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recipe: Jeera Potatos

polycounter lvl 18
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PaK polycounter lvl 18
Feeds 3 people who aren't pussies concerning spice.

4 large Potato's
1 Tsp of Red Mustard Seeds (they are black)
6 Curry Leaves
1 Flat Tsp of Tumeric
1/2 Tsp of chilli powder
10 Stems of Cilantro (keep the stems)
3 de-seeded chilli
Salt (to taste)
Freeshly ground black pepper
Cooking Oil

1- Cut potatoes into 16ths (bite-sized)
2- Boil potato's first with a pinch of salt. Under-boil them because they will be pan fried.
3- Heat the oil to sizzling temperature.
4- Insert mustard seeds. Use a splash guard to avoid the seeds from splashing and bouncing out of the pan while frying. Once they start popping you can move fwd.
5- Add curry leaves (dry) and cummin seeds. Start stir for a minute. Make sure the cummin seeds do not turn black.
6- Add chillies, stir for a minute
7- Add cilantro, stir for a minute
8- Add all the potato's, stir to coat the potato's above ingredients.
9- Sprinkle Tumeric, chillie powder, and salt (to taste), and pepper.

Keep stirring until the spices taste like the flavor has been unlocked.


Add fresh spinach and/or green pea's

Squeeze lemon or lime over the dish once complete.


  • Rick Stirling
    Offline / Send Message
    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
    We went to our favourite Indian (Suruchi Too in Edinburgh) again last night. During the Leith festival they do stalls and teach people how to cook. We were talking to the manager as per usual, and discovered that the Chef from Suruchi is the guy who teaches the vegetarian cookery class that I was considering signing up for. Of course, now I HAVE to join that class.
  • Mister Sentient
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    Mister Sentient polycounter lvl 18
    Thanks again, PaK. These recipes look great.
  • Rick Stirling
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    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
    You threw me with the Cilantro (I'd never heard of it), until I found out you meant Coriander wink.gif
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Maybe you could keep any new recipes all in one thread? Or just edit a post to add more?
    It makes more sense than starting a new thread for every recipe, and this way everyone can contribute their own, we can have a big "Recipe Thread" or something.

    Sounds good though! I may have to have a go at some of this later on, I have most of those spices already.
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