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UV Mapping a cone

polycounter lvl 18
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Sir_KnowS polycounter lvl 18
Hello all,
I want to map this roof, which is basically a cone. I've tried a few different methods but I'm not happy with the results. I've 1)mapped the cone as a cylinder then unwrapped it, 2)used Unwrap UVW and planar mapped using the X and Z planes and 3)used Unwrap UVW and planar mapped using average normals.

Here are some images:


and here's the max file:

Does anyone know a better way to do this?


  • cholden
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    cholden polycounter lvl 18
    Planar map from one side (Z or X) for an equal vert and UV count. Then if you want, mirror the uvs by moving them over each other, leaving just one triangle of UV space for the whole cone. Check out DH's AoE3 art, he has an example of this on several of his environments
  • Asthane
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    Asthane polycounter lvl 18
    What exactly are you looking for? Something like this?


    Did that with a few clicks in Wings, (UVmap -> Cut seams -> Unfold). I seem to recall someone here working on a plugin for Max for that kind of workflow, try doing a forum search for that topic maybe?

    [edit] Did it for you wink.gif
    the thread
    CrazyButcher's cottage
  • Sir_KnowS
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    Sir_KnowS polycounter lvl 18
    What i didn't like about the way i mapped the cone was the distortion and way-too-apparent seams. Also when i painted on the average normals palanar map I got alot of pixelation at the edge (may have to provide an image to better illustrate this).

    Thanks for the quick replies. I'll have to try them out and see what works best.
  • FatAssasin
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    FatAssasin polycounter lvl 18
    If you don't want seams, you could planar map it looking straight down on it, but you'll get more distortion.
  • Rhinokey
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    Rhinokey polycounter lvl 18
    yeah a cone will either have seams or distortion, no way around it,

    if it was a stucco type material, asthanes way would work best, but if you wanted like shingles, his would be hardcause you would have to paing the shingles bending along the curve of the uvs,
    so for shingles hte planar method owuld be better, but you would have to deal with seams
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