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Character : Slack ( fully textured, etc )

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Joao Sapiro sublime tool
in my litttle free time i made this character , but only with practising intuits , i didnt aim it for any specific platform , so...

things i will need to fix in my next project : modeling and rigging, cause im auto criticising my work and i conclude that i still need to practise some edgeloops in arms , cause they are the ones i founded more difficult to deform , texturing wise, iv already improved after making this guys face , but i will implement my "upgraded" technique on my next project.i still see loads of flaws on it, but i learned alot thou



the image of the character for those that dont want to read lol :


and the self iluminated :


the base ALSO self iluminated :


some gear :


polycounts : will be dysplayed on next posts when i acess the model in my other house :P

textures : 1 1024x1024 for body , 1 512x512 for head , 1 128x256 for glasses , 1 256x256 for pockets ( they are removable ) , 1 256x256 for the binnoculars , 1 1024x1024 for the base , 1 64x256 for the snake .

ill be posting some whire later too bye !


  • Irritant
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    Irritant polycounter lvl 18
    Really nice smile.gif

    Part in the hair seems a little wierd(kindof depressed int he middle?), but other than that, I have no crits. Good job!
  • Ramucho
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    Ramucho polycounter lvl 18
    love that gun, good work dude!

  • Rick Stirling
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    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
    Thats technically and artistically good on many levels. the mesh is superb.

    Now the "However"

    Firstly, the design on a functional level. Look at the vest in the cold hard light of day. What is the purpose of that vest? Who built it? Why?

    It is covered in studs and screws and vents, but are they there to serve a fucntional purpose? Are they there becuase the designer of the armour wanted them, or are they there because you wanted to fill in black space? blank space is not a crime.

    Now, if it is the design of an armourer, there is a culture behind it. That culture would *POSSIBLY* carry on to the other aspects of the character, unless he scavanged the part. If he scavanged it, he would likely have scavanged other parts.

    These details seem meaningless to some people, but you can see how it builds up a level of continuity.

    The base is filthy. His trousers are filthy. His gun belts are brand new.

    On a technical level, yo may want to go back and check some UVs or the textures - several of the leather belts are crooked in many places.
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    ehehe now this is what i call a good critic ! thanks for all the point outs laugh.gif

    now to my refutation :

    this character spends alod of time away from the base, so he needs some hard and good protection whelst he is away so that he hasnt to repair everything when he gets shot , the screws, vents , etc are part of removable parts, so that he can addapt them and remove them easily , like a replacement in armor.

    that culture doesnt pay attention to match his gear cause they simply dont have enough , that armour has passed from ages from scout to scout , and each has made its costumizations.

    his gun belts are kinda new, cause he switched them the last time he uses it, hence they are removable, cause a defective gun belt isnt worth anything , so he just grabbed a new one , thats why the colour doesnt even match the armour :P

    about the stretching of the belts , thats because of the deformation of the model cause it streches it a bit:P

    and i really like ur critics man and expect to see some more smile.gif
  • RazorBladder
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    RazorBladder polycounter lvl 18
    I really like the texture work going on in these pieces, hope to see more stuff.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    This stuff looks good overall.

    I really don't like the guy's face... the eyes look far too small, and squashed together.
    The lines/wrinkles going down the cheeks look really weird, they're not anatomically correct, and shaded far too "hard" to be flesh.
    His mouth also seems too hard... I think you've overdone the 1-pixel highlights on it ... it's meant to be flesh, not plastic - soften up the shading a little.

    The jawline is crazy, and there's some really odd shading going on there, between the cheek/ear area and jawline. Get some anatomy ref and check that area out.

    Also, eyebrows don't look like that. It looks like he's got a caterpillar above his eye - again the shading is too hard, it should be softer to represent fine hair.

    The shading on the flesh of the arms is too hard-edged too, again that's flesh, it shouldn't be so defined and sharp. The texture shading just looks weird when combined with the gouraud shading of the model.

    So yeah, in general your flesh texturing needs a lot of work... i think you're using too many of the techniques you use for painting armour and "hard" materials in it... just soften it up!

    That said, I do like the texture work on most of the equipment, it looks good in general.

    Although I have to agree with Rick, a lot of the detail on the vest looks like detail for detail's sake, in fact as you zoom out it just starts to look cluttered and unreadable - all the fine details make the texture too busy.
    I think you should focus more on the main shapes of the armour before going crazy with little rivets, straps and vents. Make sure that it holds up at all levels of zoom ... at the moment I think it'll just look messy if he was in a game and a long way away.

