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I have a problem with Windows ...

polycounter lvl 18
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Kirin polycounter lvl 18
With my over-opinionated opinions about Windows aside, I could use a little help in trying to get this AthlonXP box in working shape.

Anyway, it all started when my neice was playing RollerCoaster Tycoon 3 ... it somewhat locked up in the middle of it and it crashed back to the desktop. I rebooted it and it looked normal except a few problematic windows telling me to run chkdsk /f c:, even though ALL my games are on the d: drive.

So I ran chkdsk /f. When I ran it, it scrolled "replacing invalid security id with default security id for file #" with # starting from single digits ending to somewhere around 45000. It did that for about 20 minutes.

After that, It seems all well in dandy until it booted up again ... it so much longer to log into my profile. I also didn't hear the Windows Startup sound nor any other system sounds like the Empty Recycle Bin sound. (However, the sound still works as it plays in all my games and in iTunes) Also, my taskbar is messed up; nothing shows up except the Quick Launch bar and the Language bar. I've also noticed that not all my programs are loaded up in the system tray, particularly my printer drivers. Loading up certain programs like Nero end up with "An error using COM/OLE occurs. Please check the installation of COM on your computer." When loading MS Word, I get "This document cound be registered. It will not be possible to create links from other documents to this document." I also can't install or uninstall certain things that depend on the Windows Installer stating that Windows Installer is not properly installed. My printer drivers are also messed up, too ... basically, lots of things of screwed.

I had this happen before but I can't quite figure out what triggered it. I thought it might have been a certain update from WindowsUpdate but when I formatted reinstalled Windows and reapplied all the updates, I didn't get these symptoms immediately so I was under the impression it wasn't WindowsUpdate making Windows even more stupid.

Is there a way to fix this besides "format c:"? I really don't want to reinstall Windows on this machine two times in a row in one day! Thanks.

PS: Here's the system specs:

AthlonXP 2800+
Windows XP SP2
512 MB DDR 400
C: 40 GB Maxtor HD
D: 250 GB Maxtor HD
GeForce 5600
Creative Audigy 2ZS
Printer: HP Photosmart 7760


  • CheapAlert
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    CheapAlert polycounter lvl 18
    perhaps your C: partition hates you this time around, is it NTFS'd?
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    hammer, large box to contain bits for the garbage men to pick it up.

  • Irritant
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    Irritant polycounter lvl 18
    My past experience with these types of problems is, it's the hard drive starting to take a dive.
  • sonic
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    sonic polycounter lvl 18
    It was probably that erotic_clown_pr0n.jpg.exe that got ya laugh.gif

    If it wasn't caused by updates, then it was most likely a virus/some leet spyware. Just MSCONFIG, disable everything (everything), run a quick virus scan (housecall.trendmicro.com), reboot into Windows Repair Console, and do the check again. It should fix your corrupt/missing files, and when your comp boots back up it shouldn't boot teh pr0n virus. If the virus comes up as undeletable or some junk, just get a copy of Knoppix or BartsPE, boot up, find the file, and destroy it.


    And if you wanna check to see if its just your HD shittin its pants, go to the manufacturer, grab the HD utility, boot up off a floppy, run the junk, it'll tell you if you have boned sectors and if they are repairable or not.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    Try going to run and typing:
    sfc /scannow

    sfc stands for System File Checker, if it finds corrupt or modified system files it will attempt to replace them with the original file so you will need your Windows XP disc on hand.
  • Kirin
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    Kirin polycounter lvl 18
    CheapAlert, yes it's NTFS'd. I'm think it's a security permissions related issue ... is there something similar to a Repair Permissions setting on Windows XP somewhere?

    hawken, LOL. I wish I could do that but it's not even my computer. It's my older brother's. He let me use it until I could get a job and the money to buy me another Mac. I gave my old Mac to my younger brother before I moved to Norfolk. It was basically his graduation present.

    Justin_Meisse, I'll try that right now. Maybe that'll do it.

    Irritant, maybe you might be right. My brother said that the hard drive is about six years old ... give or take ... so I would think it's about to kick the bucket soon.
  • sonic
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    sonic polycounter lvl 18
    Theres an XML file in the Windows directory that has a list of all the protected files, and something may have changed that up.

    Type %systemroot%\system32\Restore, show hidden system files of course, and its "filelist.xml"

