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So surreal...

polycounter lvl 17
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[MILES] polycounter lvl 17
On Friday, July 7, 2006...our little girl was born to my wife and I. She was really early, but is in fantastic health for a 31 week old premie. Her name is Grace, and she is breathing, pooping, and peeing on her own. She's eating more food than most infants that come at her age and holding it all down. We have so much to be thankful for.

She is our first child and I am so wrapped up in the moment. The entire week has been nothing short of a miracle...in addition to the miracle of birth itself.

My wife didnt even know she was contracting early (not Braxton Hicks contractions). And our OBGYN happened to accidently schedule an appointment for Emily one week earlier than she had meant to. Furthermore, she had Emily take a non stress test that revealed the contractions...and the OBGYN to this day doesnt know what compelled her to do so...because it wasnt a test she normally schedules.

After the surgery, the OBGYN found that the baby's cord was 4-5x sorter than what is considered normal...and if the baby had been delivered any way but c-section, the cord might have very well burst. My wife (who also had gestational diabetes) had an abnormally small placenta as well. But none of this was picked up on the ultra sounds.

What it all comes down to...is that had our baby stayed in the womb one more week, she would have most likely not lived. The circumstances that lead to the doctors discovering a problem was surely divine intervention. Our doctor was so shaken by everything that she told us (when it was said and done) she had even considered abandoning her practice because her heart couldnt take what this pregnancy put her through. We are so appreciative of all she did. We just continue to pray for our baby's continued improvement and wisdom for the doctors caring for her.

I dont think I've ever been in prayer so much in my life. This was such an emotional roller coaster for my wife and I...and has certainly bolstered our faith. God has blessed us with a peace through all of this, and a ultimately with a new love in our lives. I just wanted to celebrate her coming into the world with you all. Thanks for your thoughts during this time.


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