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job prob

so, I am not new here, but did not want to use my normal name as I know some people may look here from work.
So... here is my prob.

I have a job in the games industry with a company I really like. I have a position that I don't like so much. It just so happens that a position I would like more has opened up in the company. Now, if I were to tell my employer I would be interested, I am worried that it would sell the message that I did not care for my job, (which is true) but I dont really want to lose my job alltogether.

Now, the reaason I just dont come to them and ask for that position is: a) i havent really updated my portfolio with material for the desired position, b) dont want to give the impression that i hate my job, thus potentially losing it.

I could go to other companies, but like I said, I really like this one.

any advice? would you have the balls to risk it?

-the mysterious man with no name....


  • Tulkamir
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    Tulkamir polycounter lvl 18
    I can't imagine they'd fire you from your current job just because you are applying for a better position? I mean, you might not get the job but I see no reason that they'd fire you unless you are doing a bad job in your current position.
  • blankslatejoe
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    blankslatejoe polycounter lvl 19
    go for it! it shows you're ambitious and want to progress within the company!
  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    Is the job that opened up a step up the company pecking order? If so, just go to your boss/lead/whomever, and mention that you are interested in the job. Do it positively, though, as if you're excited for the opprotunity to advance and move up. Don't display an attitude of "meh, maybe this job will be cool because my current job is boring". Try something more like "Hey, this new job opening could be a great opprotunity, and I feel I'm capable and willing to take it".

    At best, you'll get the job and they won't have to worry about hiring outside the current staff.

    At worst, your employer will see that you're trying to progress and take more responsibility, which is something they like.
  • incognito
    ah, and that's where it gets complicated.
    It's actually in another department. I'm an animator(but a new one) but love modeling. we have character artists positions open in the company and have for a while, but they still havent found anyone. So I'm worried I'd be saying that I don't like my current position and would rather have that one. Which, while it's true, I just don't know how that will come across.

    I have some current WIPs but nothing finished and on my website, so I was thinking of asking for an art test to don on my own time at home.

    Thanks for the advice so far though!

    I've got a meeting with the producer in a week or so and it would be a prime opportunity to bring this up(we have monthly meetings just to see how everyone is doing etc.)
    that is, if I go through with it. still looking for thoughts!
  • Nostradamus
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    Nostradamus polycounter lvl 18
    wouldn't something like "while I like to do xx, my true pashion lies within xx etc.etc." work? soesnt come off as hating the current job imo :-)

    GL and godspeed!
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    if your's is a much needed skill else where, they might not want you to switch. Although if they have someone to fill your boots, they would probably welcome your application to work in another area of the company. The most important thing for them is that you already work there and know the score, so settling you in another area isn't hard.

    Internal shifting happens all the time, it's the easiest way to get a foot up the ladder smile.gif
  • incognito
    thanks for the replies!

    it's not that I hate my job or anything, I just looked at my life the other day and asked myself if what i am currnetly doing is what I want to be doing the rest of my life. and i got nervous, so thaat gave me an indication that maybe it wasnt.

    as it is right now, our team has a 3 times the animators than character artists, and we really need character artists.
  • danr
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    danr interpolator
    i'd be really surprised if asking to move would cause a problem ... in fact, i'd be equally surprised if they didn't look on you more favourably - as blankslatejoe says, it shows you're interested in bettering yourself, while staying loyal to the company which shows you're interested in bettering them

    just make sure you go through the proper channels and don't go behind ANYONE'S back, including your fellow animators - make it clear why you want to move, you don't want anyone in other departments bitching about you
  • Paul Jaquays
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    Paul Jaquays polycounter lvl 18
    My employer hired me as a level/content designer a bit over 4 years ago. About 2 years ago, I realized that I loved where I worked, but not what I was doing. I talked with my producer and with my lead and asked if it was possible to shift over to doing art ... something I hadn't done full time in about 7 years and I had no relevant portfolio. What I did have was a long track record of both art and design experience in related fields. I had to shift teams (which I worked for me because I didn't relish the idea of working for the art lead on my current project), but I have been loving it ever since.

    If you feel that you can do a better job for your employer and have greater satisfaction as an employee in another situation within the company, then go for it. If you follow good business practices and work within your company's culture, you should be fine either way it comes out.
  • Jeremy Wright
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    Jeremy Wright polycounter lvl 17
    I don't work in the industry, but a job is a job is a job.

    Everyone's really given you good advice, and all I can say is:

    Make your intentions very clear, you don't want anyone to get the wrong idea, or give anyone a reason to rag on you.

    Be positive, but be serious and straight up, don't be wishywashy. You don't want it to look like you're just trying something on, but instead are making a move.

    If this is what you want to do, just go for it.

    I will say this, you're asking for a bit much by not having a portfolio to show, but they do know you and I'm sure are familiar with your work ethic (which doesn't guarantee you can model). Get on that portfolio.

    If nothing else, you're showing company loyalty and a desire to be placed where you think you can do (what you want to be) your best work.

    Hope everything works out!
  • Mark Dygert
    [ QUOTE ]
    So I'm worried I'd be saying that I don't like my current position and would rather have that one.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Lets phrase this in another context and see if it makes sense.

    would I be more happy with a 2,500sq ft, 2 story, 3BR house or a 2,500sq ft, 1 story, 3BR?
    The real Estate agent doesn't know, the guy who built them won't know. None of them can help me get the home I want unless I tell them. If I don't talk to them. Most of the time they will fall over backwards trying to help me get what I want, but first I have TELL THEM.

    Honestly if your higher ups look down on you for wanting to slide over to a job that would make you more productive and happier, thats not a good place to work.

    Normally bosses and people in charge assume you will step up and express an interest in a position. If you do not, they assume everything is fine and you're happy with what you are doing. If you don't say, they won't know.

    We just hired a new artist from the outside when one of our localization artists (who is contract) wanted the position. The localiztation artist didn't understand why the job wasn't offered to them. When I asked my boss why this was he said "they never said anything to me, I would have moved them over in a heartbeat, I had no idea they wanted to go that way".

    I think the key is showing them that you have a heart for animation and love to do it, but you would feel more rewarded making characters.

    Or I guess you could try leaving pages to a fake diary in the coppier.
    "Dear diary,
    The desk across from me sits empty they have not filled the character artist position yet. I am going to try a new form of teleapathy today and see if I can get them to transfer me over. I hope it works I really want that job but I am too scared to let my boss know I might have an interest".
  • incognito
    Well guys, I really appreciate the replies. I went ahead and talked to the producer today, and nothing is final, but at least it's out in the open now. Now I have about a week and a half to get some good work together.

    Thanks again for all the advice. I appreciate it!
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