck him.
    Jackson: I would like all of the money the said they would give me, a contract is a contract. Bob Shaye was my bitch for a very long time and is bitter he was so short sighted. If he wants me to go away he can pay me what is due or show me he paid me correctly.
    Bob Shaye: He's yesterdays potatoes, a hack, a washed up old blow hard, a ... a... money grubbing fat man err... umm Look SHINNY THING! What was I saying? Oh yea he has more money than me so I hates him, err I mean the deal was fair, and our accountant and laywers were... lost at sea... so really our hands are tied. oh yeah and Peter smells funny and can't keep the weight off.

    What pisses fans off more is that they are just going to sit on the rights out of spite, dicks. They should start filming in secret =/

    I would go see hobbits explode, and not in a gross midget porn kind of way.
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    vig ever tried top write those lines you make in a blog ? cuase i seriously piss myself laughing !
  • sledgy
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    sledgy polycounter lvl 18
    I liked him better all hobbit-ey and fat.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    Look what happened to the last guy that messed with Peter Jackson:
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
  • Mark Dygert
    [ QUOTE ]
    Look what happened to the last guy that messed with Peter Jackson:

    [/ QUOTE ]
    To quote the Geico commercial:
    "So simple even a caveman could do it"
  • JO420
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    JO420 polycounter lvl 18
    bleh,seems like they wont be working with peter jackson ever,in a recent newspaper interview the head of new line said who would never work with him again.

    burt reynolds as gandalf here we come
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