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... Flyff?

polycounter lvl 18
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KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
Stumbled across it because of an ad:

Flyff: Fly for fun

Basically a free MMORPG (free client, no fee, no intention to start charging, don't ask me how their business model is supposed to work) so it's useful for cheap bastards like me. Progression is reasonably fast, I started today and already reached Lv. 10. Because of the abundance of healing items there's no downtime to speak of (unless you want to recharge your FP but those are kinda useless anyway). Quests sucked so far, almost all of them are "kill monsters of type X that will drop item Y and come back when you got quantity Z together".

Apparently the selling point is the flying but since that requires Lv. 20 it doesn't affect the early game at all.

Armor isn't unisex in that game, quite an annoyance since armor for girls seems to drop a lot more than armor for boys. And no, crossdressing isn't an option.

Other than that, it has cutesy graphics (even cutesy healing items, the first ones you get are lollypops) and nice music. Although I think it could have used a few more tunes for combat so there's more variety.

There's some engrish in there and the cut-off message the game wants to give you when you spend stat points is that you can redistribute all your stat points once you reach the first class change. Before you get a class you have no use for intelligence anyway so don't spend any points on that.

Plus it got a penguin as a Clippy replacement.


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