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Shadow of the Colossus

polycounter lvl 18
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pogonip polycounter lvl 18
Looks like the people who made ICO which I friggen loved have another winner on there hands check out this new trailer...


  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 18
  • arshlevon
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    arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
    cool a new trailer.. i remember creaming my pants when i saw the old ones.. i think it use to be called wanda and collosus.. or thats the name of the japanese version.. it looks like they added a lot to the environments.. before it was like the massive beasts just walking around on a horribly tiled cracked mud texture.. this is one of those games i was so excited about and totally forgot to look for it at E3.. my personal game of the show was the new Zelda .. and i know they are probably completly different games but this looks like they beat nintendo at the style they were going for.. with the horse and huge environments, this game looks much more massive and the worlds feel bigger.. the sense of scale is amazing..i guess we have to wait and see...
  • pogonip
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    pogonip polycounter lvl 18
    That trailer to me looks 10x better then the king kong trailer and the CGI is just as real looking also ..lol smile.gif
  • nabeel
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    nabeel polycounter lvl 19
    Apparantly there's a video out of someone playing through the E3 demo.
  • cholden
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    cholden polycounter lvl 18
    I am a mark for this game, and always have been. I bought and loved ICO, though never finished it.
  • KMan
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    KMan polycounter lvl 18
    I've seen this one coming for a while. It might actually be a good reason for me to get a PS2.
  • Michael Knubben
    [ QUOTE ]
    That trailer to me looks 10x better then the king kong trailer and the CGI is just as real looking also ..lol smile.gif

    [/ QUOTE ]
    imagine me grinding my teeth together, so as not to say anything entirely unfriendly.

    Also, i thought the trailer looked great, and i hope the gameplay can hold up to my expectations, heh.
  • gauss
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    gauss polycounter lvl 18
    played it at E3--as if i wasn't already completely sold on it, the gameplay is awesome. wait for this one smile.gif
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    that looks cool
  • Michael Knubben
    Gauss: the main thing i worry about is that it would be sort of a one-trick pony... a concept that'll be fun for an hour or so.
    I really hope i'm wrong, though... what's the gameplay like?
  • gauss
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    gauss polycounter lvl 18
    well it's like what you'd expect fighting a boss character should feel like! quite visceral, really. it was myself, rogue13, and fritzthecat taking turns... on the demo colossus i was the first one to actually figure out how to get up his thigh.. from there it wasn't as difficult to get all the way to the top and thrust my mighty sword into the top of the beast's head!... anyway. there have been plenty of games that have featured really really big creatures... but who cares if all you can do is point a gun at them, same as all the little beasties you've been shooting these years? playing the demo, the mantra 'the enemy is the level' rang quite true. you're trying to navigate your way to the top of this enormous creature to take it down, and i've never quite felt so satisified by a boss monster takedown as that demo did. smile.gif
  • Dio
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    Dio polycounter lvl 18
    Ill have to agree with MightyPea, it seems gimmicky to me. Heard great things bout Ico, Xbox man myself so never got the chance, so I assume the blown out look contributes to the ambience. Im content to wait and see on this one.
  • Michael Knubben
    Don't get me wrong Dio, i'm hoping really hard to be proven wrong.
    I'm just wondering if it'll stay fun for a long time, and i really really hope it does.
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