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Crytek 2 tech

polycounter lvl 18
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Fuse polycounter lvl 18

thoughts ? Personally i wasnt a fan of farcry or their engine, it had great draw distances but it had that oversaturated look that i really didnt like.

This looks much better, although keeps the oversaturated scheme, i like the soft shadows and i really like the advanced shader part towards the end. The fire effects and physics werent that impressive.

what i really bugs me these days is that we havent come to a point to render realistic shadows yet, right now they are rendered as if there is a direct centralized lightsource that plots the outline of the shadows. Which is probably because we dont have realtime radiosity. You can get away with in indoors i suppose but outdoor is sticks out like a sore thumb, perfect, geometric shadows that are too dark and too direct.


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