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These are all things i worked on recently (meaning yesterday and today), and i'd like any advice i can get.
This officially makes me a has-been slacker, while Crash is still quite firmly lodged in the "massive slacker"-category.


  • dur23
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    dur23 polycounter lvl 19
    You making excelent head way in your new hobby mr.pea.
    The red mesh could use some tightening up and such but other wise i'd say your on a path of kick assedness.
  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 19
    I'm with Dur on the red dude, doesn't seem to the level of the other guys. The rest of them are very nicely crafted meshes. I like the texture on your mound too. *teehee*

    Now texture all of them!

  • steady
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    steady polycounter lvl 18
    awesome pea! make an sdk for that red dude, would be cool to texture. Is that Klesk's whore of a girl friend? Who knocked her up? was it Tank Jr?
  • Crash
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    Crash polycounter lvl 18
    Me a slacker? Well I NEVER...... oh. Yeah. You're right.

    Nice stuff.
  • System
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    Thanks guys! I do agree the red guy still needs a fair bit of work, but i just stared myself blind on him, so i can't begin to tell what needs changing. Both him and the female klesk are for Cheapy's OpenArena project, and were made off of vague descriptions of the allready existing ones, so as not to be too similar.
    Here's a little preview of the bug:
  • dur23
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    dur23 polycounter lvl 19
    whoa nice!
    That texture is why pea rules.
  • System
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    http://mightypea.3dpalette.ca/browse/bin.jpg (updated below)

    edit: an updated bin

    black bits will be alpha'd out, including the handle. And there's a bag inside of there, as well.
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    I think the spider should have his eight eyes on the top of his head, to be more spidery. Right now having his two eyes on either side make what I took to be giant pincers look more like ineffectual horns. Other than that, the texture looks ace.
  • Polygon
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    Polygon polycounter lvl 17
    I would probably reduce the saturation on the bin if anything else- probably go for something more along the lines of being dark grey with a bluish tint.
  • System
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    I just wanted to share the final look of the bug with you guys, as i'm quite happy with how it turned out:

    I agree with your comment, Sectaurs, but i wanted them to be horns from the beginning, so i really wanted to stick with that. I hope it works, as they were the hardest part to texture, heh.
    If i can find some more time to work today (what with my roommate's girlfriend egging me on to mop the floor, haha.) i'll try some different colours for that trashbin, and i'll put in some more colours, as it's still entirely monochrome right now.
    Would it be silly (with a decent portfolio-piece in mind) to use a small (256) texture for the streetlight, considering its rather high polycount?
  • vahl
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    vahl polycounter lvl 18
    very nice stuff man smile.gif
  • RazorBladder
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    RazorBladder polycounter lvl 18
    nice work on the spidery model, the texture really makes it 1000 times more sexy.
    Keep it up hombre!

    the pot-bellied female klesk is cute tongue.gif
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    Ah, okay. Now that its finished looks muuuuuch better. The mouth between the horns fixes everything.
  • System
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    I did some tiling stuff today, as i've never really done much of that, and i think i should have things like that in my portfolio.
    The wallpapers tile quite good horizontally, and i'll add a border for the ceiling at some time tommorow. I want to do some grass later, but i've never done tiling grass that was larger than 128x128, so i don't really know where to begin. I suppose a picture would be a good idea, but does anyone have any advice on a way to do more stylised grass, as a tiling texture?
  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 19
    Nice work man. The tiles are reading like they have a hard bevel, when most tiles I've seen have been rather rounded. Besides that, looks ace, nice and crisp all over. These are some of the nicer environment textures I've seen posted recently. Go go Belgium!

  • System
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    I should probably mention that this is sourced from a photo from imageafter, allthough i edited it a lot, to get it to tile well. The second picture shows it being tiled, and as you can see there's no very obvious pattern to them, except for the vertical line of red bricks... Should i attempt to get rid of those as well, or is this good? I'm trying to do these within a short timeframe, to teach myself some shortcuts (ways to do things faster, not keyboard shortcuts smile.gif), so i don't want to fiddle with them too long.
    Since all of this is being done to have new material in my portfolio, what do you think i should focus on? I'm shooting for a "texture-artist with modelling experience" kind of thing, so textures are my main thing.
  • sinistergfx
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    sinistergfx polycounter lvl 18
    Do some more complex stuff and organics. "Plain" architectural textures are good and all, but kinda boring.

    Play some Metroid Prime for some ideas.
  • JordanW
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    JordanW polycounter lvl 19
    Sinstergfx is right, you should really try some more complex stuff. If you're going to do architectural textures you should try dirtying em up, add some flavor. Also as played out as it may seem you may want to do some techy bits just pick subject matter that allows you to be creative and do lots of detail. To be honest making clean floor and wall pieces is kinda boring :-\
  • Cubik
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    Cubik polycounter lvl 18
    Are you using Texture Maker? Parts of those textures are looking very familiar.

    Hey, the last guy I saw doing a Metroid Prime enviroment got a job there, so go Retro-style!
  • System
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    Nope, no texturemaker. You did remind me of the free wood-generator those guys put out though, so i'll be giving that a try later on. Does anyone know if that's any good?
    And i know these aren't very original, but i don't think my chances of being hired would be all that good if i only had stylised things, right? i'm just re-familiarising (what a word! does that even exist? it does now!) myself with getting textures to tile, and i wanted a few of these photo-sourced things in my portfolio anyway.
    For sure making them isn't the most exciting thing to do, but it's good to have in there i guess...
    Anyway, here's a model i've tinkered with a bit today:

    There are still lots of bits i can (and should!) clean up, but i'm still just roughly fleshing out what he's going to look like.
    I tried to keep a team-workflow in mind during this, but i still have to kick the habit of using lots of ngons and all that i guess... allthough i do find it enables me to work much faster, and leave the cleanup untill the end, so i don't clean up anything that might be gone at the end anyway.
  • JordanW
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    JordanW polycounter lvl 19
    [ QUOTE ]
    i don't think my chances of being hired would be all that good if i only had stylised things, right?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Not suggesting you should make stylized textures, You should just pick better source. You can still make something extremely interesting AND be realistic. Add dirt, grit, stains. Pick some interesting surfaces like a stone wall with windows and engravings. Maybe go a little more fantastical in your subject or more sci fi. I'm not suggesting you go stylized, just make more interesting textures if you want to stand out! laugh.gif
  • Eric Chadwick
    Pea, Rorshach's textures might be worth a look. My favorite is his Ivory set.

    Also StrangeFate has some good ones.
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