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Regrouping in Max 8?

polycounter lvl 18
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Slaught polycounter lvl 18
Like I said in the Wip Thread I´m currently learning Max.
I´m doing one of Poop´s lowpoly modeling tuts right now and have come to a point where i can´t continue.

I have a head made of a box and a body made of a cylinder...now i want to weld the vertexes of the neck to the head.
Because they´re two seperate objects i can´t edit both at the same time (i can´t select the vertexes of the head while the body is selected).

Now my question:
Is there a way to regroup these two parts so i can edit both like one group?

Poop seems to be able to edit the vertexes of all groups at will but i really have no clue where i could configure that.

Thanks in advance :]


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