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Onto a new job!

polycounter lvl 19
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Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
After a great 3.5yr stint at 5000ft here in Reno, I decided it was time to leave. I'll be taking up the role of 'imgaineer' at IGT. It's pretty much a scripting job, no artwork at all (aside from Lightwave scene manipulation).
But, I need to re-evaluate my art anyways. I suppose I've gotten burnt out, as I haven't done ANY art outside of work for almost a year now. Hopefully, keeping some distance from 3d art will spark my desire to work with it again, down the road.
I know that some of you guys have gotten interviews at 5000ft, and I defineatly wish ya the best. They are finally starting to head in the right direction, and have some real interesting stuff lined up. I just needed to duck out of art for a while.

In any case, wish me luck! laugh.giflaugh.gif


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