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W.i.p new man Reborn

polycounter lvl 18
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LazyBoy polycounter lvl 18
made this model before but now i am remaking him again so i can try and make him better

here is some of him did this a while ago but i forgot about him now i am coming back to him wanna get started on the head and shoulders i just put this up so i can get some criteques on his body.

gotta add "good" ruffles and creases in the trousers and the jumper and i gotta split his jumper from his trousers it's still in it's early stages



  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    It looks like you made a lowpoly model and decided to throw a meshsmooth at it, very gooey. The front is too boxy, looks as if he tied a board to his stomach. The arms look somewhat short.
  • LazyBoy
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    LazyBoy polycounter lvl 18
    didn't understand by what you meant when you wrote "very gooey" didn't understand what you meant by that do you mean it doesn't look solid enough or the model looks too smooth.

    yeh i see what you mean about the arms usually anatomically the arms go past the hips and stop near the thighs his arms will be lucky enough to do that so i gotta lenthen them a bit more.

    yeh i see what you mean the chest seems quite boxy but i said it's still in it's early stages i need to add more detail there and sort that problem out
  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    It has absolutely no sharp edges or even definition at all, just large, "smooth" shapes that blend into each other. When you're going the hipoly route you have to keep a detail level that is vastly higher than what you'd do with a lowpoly mesh. If that's supposed to be highpoly you're pimping this a week too early.
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    learn to crop images!
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 18
    shrink the image....lots of dead space. this is really all you need.

    show the low poly cage. you have lots of bad habits we need to break you from asap.
  • LazyBoy
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    LazyBoy polycounter lvl 18
    What are these bad habits you speak of???

    ah well here are screens of the low poly cage

    ok......doctor elysium time to perform major surgery.

    guide me through the process and i will make the incisions where necessary on the model heheh

    time to pull out your science bible on anatomy now lets get to work!!!!!! heheh crazy.gif(only jking i have realised your really smart on this kinda stuff)
    try to scale down the images as best as i could this time around so they weren't as big as the last heheheh
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 18
    preaching anatomy won't be necessary tongue.gif. i'll let someone with more experience in subD modeling give the advice.
    my suggestion would be to spend more time learning low poly modeling to cover some basics. like KDR said, this just looks meshsmoothed without reason. i mentioned habits because this looks very similar in design to your female mesh.

  • Zeldrik
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    Zeldrik polycounter lvl 18
    I suggest you look up some references and try to simulate what you see, I know its not as fun as just making stuff from your mind but in the early stages it is better to build a mental library.
    The effort will reflect in your work.
  • LazyBoy
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    LazyBoy polycounter lvl 18
    so your trying to tell me that i should get picture references of real people or drawings of charcters or whatever and try to copy them as best as i can to improve my modelling skills in general also you noticed that Elysium because i am using the same technique as a template to make this model. I suppose that's not a good idea either?????

    anyway let me keep on working on the model it's still in it's early stages i plan to do a alot more to it just wait and see

    gotta do loads to it!!!!!!!!!!!!!! laugh.gifconfused.gifmad.giflaugh.gifcrazy.gifconfused.giflaugh.gifcrazy.gifmad.gifconfused.gifcrazy.gif
  • CheapAlert
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    CheapAlert polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah. The best way to practice porportions and anatomy is to model a lot of naked (gargoyle) men
  • Weiser_Cain
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    Weiser_Cain polycounter lvl 18
    I prefer naked dragon men..I mean women! I mean humans!
    Actually I like modeling from drawings a bit more but I'm quirky that way.
    Go grab some human references and look around the forum for tips on how to better construct a model, wires are your friend.
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    I suppose that's not a good idea either?????

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Nope. The more you do it, the more you show you're not learning the way you should be. Your feet still look like Joan of Arc. Max users early in their education find that little button labeled "meshsmooth". From that, they believe that smoothing their models is a cool feature. What you get is that gooey appearance. Just because it's smooth, doesn't make it cool, complete...or even pleasant to look at. Take a well designed 800 polygon QuakeIII model and smooth it, you've got crap. Other apps follow the standard algorithms for creating subdivided surface and often require training to use them correctly. Max pirates love pushing buttons.

    I recommend not pressing that button, and simply work with low polygon objects. Learn about edge topology and smoothing groups, proper deformation, modeling from references set to grids in orthographic views...those sort of things. I know you're a student, and have been using Max for over a year...but what have you been learning? How are you animations?
  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    Max pirates love pushing buttons.

    Is that the reason you got the skull and crossbones as your avatar? *ducks*
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 18
    hehe. Yarr! I not be that kinda pirate you lanlubber!
  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    Oh, you Ninja Pirate? Give back Donkey!
  • LazyBoy
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    LazyBoy polycounter lvl 18
    ok elysium you are trying to tell me that i should stop using other techniques such as the joan of arc technique as a technique template and that i should try to get better modelling such characters by gathering knowledge on modelling and practicing on picture references with my "own" developed techniques

    also let me get this straight i am kinda slow so you have to bear with me so your also trying to say that i should try and model more basic and lower polygon models to learn about these fundamental principles such as edge topology and proper deformation.

