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polycounter lvl 18
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arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
after checking other boards like conceptart.org and cgtalk i notice that they have person vs person challenges.. i think this is pretty cool in the sense that most of the time these challeges pin 2 people of similar skill against each other .. the problem i have with the cgchat type comps is that its everyone vs everyone and the little guys dont have a chance and there art is often ignored..also when its everyone its easy to just quit cause you know someone will win and there are plenty of submissions to go around..but if its one on one it seems like there would be pressure to finish and it would be harder to back out or just give up.. i was wondering if the polycount community would embrace such an idea or reject on the basis of ego.. i can see how these comps could be considered a battle of 2 peoples ego more than actual art making.. but at the same token when your singled out and have something to prove it might just pull out some talent you never knew you had.. i didnt know where to post this.. the challege board seemed so organized i didnt want to mess up the perfect naming convention on the threads.. just an idea.. please tell me what you think and lets see if can get some gameart battles on polycount..


  • Pseudo
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    Pseudo polycounter lvl 18
    Don't confuse the conceptart thunderdomes as a battle of ego. Although there are a few challenges where one artist will "call out" another for one reason or another, the majority of the thunderdomes are very friendly competition. I know Poop, TheBird, and a few others participate in them every once in awhile, and it seems like it could be a great learning experience.

    The conceptart.org challenges are usually themed, like East Coast vs West Coast, USA vs the World, and things like that. Then everyone who wants to participate replys to the thread, and other people "challenge" the posters. It is only a "challenge" in a loose sense of the word, basically it's picking someone who is on a similar skill level as yourself and coming up with a topic. Then the person you challenge can accept or deny your challenge, and agree or come to an agreement on the subject matter.

    I am all for it, but it will take quite a bit of work for one person to set it up, collect the entries, and post them for voting.
  • Bronco
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    Bronco polycounter lvl 18
    hey Arch

    I would quite like to see this also,just to see how it works out,but as has alraedy been said organisation could be a bitch,especially as the most established/responsible members here that could be judges/organisers have jobs and so forth. Already the new weekly challenges are beginning to faulter in the orgnisation of them, nobodies fault,just the fact there is not enough hours in the day.

    Maybe to help taht we could put the work to a public vote or soemthing,that would mean slightly less organisation as it means a team of fair and exsperienced judges doesn't have to be formed.

    anyway,Organisaion and pitfalls aside,id love to have a shot at this,id join the conceptart ones but my general prob is the fact i can't draw. wink.gif

  • rawkstar
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    rawkstar polycounter lvl 19
    i was thinking about getting something like that started up... and then we went into crunch smile.gif
  • arshlevon
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    arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
    well i was thinking it would be a smaller scale.. just one on one.. and it would be up to them to make a thread.. and instead of "judging" per se.. you could just make a poll and let the community decide.. so it wouldnt nessasarily be a monthly thing.. just when you get the notion.. say hey you i am challening you!! i also think community nomonations would be really cool too, let say you really like two artists on the board and you want to see them go at it. you can make the post and see if they both accept.... from there you can post progress in the same thread and close to completion have a no peek phase where the two combatants can polish it up before unvieling and then a mass judging from the entire community... not just artsy fartsy hot shots are are looking at how well you have mastered color theory.. there dosent need to be a prize other than knowing your best... and of coarse you can always defend your pride with a rematch.. i was just thinking of a way to spark more creativity and make people create more and/or leave their "safe zones" i really like looking at peoples stuff but it seems like polycounters find their niche and stay there.. you see the same people doing the same sorts of things.. i would like to see what people could do when forced outside their creative habitat to see if they can survive..

    with all this talk maybe i should be the first to challenge.. i will challenge Doc Rob.. My boss .. (man i am just asking for trouble).. i am leaving the company in a month and it would be a cool way to leave.. and now that Doc Rob is a lead he never really gets to do art anymore and he is one hell of an artist.. so for once i want to tell him what to do!! i will see if he accepts and then let you guys know the business..
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    I rather like this idea. Personally, I'd like to see two artists colaberate on one piece of art, as well. I always enjoy seeing that sort of thing, seeing if they can blend their two styles, yadda yadda yadda.
  • Mark Dygert
    As long as the pairings are fair, and the spirit in which people compete is friendly and used to help everyone learn, I am all for it. I would like to hear more about how it would be structured and what the rules would be.

    Sectaurs brings up a good idea and maybe it should be a seperate thing, aside from these type of challanges? It would be cool to see pieces passed on to other people. Someone meshes the feet, someone does some legs, and so on until the piece is done. We could end up with some really wierd/amazing models. Mismatch models like Gorilla mailmen, who have the lower body of preschooler. Or models that stick to the same theme and flow well. It could be a challange one team of 5 vs another team of 5? Each person on a team takes a round.
    - Round one is feet
    - Round two legs
    - Round three is torso
    - Round four is arms
    - Round five is the head

    After the meshes are done, the community votes. Then IF the loosing team chooses to do so, they can choose two artists from thier team to texture/unwrap the loosing model. Then the community votes again, giving them a chance to pull a win out of thier asses. IF they manage to win the second vote the first winning team can do a "rebuttle" by doing the same thing, two artists one week to texture their model. The last vote would be final.
  • arshlevon
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    arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
    i really think it should be open to the the combatants..if they want lots of rules and regulations then thats fine.. but if they just want a topic and let thier creative juices run from there i think that would be fine too.. if you make too many regulations you are going to leave people out or tie their hands behind their back.. i still want people to be free to make what they want and how they want.. so i think in this case just a topic and a time limit is all that is needed..if you personally want to challenge someone and make up all the rules by all means but i dont think it should really concern anyone but the challengers.. and when they have a final product then you can judge to your hearts content..

