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Mirroring problems with the Skin modifer in max

polycounter lvl 18
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Neo_God polycounter lvl 18
So I was rigging up a model with the skin modifier and when I went to mirror everything, I noticed that the hands were red (like the bones in the middle) rather than blue and green. So now if I mirror it, it assigns both hand's vertex weights to one hand. Anyway I can just make those bones green and blue again so I don't have to manually weight the vertices on the other hand.


  • Rick Stirling
    Offline / Send Message
    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
    Its red when it cant-mirror - try adjusting the threshold or the mirror plane.

    If all that fails, I can send you a nasty mirror script tomrrow that will work.
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    hey neo i also had the same features and since im lazy to dig it up i ended up by re weighting the other half...

    rick : could you also send me that script if you dont mind ? thanks smile.gif
  • Neo_God
    Offline / Send Message
    Neo_God polycounter lvl 18
    Alright, That worked! Thanks Rick!
  • Rick Stirling
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    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
    global BoneArray
    global BoneNArray
    global WeightArray
    global PasteArray

    -- Pass the vert id to extract all the weights to arrays
    fn CopyWeight theVert =
    -- Empty the arrays
    BoneArray = #()
    BoneNArray =#()
    WeightArray = #()

    theSkin = $.modifiers[#skin]
    BNumber = skinOps.getVertexWeightCount theSkin theVert
    BN = BNumber as string

    for i = 1 to BNumber do
    boneID = skinOps.getVertexWeightBoneId theSkin theVert i
    boneName = skinOps.GetBoneName theSkin boneID 0
    boneWeight = skinOps.getVertexWeight theSkin theVert i

    append BoneArray boneID
    append BoneNArray boneName
    append WeightArray boneWeight

    fn PasteWeight pVert =

    theSkin = $.modifiers[#skin]

    print "these are the stored arrays for copying"
    print pastearray
    print weightarray

    skinOps.ReplaceVertexWeights theskin pVert pasteArray WeightArray


    fn find_mirror arrayIndex =
    -- Build arrays of all the bones in the system
    theSkin = $.modifiers[#skin]
    totalbones = skinops.getnumberbones theSkin

    totalBoneNArray =#()

    for i = 1 to totalbones do
    boneName = skinOps.GetBoneName theSkin i 0
    append totalBoneNArray boneName

    -- Now we know all the bones, lets parse of list of weighted bones

    SB = BoneNArray[arrayIndex] as string

    -- Find bone names beginning with CHAR
    if (substring SB 1 4 == "Char") then
    BNprefix=substring SB 1 7 as string
    BNsuffix= substring SB 8 255 as string

    if BNprefix == "Char L " then newPrefix= "Char R "
    if BNprefix == "Char R " then newPrefix= "Char L "

    boneToFind = newPrefix + BNsuffix

    if (substring SB 2 1 == " ") then
    BNprefix=substring SB 1 2 as string
    BNsuffix= substring SB 3 255 as string

    if BNprefix == "L " then newPrefix= "R "
    if BNprefix == "R " then newPrefix= "L "

    boneToFind = newPrefix + BNsuffix

    if (substring SB 1 1 == "l" or substring SB 1 1 == "r") then
    BNprefix=substring SB 1 1 as string
    BNsuffix= substring SB 2 255 as string

    if BNprefix == "l" then newPrefix= "r"
    if BNprefix == "r" then newPrefix= "l"

    boneToFind = newPrefix + BNsuffix

    -- ok, at this stage we have an arracy of bone names, and we know what name
    -- we are looking for. so cycle the array and find the index!
    theIndex = 0

    -- Do we need to find a new bone?

    if (boneToFind != SB) then
    print bonearray
    for i = 1 to totalbones do
    thecheck= totalBoneNArray as string
    if thecheck == bonetofind then theIndex = i



    rollout blank "Single Skin Copy and Paste"
    label lbl1 "Select vert, press copy, then select vert and press paste." pos:[9,8] width:197 height:48
    button ButtonC "Copy" pos:[18,40] width:75 height:24
    button ButtonP "Paste" pos:[110,40] width:75 height:24

    on ButtonP pressed do
    theSkin = selection[1].modifiers[#Skin]
    n = skinOps.getNumberVertices theSkin


    for i = 1 to n do
    if (skinops.isVertexSelected theSkin i == 1) then

    -- Call the copy function
    PasteWeight selVert

    on ButtonC pressed do
    -- Get vert id
    theSkin = selection[1].modifiers[#Skin]
    n = skinOps.getNumberVertices theSkin


    for i = 1 to n do
    if (skinops.isVertexSelected theSkin i == 1) then

    -- Call the copy function
    CopyWeight selVert

    -- We now have 3 arrays - bone id, bone name, and bone weight.
    -- some of the bones might need to be mirrored so for each bone, find the possible mirror
    n = BoneArray.count
    pastearray = bonearray

    for i = 1 to n do
    find_mirror i

    -- Create floater
    theNewFloater = newRolloutFloater "Rollout title" 220 100

    -- Add the rollout section
    addRollout blank theNewFloater
  • Rick Stirling
    Offline / Send Message
    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
    Run it
    Select a vert
    press copy
    Select another vert
    Press paste

    It automatically mirrors weights
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