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Questions on starting new Char with Max 8

polycounter lvl 18
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kunglao polycounter lvl 18
Hi,Just got Max 8 and planning on creating a lo poly Normal mapped Female firefighter 3-5k polys.If anyone can help with a couple of questions that would be great.
1.As said just got Max 8 and plan to use cloth on this character,is it used in todays games(looks so in DOA4)and can anyone share their experiences using it.
2.Also intend on using zbrush for normal map and just installed zmapper.Do i still uvw map/unwrap in max(cant wait to try out pelt) and export to zbrush(where i will create my hi poly),will using cloth create any problems?
3.Would really love to apply real time shader to character especially for her skin.I am new to this although i have Ben Cloward's Tut APPLYING REAL-TIME HLSL SHADERS IN 3DS MAX.
I have seen various posts by people incorporating this into thier characters is there a standard shader people use or what.Would really love more info on this.


  • Rhinokey
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    Rhinokey polycounter lvl 18
    1:not familiar with using cloth as in games, so can't help
    2: you will need to unwrap your low poly, you can do this in max,, i think zbrush can do some unwraping stuff.. but no idea how well it works, (pelt is over rated,, but the new relax tools be the bomb), not sure how max cloth exports into zbrush,, perhaps justs converts it to normal polys and uses it..
    3: a good bit of peeps around here have been buzzing about that shader,, hopefuly someone will have some answers..

    hmm i did not actualy "answer" any guestions.. but i took the time !
  • kunglao
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    kunglao polycounter lvl 18
    thanks rhinokey.
    On my last model i exported lopoly from max to zbrush built hipoly saved it.Then i collapsed all to sub div 1(saved under dif name) exported that back to max to uvwmap/unwrap then imported hipoly and created my normal in max.It did it this way as the lopoly model slightly changed when building the high.
    I now have zmapper which i have heard good things and was wondering could i adopt the same approach but leave the hi poly model in zbrush and just import the uvwmapped/unwrapped lo poly from max back to zbrush and create my normal with zmapper or does the model have to have all divisions(5 being for hi 1 being for lo) to use zmapper?
    any help with earlier questions still needed.thanks
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    I think the source model has to have all subdivisions to be able to be used by ZMapper. However, you could try the "rebuild subdiv" button in zbrush and see if that can work to bring back your SDiv 1 level... however often it doesn't work if changes have been made at the top level. Worth a try though.
  • Eric Chadwick
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