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Bionica - concept art

polycounter lvl 19
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TorQue[MoD] polycounter lvl 19
Hey all.

Just wanted to show off some concept art from our HL2 MOD Brutal.

This is Bionica our military rebel from the future with cybornetic enhancements:


Concept art by Chris French.

A young female soldier who lost her arm during B.I.O.S.' rampage, Bionica volunteered for the
first Military Cybornetic Enhancement Project under Valor Squad, becoming the first cyborg soldier
in the US military.

After the incident, Bionica lobbied internally for the permanent shutdown and dismantling of
the B.I.O.S. units, arguing that such powerful machines need to be operated by human pilots
rather than controlled by artificial intelligence. However, military scientists ignored her pleas and others like it,
and attempted the activation of a second B.I.O.S. unit. The results were predictably disastrous.
After the second B.I.O.S. failure, Bionica went AWOL banding together with other military dissidents
dedicated to ending the use of artificial intelligence applications in any and all aspects of human society.

Branded by some as rebels and by others as terrorists, Bionica and her followers search for the first B.I.O.S.
unit, hoping to destroy the machine she believes to be the
greatest menace of all.

If anyone might be interested in modeling her, we could use the help (even if its only a single model contribution)



  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    like the concept art smile.gif but this is a very lame way to request help.
  • gauss
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    gauss polycounter lvl 18
    it might be lame-ish, but under our guidelines it's admissable smile.gif so long as there's something being pimped, which there is in this case, posters are allowed to make requests in the same post.

    so what does she do with the robo-arm, run around giving the robots she's against giant telescoping pimp-slaps? that's a pretty good idea for a platformer actually, you're lucky i haven't run out and copyrighted Paula Pimp-Slap.
  • TorQue[MoD]
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    TorQue[MoD] polycounter lvl 19
    @ Johnny.
    Sorry, I don't see how showing off some concept art and hoping someone might think it would be a cool model to work on is a lame way to ask for help. In my opinion the only way to get help for anything is to ask for it. We need help with our project, I can't model myself and I know that a lot of people who visit polycount like to model and thought maybe someone would see Bionica's concept, want to model her and we'd have a win-win situation.
    What would you suggest as a better way to ask for help?

    @ gauss.
    I love the Paula Pimpslap comment smile.gif
    Her arm can extend up to 15 feet and those three exhaust pipe looking things at the back of her arm are used to launch it out at really high speed. She can use the arm as a grappling hook with different objects in the environment like crates, barrels, different fighters, (think Scorpion from Mortal Kombat) to access higher areas in the levels, or simply to swing around a level if there are enough things for her to grab onto (rafters)
    She can also use it as an attack when standing close to an opponent by launching her fist into their chest and slamming them into a nearby wall or knocking them across the level.
  • Snowfly
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    Snowfly polycounter lvl 18
    Sounds like your game design is taking cues from Bionic Commando, which I love! I'd be willing to take a stab at modeling her but I'm busssssy. By the way, looks like no-one's pointed out the requests forum, but that forum was just made to be ignored. tongue.gif

    Anyway about the concept, (should we be critting it? Since you aren't the artist..) the cyborg arm looks painfully grafted on, some support structure around her chest wouldn't made it look more believable. The design is terribly imbalanced, and there's no way she can move around with grace with that thing. It's an uneven length, and there's no counterbalance on the opposite shoulder. The human hand is a design choice, but it strikes me as a bit odd. She looks spunky though, it's the cyborg parts that need more iterations on the concepting.
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    Looks like that'd be a bit heavy for her... O_o
  • Xenobond
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    Xenobond polycounter lvl 18
    That'd be one hell of a reach around, no?

    Interesting concept, man!
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    I have to agree with Snoyfly, it's a welldrawn concept, but as a character design it seems a tad off. The initial woman is your generic woman with a tank top and tight pants, then the arm seems a tad tacked on. It would be a bit stronger if you added similar elements from the robot arm to the rest of her uniform. Such as beefing up her boots with more armor, as well as armor on her other shoulder to counterbalance the arm. Just some suggestions, characters always tend to look better off when they have a sense of weight.
  • TorQue[MoD]
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    TorQue[MoD] polycounter lvl 19
    Yeah feedback is great! The artist is a close friend of mine so I'll show him what you guys have said.
    This is one of the first character concepts Chris did for the game and he has since graduated from Emily Carr and is even better than when he drew her.
    You're right about the need to balance out the character, the arm is supposed to be made from some futuristic light weight alloy but some other enhancements would be good even if they're not necessarily cybornetic but more exoskeletal. I don't really want to give her more cybornetic parts because in our game's story she's supposed to be the first soldier to ever get a cybornetic enhancement, and we've got another character from a more distant future than hers who's a full blown cyborg.
    I'll mention it to Chris and see what he can come up with. He's got Bronchitis right now though so it might be a few days till he can work on something.
    I'll also be posting a concept of B.I.O.S. soon since he's her arch nemesis and the reason she has a cybornetic arm to begin with.

    @snowfly What's Bionic Commando?
  • Manny_C
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    Manny_C polycounter lvl 17
    Hey all, this is the artist spreeking. I love crit, thanks! I am adjusting a few things based on the input. It's been a while since Ive touched Bionica's concept, Looking at her again, now I see there are a few things to change/improve. Though its ultimately up to the Proj Lead. See what develops!

  • TorQue[MoD]
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    TorQue[MoD] polycounter lvl 19
    Ok, here's the latest concept from Chris...

    He's also adding some more connections for her arm at the back, but that will be shown in the Character sheet he's currently working on.

    We've also found a few new modelers to work on the project now so hopefully I'll have a model to show off in the next few weeks.
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