    i think the only concern should be making good art.. they dont have to follow the same rules.. example.. i think the player characters in final fantasy XI are far superior to those in everquest 2 and the everquest characters have far more polies and normal maps.. so high polycounts and normal maps and shaders dont make good art.. by all means a 200 poly model can contain more style and be just better art than a 20,000 poly model can.. putting these kinds of barriers on contests really limits the final out come and i believe the fewer rules the more creative possibilites you will have.. but thats me.. like i said i think it should be up the combatants and i dont think its something that needs to be organized.. if you want to do it, challenge someone ,agree on some rules, and when your done make a post with a poll in it so the community can judge.. if you want to do a 2 on 2 man team up that would be cool or an east coast vs west coast or whatever.. my goal was just get people pumped about making something.. not make an art dictatorship where everyone needs the same rules and time limits and topics.. this is one area i think contests fail in.. so with that said i made my challege if it is accepted i will make a thread for it and post the details in it.. if you want to do it that way that is cool.. if not then make your own rules and your own challenge .. as long as the people participate agree on the grounds then its all good..
  • bearkub
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    bearkub polycounter lvl 18
    I was kinda hoping someone would think this way eventually. You know the Contest and Challenges forum is open for use. =]
  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 19
    Great idea ArshMellon. I'd be up for a challenge with someone.
  • doc rob
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    doc rob polycounter lvl 19
    I accept your challenge, arsh. This is going to be really easy cause I can just force you to do my entry for me while you're at work. Instant tie. Then, if I want to win I can just add some boobs and it will immediately be better than yours.
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 18
    Great idea. I'm up for this. It would be nice to see where I stand compared to other artist. And head to head is greater motivation to push yourself further. Someone challenge me! Poop?
  • Slayerjerman
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    Slayerjerman polycounter lvl 18
    Crayons at dawn, damn barbarians!
  • Mark Dygert
    The first rule of fight club is...
  • JordanW
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    JordanW polycounter lvl 19
    i think the challenge idea is cool, one thing i would like to see is a design challenge, give a description of a character, machine, vehicle etc and get multiple people to design it and see how they turn out. That wouldnt be so much of a vs as much as seeing how different people design things.
  • KMan
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    KMan polycounter lvl 18
    At least it'd give you something to do at work besides sleep under the desk.

    Let's get ready to rrrrRRRRRruumble!!!
  • arshlevon
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    arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
    haha... i can tell this is going to fun already.. okay i was asking people at work to think of a topic and nobody came up with anything so i have a very broad topic that i am sure will be very open for interpretation....

    The Female...
    thats it ,no restrictions.. she can be sexy, an old hag,fantasy,sci fi, whatever..she just has to be original.. this will give Doc Rob a chance to make the titties he wants to and me a chance to reclaim my man hood after spending months modeling the david, that was enough to make any man question his own sexuality..

    i have never really made a female character before.. always muscley men or mangled up creatures..and i feel the female is a very challenging form.
    so you can pick any polycount,(within reason) i am thinking 1500-7000 to keep in range with some current games and next gen titles.. i think some fighting games have upwards of 10 grand a character and this would be cool if she had some super elaborate costume or something..but i want to leave it open so she can be for any genre of game.. also she has to be made with the limitations of a real game character.. so if she had any shaders they have to be realtime shaders in hlsl or some shader language..and the screens must come from max or the viewer, no fancy mentalray renders with subsurface shaders.. as long as its close to what can be seen in game.. we have to work within the limtations that we have at work.. so no fancy alpha blend on the hair cause we all know about the sorting problems.. alpha test is fine..

    all progress will be posted in the pimping and previews section in the same thread..

    the final entries will be posted in the challeges section with a poll for open community voting .. your votes can be anonymous or you can write about who you liked better and why with a critique if you want.. ..
    the final deadline on this is august 1st..
    but to give some private time for polish and give some mystery to final pieces all public posting of the piece will end on july 22nd.. this is my last day at mythic so even we wont beable to see each others pieces on the final strech of the comp..
    all voting will end august 4th at midnight eastern time..

    good luck Doctor Robert.....
  • Prs-Phil
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    Prs-Phil polycounter lvl 18
    haha yes, I really like this smile.gif

    Poop ... I challenge you smile.gif
    Lets settle the details over ICQ if you want to.
  • doc rob
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    doc rob polycounter lvl 19
    August 1st? One month? It used to take me 2-3 months to make a Q3A character in my spare time. September please. . . October would be better.
  • rawkstar
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    rawkstar polycounter lvl 19
    yeah I'm totally for LONG ASS DEADLINES... cuz u know people don't have that much free time and if you have to crunch on spare time projects it just stops being fun, plus with more time we can potentially have more quality. lets get this on, looking forward to pwning peeps.
  • JO420
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    JO420 polycounter lvl 18
    2 men enter,1 leaves,there can only be one highlander!!.. er i mean polycounter.
  • arshlevon
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    arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
    okay 3 months then.. october 1st... ready..... GO!!!
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