    Generally good work, the modelling looks solid, although the wrist/hand area could do with some work (again, reference!), and the facial proportions are pretty crazy in the mesh (tiny eyes, huge wide nose)...

    Keep it up!

  • JDinges
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    JDinges polycounter lvl 18
    I second what MoP said about the head problems, it looks funky.

    Also the legs seem a bit large, though that might just be a perspective issue. His calves look crazy large.

    And is he missing his trapezious muscle? kind of looks like his head was just stuck into the torso via a neck peg (like an action figure), no real muscle flow in that area. If that makes any sense.

    Other than those anatomical issues I think it looks cool, great job with the armor and cloth textures.
  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 19
    Great presentation! I really like what you have going on for the most part. I'm with the others posting above in that it has some issues. I think my favorate part is the leather knife sheaths. Very nice looking.

    The skin tone is very greasy. The shadows get a bit too purple and could stand to have less blue and more yellow in them.

    Mesh construction looks pretty good.

    Overall it looks like you've got a good start and just need to log a few more hours of practice to really get your mastery up.
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    nicely done!

    what the hell is that metal thing on his head?

    really screws with the visual blending of hair to forehead and makes his head appear convex!
  • shotgun
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    shotgun polycounter lvl 19
    yup good job man..

    good points made there by stirling and mop
    you should pay attention to what they say..
    perhaps to elaborate:

    the issues with the face are simply because it is painted poorly. you *could get away with the mesh errors since its low poly, but when it came down to painting the face they have absolutely no structure.
    study the head anatomy.

    notice how think is the wrist. a wrist pretty much 2 bones, its not thick even if you are very mascular and big boned.

    the wrist effects the hand anatomy, which is then also off.

    these things roll from and to one another. and think he is a little too tall as well.

    heads usually set proportions for everything else, so I would focus on that. all the details in the world cant save a model with a bad skeleton. not that yours is bad.. but it could deffinately get some work.

    as for the tech side, you may want to tone down the edges. almost every edge gets a highlight and a dark outline.. and more often than not they dont really fit. ye it may be a style thing, but i think its overkill.
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    hey everyone ! thanks for reply , so heres what i have kept in mind with al the feedback i have been receiving in all forums :

    - ill improve my head anatomic construction, althou i didnt follow it on this character cause i wanted a stylized head, but my next trry will be a total realistic one smile.gif
    - ill improve modeling, and mainly in edgeloops , cause they help alot in deformation.
    - pay more attention to elbow detail, mostly anatomically and texture wise .

    and something i forgot to say :

    everything is handpainted ( around 90% , cause i use some textures to add gritty look) , except the base that is 80% photopainted smile.gif

    thank everyone, ill post more wires and maybe texture sheets when i arrive home smile.gif
  • StephenVyas
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    StephenVyas polycounter lvl 18
    Dig the gun man.. Reminds me of Judge Dred's LAW pistol-but cooler.
  • Mark Dygert
    Looks great! The texture work is really the highlight, that is some awesome stuff!

    But (there is always a but around here) I have a few issues with the head.

    (Some of these might have been brought up already, I don't have time to read the thread)
    - The ears seem to stick out too far away from his head. They don't seem to attach to his face flushly, the lower lobe seems to be pointing into the back jaw line too much.
    - The upper lip seems short and the chin seems long. With a chin of that size he would need a strong square jaw line running from the bottom of the ear down to his chin, which he doesn't have. In fact it looks like his back jaw bone was taken out and his cheeks and lower ear sink into the hole.
    - His nose looks a bit wide in the wire frame mode and the texture seems to over compensate for this with some pretty drastic shadowing.
    - The same goes for the eyes. The mesh has the eyes too far apart and they come off looking sunken due to the drastic over compensation on the texture.
    - The neck seems too low poly and I think it might have animation issues when he looks side to side. One more ring of edges horizontally thru the middle would allow a more natural turn and there would be a lot less pinching.

    Great model! With some tweaks it could be an AMAZING model!
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    sorry i took so long, heres the specifications and the texture sheets :

    body : 3485 triangles ( 1 512x512 for head, 1 1024x1024 for body ) 3911 with pockets.
    glasses : 328 triangles ( 1 28x256 )
    pockets : 426 triangles ( 1 256x256 )
    binnoculars : 172 triangles ( 1 256x256 )
    gun : 328 triangles ( 1 512x512 )
    snake : 142 triangles ( 1 64x 512 )
    Base : 1042 triangles ( 1 1024x1024 )

    body tex : bodytex5ot.jpg

    face, pockets, binnoculars, gun, glasses, snake...



    bye !
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