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Lizard Creature I made For Assyria Game.

Ok well i'm leader of the game assyria (www.assyria-game.com)

Basically if you guys could crit this:

Good quality flash version of spinning:

Crap quality gif version (for people who cba clicking the link):

And a render of the wire and normal map thus far:



*starts excuses about why it's so crap* but i'm only 17, i havn't even been to university *bursts into tears*

PS feel free to rip my model off completaly, just please give reasons =) as they will help me improve!

The Normal is a WIP and the texture I still want to work on once I receive critz about it =)

Thanks guys


  • conte
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    conte polycounter lvl 18
    so, normal maps? u really need them?
  • Hilm
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    Yeah well i'll do them in z brush or something later, just quickly used nividia for the wip...

    Currentally the normal map is only really effecting the "ear fans". I will work on it more later!
  • EricElwell
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    EricElwell insane polycounter
    Hey hilm, I think this is a good start. The legs seem a little flat in the spin around. You might want to give them a little more mass. However, you want to avoid a cylindrical look, try to think where the muscles would be located, do some research on lizards, or any muscular chart even. That will give you a good idea of how the form will take shape. Also take a look at the 'hip'. I think you will want to adjust that a bit as it feels very unnatural..

    The start on the texture is pretty good. You might want to do a search for color theory and read some explanations.

    The only thing that i just flat out don't like about it is the placement of the eyes and mouth, also the cheek is a bit funky. Think about the bone structure and which areas will be fleshy vs which areas the skin clings fairly tight to the skull. Also something to think about with texture is the composition. You want good color and brightness value contrast on the entire texture, not necessarily in small details. That is, break up the color/brightness in such a way that the whole character can be clearly distinguished at first glance, then the eye searches for smaller details. The red and green does a good job of this already. Generally, you don't want it to work the other way around. (when the eye is so overwhelmed with busy details that the viewer has to stop and look again to actually distinguish the form.) Though, in some cases, forcing that feeling on a viewer is useful. (which is kind of the feeling I got from shadow of the colossus; it made the colossus feel bigger and more confusing, which I think is what they were going for.)

    Just some things to think about. I don't want to dump too much on you at once. Post some more shots when you've gotten farther a long.. smile.gif
  • Hilm
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    Thanks Eric - some very useful crits =). Will work on fixing then now =)
  • Rhinokey
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    Rhinokey polycounter lvl 18
    i like the over all shape and flow of the body,, the head looks like a silly cartoon drawing and needs some more work,, dig up some reference on real creatures and use those to base you character on. it really helps.

    that normal map is terrible, never ever do that.even for a temp solution it does nothign but hurt your presentation.

    if you want to use the nvidia plug.. then do it,, but make sure you know what its doing, and how it makes the normal map,, and then hand paint the texture for that,
  • Hilm
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    [ QUOTE ]
    i like the over all shape and flow of the body,, the head looks like a silly cartoon drawing and needs some more work,, dig up some reference on real creatures and use those to base you character on. it really helps.

    that normal map is terrible, never ever do that.even for a temp solution it does nothign but hurt your presentation.

    if you want to use the nvidia plug.. then do it,, but make sure you know what its doing, and how it makes the normal map,, and then hand paint the texture for that,

    [/ QUOTE ]

    lol *cries* - nah just jking...

    Thanks for the crits and suggestions =)!
  • Hilm
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    Ok well ive been working on it more and I think it looks alot better (although still rather crap in comparison to you pro's here)


    More crits are welcome =) anything that will help me improve the model =)

    I basically: worked on the colour map some more,
    Re did the normal (still working on it a bit),
    Worked on a specularity map =).

  • Hilm
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    Any feedback on this newest version?

    Seriousally any critz in order to improve it would help alot =)

  • {scumworks}
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    I always think its importent never to use the same color throughout the model. Ex. your green stays the same hue etc.. Its kinda like giving a face a skin color but not taking accounts as nose been more red, forhead more yellow etc.. Its heads red "thingys" stays the same red, even tho they'll probably be more translucent at the end, thus a lil more fleshy (can ref with your hand against a light).

    Check this image by anry nemo

    If its fur was white, it'll be boring. If the grass was yellow (or for that sake green) it'll look boring aswell.
  • Hilm
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    mmmmmmmm good point =)

    Thanks, i'll try add some more colour variation to it =)
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