    Also yes i am a student just finished my second term still trying to feel my way into this industry but what i have been learning is very sprase when it comes to the theory side of modelling and animation such as things like anatomy. Our teacher have kinda not really taught us anything they have kinda dumped tutorials in front of us fomr books on from the net and told us to get on with it and nothing else has really been taught or given to us by my teachers we haven't really been taught anything espically when it comes to theory into making models such as things like anatomy and why and how a good constructed model is made.

    So just for reapting sake your trying to say that i should drop any techniques that i ahve acquired from the net or from books and just devlop my own way to model a character.

    Don't you thikn it would be better and quicker if i learnt from these books these techniques and then just edit,change or manipulate these techniques to suit my own style..

    Also are you trying to say that i should stop using modifiers such as meshsmooth as that detracts from helping me to get get better as that's just a easy way to clean up my models of a sort and that i should try and make my charaters looks smooth, clean and good by modelling accuratley and properly witout the need of meshsmooth

    My animations are very up and down my very first one went bad as i was wayy too ambitious and bascially i was trying to do things i didn't have a clue how to do properly and things went all wrong as i didn't have the knowledge or techincal skill to know how to do it right

    the seond aniamtion went good i had to make a watch and showed how it worked that went cool no problems there

    the thrid animation was a documeantary everyone saw me working on the project and thought oh it was gonna be good but i was told that half the stuff i wanted in it had to get cut out and i was made to axe like 2/3 of my animation by my teachers it was gonna be a proper epic like 10 mins long but instead it some boring animation that just has been talking about the samurai kinda dissapointed really by that as it should have been good you can see some stills of it in my very first post on this forum

    oh yeh almost forgot confused.gifcrazy.gifmad.gifcrazy.giflaugh.gifconfused.gifcrazy.gifmad.giflaugh.gifcrazy.gifwink.gifcrazy.gifooo.gifconfused.gifconfused.gifcrazy.giflaugh.giflaugh.gifconfused.gifmad.gifcrazy.gifconfused.gif
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 18
    I'm not sure what you want me to say. At this point, I'm not sure what to say to you. Don't expect me to say good job. Reason being, I have a much younger brother who's too distracted by childhood to have an interest in getting a job in games but was able to design vehicles and weapon models within a week of installing Wings3D at a much better quality than the work you're showing after 2 years of school. The tuition money could have been better spent on a seat for XSI. I'm trying to offer help. Notice no one else is. My rant on anatomy on an earlier thread was probably useless because I wasn't sure of your background or goals. So the question is...what do you want to accomplish? Before you even begin to create polygons, what is the purpose? Is this for a game? Is it for an illustration or animation? Just a study of a particular method? Do you know what you want the finish product to look like before you begin? You say you're going to add great things to these...like what? Do you even know? It's easy to follow a tutorial online and create what you have. What makes it yours? Why must you include all those smileys? You like pushing the buttons? Ask questions. Learn how to learn. After reading the description of your classes, it seems you've gotten off on a bad start.

    Have you considered trying a weapon or a prop? Have you considered using a better program for learning? If your reply includes any phrase similar to "let me get this straight", I'm simply not going to respond to you. In fact, I'm not sure why I am now. Perhaps I owe it to you.
  • John Warner
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    John Warner polycounter lvl 18
    hey dude. by looking at the images, i think your problem is that you're not thinking small enough.

    don't think of it as modeling a human, think of it as modeling a character as composed of multiple parts, like pants, shirt, etc etc. and while you're at it, dont think of the pants as a whole object, think of it as being broken down into it's compotents. chunk small. get some reference for everything you do. if you're going to make a pair of pants, get a photo of the exact type of pants you want to make and match it perfectly. don't accept a half ass gesture. make it good.

    get reference and match it perfectly. nobody models from their head.

    also please note. a forum like this isn't for getting pats on the back. it's for focused critique. if you dont want someone's straight, honest opinion, don't post... just so you know..
  • LazyBoy
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    LazyBoy polycounter lvl 18

    Elysium by the way you have responded your acting like i am attacking you????

    I find that concerning............

    what have i done to offend or annoy you dude is it because i am not taking it seriously enough for you or did you misinterpret my last msg as an attack on you cuz it wasn't and i never intended it to come across like that at all

    what i said was because i didn't understand what you meant in your last msg entirely and i was relying what "YOU" said through "MY" msg so you could confirm whether i had understood your point or not you just then needed to reconfrim that by either saying "yes you got my point" or saying "no you still don't understand"

    (in reponse to Johnny)

    i still post stuff on this forum because i want critques i want my work to get analysed and evaluated so i can make myself get better "a pat on the back" is the last thing i want otherwise i wouldn't bother post anything up here no offense why would i want praise from some people i don't even know and will never meet in my life

    if i knew my work was great i would know that inside myself and wouldn't bother to even look at these forums let alone post i would just get on with my own thing but becasue i know i am not good yet and becasue i know i make mistakes and becasue i know i can be better is the reason why i look at these forums so i can see people who are better then me and learn from them i put up things on this forum beacuse i know they aren't good and beacuse i know there are peopel out there who wuld look at that and spot the mistake i would have been otherwsie blind to.

    i put this stuff up so it can get criticised the hell out of so i can learn and become better and learn to stop making mistakes that i would have otherwised not have noticced till it was too late I.E(completing a modell and realising i have to redo the arm or leg or something cuz it's not right.)

