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my portfolio

polycounter lvl 17
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Krisonrik polycounter lvl 17
I have been working hard trying to get my foot in the glorious gate of 3D industry. (game or CG I don't care just want in). I need some professional suggestion on my portfolio and maybe even resume. my homepage is www.geocities.com/richard8230
Can anyone look through it and give me some helpful suggestions? The HTML version is up to date and easy to access. I am hungry for job, and I am going insane for not being able to become a true professional. Help please ><;;


  • Marine
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    Marine polycounter lvl 18
    get a better host, for starters.
    ditch flash. unless you're trying to sell yourself as a website designer, it's more hassle than it's worth.
    your 2d stuff's good, but you have mostly headshots and no full body work. same goes for your 3d work too.
    you've got a mix of stuff, but nothing showing what your focus is. you've got two highpoly cars, a plane, a room and a bunch of heads. pick something and focus on it, you can still have other bits and pieces thrown in.
    show what went in to each piece, the control mesh for your highpoly stuff (if you didn't build a low poly with a normal map of it, anyway), textures, etc.
    your 2d work is exclusively women, get more variety in there.
    work on your colour too, all your 3d pieces are monotone.
    your work looks kind of anime styled too, work on improving the realism of your pieces, work from photos until it comes naturally.

    would also suggest that you redesign your site. it's just ugly and weird at the moment, you've got pictures that are split in two so they include the background image.
  • Squirmy
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    Squirmy polycounter lvl 17
    I dont care much for the lens flare graphic. The 2d section has some nice things in it. The textureing on your 3d stuff needs some work, and the lighting in that interior shot is terrible got to fix that hot spot. I would ditch the animation section completly, right now its just bringing the quality of your folio down.
  • cholden
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    cholden polycounter lvl 18
    Currently your navigation is a labyrinth, and overall presentation is pretty bad. The car looks nice and is rendered well enough, but everything else is a mess. Organized, make sure everything is a final piece.

    Ditch the Flash page (html only please), background image and crappy layout for a single page that lists:
    Your Name
    Contact information
    Link to resume
    Position you seek
    And has a thumbnails portfolio gallery

    (3D) stick with the car, the two heads are ok (appear unfinished), and re-render the plane in a better scene.

    (2D) reduce this to the two faces on the right (5 and 10) and the two bottom (colored) images.

    All together, this would be a portfolio of 8 pieces, which would look pretty slick, but if you want to be a 3d artist, create more final 3d pieces for your portfolio.
  • Em.
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    Em. polycounter lvl 17
    Yeah, like tom sloper says...K.I.S.S..keep it simple stupid. It seems like all you really need is a page saying what you consider yourself to be, environments, characters, textures..etc. And a few simple links: resume, artwork and contact. It might help to look at industry professionals websites and see how they do it, and what sort of work they have produced to get a job. Figure out what aspect of 3D you enjoy most, and focus on that. Get involved with some mods and projects that will push you to finish things and practice.
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    sketches of japanese porn, whats not to like?
  • noritsune
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    noritsune polycounter lvl 17
    I would axe that shot of the room in the 3D section right quick. I gather from the majority of girls in the 2D and 3D sections that your interest is primarily in characters - stick to that, and dont bother showing experiments with environments. I agree with Marine who mentioned that more color pieces would help - besides being more fun to look at, they'll give the viewer a better look at your allover artistic sense.

    And throw a couple dudes in there! wink.gif
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