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New but dead Intel 2.4 pc Fifty dollar pc fry job.

polycounter lvl 18
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frosty polycounter lvl 18
I think I fried a 2.4 intel I bought for 50.00.

I brought her home and loaded up mixed ram, 2100, 2700 & 3200 ddr.

Loaded my modem and ATI 9800 card and whammo.

It would not load up to even c prompt or give me those initial beeps at start up.

Fans run fine, led light comes on, psu seems ok, I just wonder if I fried the board.

I then tried my 300 w psu and still nada.

I then tried to put it all back and hook video onto the built in vid card. still dead.

May try to reset the bios tonight and remove the mb battery. shrugs....

Oh well at least the system was worth it for the 256 ram and Barracuda 7200 silent drive and the 52 cd rw drive.

Luckily my sweet Athlon1700 still works and did not hold it against me. smile.gif

I guess you get what you pay for. wink.gif


  • Slayerjerman
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    Slayerjerman polycounter lvl 18
    Get what you pay for wink.gif
  • Thermidor
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    Thermidor polycounter lvl 18
    I take it you got this pc off ebay or somthing... chances are it was fried already if so.

    are you getting any beeps at startup?

    If the mobo is dead it should look like the PSU is not supplying power to the board properly. all the fans work but nothing happens.

    I didnt even think a 300w PSU would run a P4 anyway
  • frosty
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    frosty polycounter lvl 18
    Actually it was a work pc, from my Employer, it came with a std 250 w Sparkle, laughs, brand psu and I tried my 300 W Seasonic to no results. Yes and no beep beep on start up, I think she bit the dust.
  • sonic
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    sonic polycounter lvl 18
    If you don't get a post beep, something is definitely dead/not put in right. Have you tried different RAM? If that doesn't work, it's your mobo/cpu. If your fans and what not are coming on, then it could also be the P4 connector (4 pin black and yellow usually). Even if you have no CPU it should still give you a post beep.
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    Are you saying you that you put an AMD chip into the motherboard that wouldnt work with the intel chip?
  • frosty
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    frosty polycounter lvl 18
    I will dbl check that 12 volt connection Sonic thx.

    Aesir, uh, no I had my old sweet athlon sitting by watching me fool around with an intel, almost makes me feel guilty
  • Toomas
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    Toomas polycounter lvl 18
    Take everything off (cpu, ram, video/sound/network cards, mouse, keyboard etc.) plug the monitor to the onboard video and try to start it.
  • Mark Dygert
    Ha wierd I had a friend who had the same issue but it was his power supply. It was still functional to some degree because the mo-bo light would come on, But it wouldn't turn over when you hit the power button.

    I had to slap him around a bit for 3 reasons:
    1) Only 2 fans in the entire case, on the proccessor and in the power supply. The PWS was clogged...
    2) Having the Tower sitting on a window cil that gets almost full sun exposure all day long. The room it is gets really hot no AC.
    3) He felt the case and it was "hot enough to fry burgers on". So he took a HAIR DRYER and propped it up so it would blow into the back of the case, with the PC ON! Then left it alone for 3 hours...

    I am suprised more than the PWS isn't toast, but only time will tell. I also helped him pick out a new case and new PWS. BTW he had a 250watt running a P4 2.4ghz, blew my mind I thought you needed at least a 300.
  • Creamy_Goodness
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    Creamy_Goodness polycounter lvl 18
    > To tell you the truth, I've been having a similiar experience while building my case mod, The Creamy Entertainment System. The first motherboard I got for it was a mini-itx motherboard called the P4 ITX. When I assembled the machine and turned it on, only the fans and the power LED worked. The system never made it to the BIOS. I eventually had to resort to getting a CL10000 all-in-one motherboard, which has a 1Ghz processor soldered on to it. After successfully bench testing that board, I then tried to bench test my slim DVD and floppy drives, but ended up frying the motherboard in the process. (I neglected to unplug the power adapter from the wall, and when I plugged out the power supply from the MB's 20-pin connector to uncover the IDE ports, and then plugged it back in, the MB came on for only a split second, and never was able to make it to the BIOS since.) So now I'm taking the MB AND the power supply back to ituner for a refund, and I plan to order a PL10000 MB along with another PW200 external power supply.

    > There is a really usefull tool that has helped me tremendously during the final phases of this project. It's called the Soyo TechAid PCI Diagnostic Card, a card that helps to translate BIOS error codes. If a system is having trouble starting up, you can plug this card into a free PCI slot, turn on the system, and find out what's wrong with your system based on the two-digit hexidecimal display, and a series of six LEDs.

  • Thermidor
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    Thermidor polycounter lvl 18
    Vig- great ideas there from your friend smile.gif

    Frosty- if you get no beeps, its definately the cpu or mobo, or it could be a rail on the psu , but if you tryed 2 , i doubt it .... there are 2 power cables you have to plug in , you putting them both in right ? a 4 pin and a 16 pin i think.

    Its most likely the mobo
  • sonic
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    sonic polycounter lvl 18
    therm : 4 pin and 20 pin, or with the newer standard, 24 pin
  • frosty
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    frosty polycounter lvl 18
    Thanks everyone for all the tips.

    Sorry I did not respond earlier, been mega sick with cold sores that left me looking like the Elephant Man. Gawd they hurt, can't eat real food either now.

    Initially I had just migrated my ram, 9800 ATI and 300 W psu to the Intel 2.4
    and had the boot up trouble, it had booted up fine at work the day before, thus my problem, no refund, but the ram and 7200.9 Cuda HD is worth it anyways and the 52 cdrw.

    Thus I removed each piece at a time until I replaced the psu and removed the 9800 ATI card and put it all back to original specs, no boot.

    Tried to reset the bios jumper. Now it won't shut off, the fans, unless I use the psu rocker swith i/o. The hard drive is getting power I hear it spinning, but no beeps and it does not seem to be clearing the or getting to the bios.

    I was ready the drop kick it the Jesus when Cary a younger more intelligent Co-Worker wanted to mess with it, so he has it now. He swears it is the built in video card.

    I don't know if the cpu will switch out, I just thought the 800mhz bus and XP with the Barracuda would be a decent leap from my 1.4/Athlon1700. Never had much problems like this before. Oh well, live n learn.
  • Mark Dygert
    Nasty bussiness about the sores, hopefully you're doing better?

    If it is a wonky bios setting keeping it from booting, you might be able to pop the mother board battery out for a few seconds then put it back in. That normally resets the bios to default. Might be worth a shot if you haven't tried it already?
  • frosty
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    frosty polycounter lvl 18
    Oh yes should retry it since I did it in conjunction with the Bios jumper, shall try that too.

    Thank you Vig.
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