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First Digital Painting

polycounter lvl 11
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Sayanora polycounter lvl 11
Hello polycounters! Some of you may recognize me from #model_design. Anyway, this is the first of a hopefully long line of useful postings to be had :P

On to the reason behind this thread. Feel free to tear it apart any way you like. It should be noted that the linework was done by a friend who will remain unnamed until permission to pass his name across the intarweb is given. Ok, go!

I hope someone finds something good in it, but agian, I'm here for the whole baptism by fire thing; so any comments would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


  • richkid
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    richkid polycounter lvl 17
    your perspective is pretty solid it looks like, did you color a pencil sketch or all digital.

    The main thing that you need to work on it looks like is your lighting. Establish a source for the light and look at how the planes of the ship are oriented to that. Using basic solid blocks of color define your basic shapes.(im not sure if that came out right) once you have a good faceted look, then start your rendering of details. the last thing, push your paint all the way to the line, totally get rid of the line, it will come out more convincing and you can tell if you are actually defining shapes or just cheating by putting a line in between them.

    awesome for a first piece man, keep em coming
  • Sayanora
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    Sayanora polycounter lvl 11
    Thanks a lot richkid! Solid critique all around.

    I had a feeling my lighting wasn't exactly spot on, heh. I'm gonna find some reference and do a bit of research on light in general to get a better feel for how it should look.

    Originally I did use solid color bocks for the various parts of the ship and then went a little free form later on smile.gif

    I was chatting with Dane awhile ago and he basically said 'what you said'; mainly elaborating on the need to make my light source more obvious. Thanks for critique again man!
  • Mark Dygert
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    Your lighting is actually there and is pretty nice, if you adjust the brightness and contrast up a few notches =)

    I think you did a great job just have a little more confidence when you paint your lighting and remember you can always adjust the brightness contrast later to pull out that extra something it might be missing =)
  • Sayanora
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    Sayanora polycounter lvl 11
    Vig, you are the paint over king! I've really wanted to go back to this for some time now, but just haven't had the time.

    I'd honestly thought noone but richkid (not to undermine your interest richkid) had even seen my post and felt sorta discouraged at the lack of reception(the only thing worse than negative feedback is no feedback). This, coupled with school and a project I'm working on with friends have prevented me from picking this piece back up as of late.

    Oh, and I also participated in the make a crate comp over at game-artist.net, and subsequently this collected ever more dust smile.gif Maybe I'll post that here once the contest is over.

    Oh well, thanks for taking the time to respond and do one of your awesome paintovers. I'm going to go back and retouch this thing over the weekend thanks to you!
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