    (in reponse to Elysium)

    there is no need for insults your younger bro is probably better than me as is the majority of the poeple on this forum from the work i have seen them create

    And that XSI seat would be a comfy one too adjustable height for humans of all ages and sizes and 360 swivel rotation it's limitless capabilities boggles the mind hehehheheh

    i am not to worried though i am just bothered about whether i can be the best i can be thats all. I don't really get insecure about the person next to me being better than i am just as long as i know that i could or can create good work and become better is what would drive me.

    making a very realistic human character as you know is far from a walk in the park

    dude you asked me what i have learnt and done i was honest and open enough to tell you

    now i know my enviornment where i am working isn't the best but i was honest enough that i gave you my honest opinion on it

    i wasn't looking for sympathy or anything you asked so i told you i didn't want any praise from you sayng good job considering your circumstances hell no

    sympathy is the last thing i want or need what i would like to see is more of what people on this forum are doing i have looked at alot of posts on this forum everyone on this forum is quite harsh and strict on their analysis of things even the stuff which is really good people still find something to critcise or say it could still be improved here or there thats great becasue it shows the seriousness and level of detail an skill people require and expect when they see bits of work

    the type of attitude here is what could help me to shake off these noob chains and start making models better and more accurately.

    dude leet me stress i wasn't trying to be insultive in the last post and i am not trying to be insultive now.
    i know that you want to help and i do try and listen to what you say and i do try and take it on but as i said i have difficultly understanding sometimes and you know the net is hardly the best way to teach someone something like this the best way would be to usually show the person. Thats why i was trying to relay basically what you said to me back to you by the "let me get this straight" i was trying to clarfiy what you wanted me to do by relaying backk to you what you said to me so you could confrim whether i had got your point or not i honestly expected you to say yes Lazyboy you have got the point i was trying to make now go do something like that i was completely taken aback when you came out with those comments

    Well at least it show's you care to some degree..............??????? frown.gifconfused.gif
  • Sage
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    Sage polycounter lvl 19
    I always hated that my professors didn't teach me the basics in my 3D animation classes so I sort of understand your frustration with school.

    To learn to model humans that look good in your lifetime I suggest you do what John and ElysiumGX said and get reference, and lots of it.


    1. Plan what you want, then find reference of what you want, then make some sort of design once you seen the reference.

    2. Find or make orthos for your character. You need a front and side view, minimum, and make them line up.

    3. Setup your reference on flat planes and set the material self illumination to 100%, since I find it makes it easier to see while modeling.

    4. Model. You just trace the image. Make sure your edges follow the muscles found on the human body. If you have a hard time seeing your reference while you model just press crtl x in Max to make your mesh semi transparent or if you don't have max make a material that makes your model semi transparent.

    5. Mess up and start over and over and eventually you'll get it right. Practice.

    6. Unwrap and texture.

    ElysiumGX told you not to use meshsmooth and to model a low poly human. It's easier to learn to model low poly humans and you'll learn where it's important to put your detail. Meshsmooth takes into account how big a polygon is and adds polygons evenly to it. Places that require a hard edge need to be prepared or they will lose their definition. If you don't understand try this, make a box and add meshsmooth and it becomes a ball. If you want the box to remain a box after you add meshsmooth you need to double the edges that make the box square. Since you are using Max I suggest you use the poly object and in edge mode use connect to make the cuts, or extrude the faces a little. The closer two edges are the harder they will be after you apply meshsmooth.

    Check out the tutorials on Polycount and also look at the videos found there. www.poopinmymouth.com has some nice tutorials as well. Now go do some work. wink.gif


  • LazyBoy
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    LazyBoy polycounter lvl 18
    hmmm ok i will begin to try and model lower polygon models to learn how to construct models properly ok yeh i will try that. I will need to do a little research first as to what i should try and model but yeh i will try that maybe i will start with an inamnimate object like the buster sword that cloud uses have to draw one first then maybe a gun will try to look for references for that
  • GraphicGenesis
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    GraphicGenesis polycounter lvl 17
    I would have to agree about starting out at lower poly budgets. To be honest, I was once guilty of being a meshsmooth fiend, and looking back it really is not the way to go.

    With some good references and time, I bet your model could look pretty kick ass. Good luck with it smile.gif
  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    You resurrected a thread that was dead for almost a year just to tell him that?
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    [ QUOTE ]
    You resurrected a thread that was dead for almost a year just to tell him that?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Now I'm curious.

    What ever happened to this guy?
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    best first post ever!
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    love these "second year " threads...
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    Haha by now I'd like to see his new work...he's probably posting the best stuff on CGtalk laugh.gif!
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