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rooster mod
just bought this yesterday, after checking 3 shops first that were sold out.. I think someone somewhere underestimated this games appeal and not enough copies got to the shops. It's a great game, the closest to a murder mystery in game form as ever I've seen- a real page turner too. You play several characters in the game, and play both cat and mouse in the murder investigation. It sounds like it shouldn't work, but it really does.. My only gripe is the repetetive button bashing when your character does something that requires physical effort. Nice idea, but flawed execution.

Overall though I'm really enjoying this one, it's basically what all those crappy old 'interactive movies' really wished they were. Each scene/level has various ways that you can react, and this genuinely affects the way that events unfold. If that sounds boring, trust me its just because I suck at explaining. gonna dive back into it now!

Also on a side note, I got a job laugh.gif first day was today and it was fun, working with some really nice people. ended up doing some photoshop bits and pieces as my machine gets maya onto it tomorrow. w00t


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