    Actually I think thats the exclusions file...
  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    NTFS shouldn't cause a check because of a software crash. I agree, probably the HD is doing the dodo. Try a surface scan with scandisk, if it crops up any bad sectors you better back up what you need and get a new one.
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 18
    Your first mistake was playing RollerCoaster Tycoon 3. That is a bug infested piece of shit software and never should have been released to the public. Check their website and maybe they've provided a patch by now, but I doubt it. Reading their forum, you get an idea how problematic the game is. I own it, but haven't been able to play it on any computer. Actually, my brother gave it to me, because he couldn't play it on his. If you installed the game recently, I would system restore it back to the day before it was installed. I would recommend playing Sim ThemePark, but it's not compatible with XP. Something to do with font files. The company in charge refuses to release a simple patch. I believe that company is EA. There's a hack somewhere on the interweb that fixes it.
  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    Or get Rollercoaster Tycoon 1 or 2, those are pretty bug free.
  • Mark Dygert
    1) Reading Forums for any game will give you the impression the software is full of bugs even game of the year software. Atari's message boards are nortious for having retarded customers why do not have the proper hardware to play games that require Hardware T&L. They buy an E-Machine then buy a game and expect it to work because the guy at Bob's discount computer barn said it was the "fastest thing ever made". Since the first two games ran on two rocks and a sock you have a bunch of people with crap hardware trying to play a 3D game. Also hardly no one goes to a message board to rave about games or tell everyone the game works fine. They hit message boards looking for answers to problems. Also 50 loud mouth customers running down a game does not mean the other 75 million hate it. When those people do actually find out it is thier hardware they rarely go back and post telling everyone they where numb nuts. Read over the UT2004 forums, great game got really good reviews but was trashed in the Atari forums. Splinter Cell, same thing. BF1942 same thing. WoW TOTALLY the same thing.

    2) the game should not work if you have an IGP graphics chip, or an older radeon 9700, or a Geforce 2 or lower. Those are some pretty high requirements for the calliber of customer that is buying this game, Soccer mom Jane who still has her computer from college she used only to type papers. They are very non-gamer, non-technical, the type that say things like "do I mash this button" "How do I get back to my screen saver" and my all time favorite "its broke" are you getting any errors? "its broke" is it locking up on a blue or black screen? "its broke" how about any error messages? "its broke" oh ok well look for the "unbreak button". If you bought it, I mean no offense you are the exception to the rule I am speaking of MOST of the characters that buy it and other Atari games. I personally liked it and didn't encounter any issues when I played it.

    2) When I get to work I will check our database for issues like what you are having. Like it was mentioned above there is a patch. I haven't been on the phones or email since it came out so I am not farmilar with the issues most people run into other than crap hardware which they get an error that says something like "sorry your computer blows, don't bother"
    I do know if windowsXP crashes it will take a really long time to log in. It is doing some self checking to make sure key OS files are not hosed. Its like running a virus scan while you are trying to boot. The good news is it should only happen once or twice, unless you shut the computer down before it finishes then it starts over the next time you boot. It might scan up to 3 additonal boots to check files depending on what is being done on the computer while it is is running. I really wish a message would come up and tell people that is what is happening because alot of people think something is wrong then make quick system/driver changes and keep rebooting trying to get a fast boot, which won't happen until they leave it alone.

    I might need you to post or PM me a text version of your dxdiag file so we can check some drivers and hardware but I will let ya know.

    Sorry for the rant I am always a wee-bit bitter when someone talks trash about the company I work for, even if I loath them myself. I have no idea why that is...
  • Kirin
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    Kirin polycounter lvl 18
    ElysiumGX, I downloaded the latest patch for that game before I ran it. Actually, I download the latest patches for any game I install before I play them. I really don't think a game can tear a whole system to bits. When I play RCT3, it never crashed on me. The game only crashed once when my niece played it but after that, it was running quite fine. It was a little slower but considering that this is a 3d accelerated app that needs at least a Radeon 9500 to run, I'd understand. So I don't know what everyone elses gripes are with it versus RCT1 and 2.

    Speaking of which, my 250 GB hard drive just burned out. The circuit board on the HD is burnt. Not sure how it burned out but it did. However, no bad sectors can be found in the 40 GB drive. I don't think a game is capable of blowing up hard drives or any other hardware.

    KDR_11k, I have those, too. But knowing 8 year olds, they pretty much prefer anything with pretty graphics so going back to old versions is NOT an option.

    Vig, here is my DxDiag file: http://www.saphiria.net/temp/DxDiag.txt ... I have a cronjob that deletes my temp files every Saturday night so if you haven't got it, let me know.
  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    Both HDs faulty? Sounds like a powerspike or something, do you have a surge protector?
  • Kirin
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    Kirin polycounter lvl 18
    Yup. I do. I don't know how reliable it is though since I'm not the one that purchased it.
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 18
    Sorry, sometimes I get this crazy idea in my head that some games are designed for kids. And kids pay little attention to updating video drivers.

    You're right, a new patch was released. I think the game looks great, which is why I wanted it...and not the previous two. My only complaint was that it was unfinished. Radeon 8500 - crash, 9600 - crash, 9800 Pro - crash. I will reinstall the game, and apply the patch. If there is no problem, I apologize. And will be thrilled to finally play a 3D rollercoaster sim game that works. I may even try the new expansion. I'm still upset with publishers forcing the developers to release unfinished products.
  • Mark Dygert
    Well your system checks out fine according to the narrow scope of the dxdiag file. That doesn't mean bigger issues are not going on, just directX and most game related files are ok. It's a nice rig too =)

    The only issue I see that MIGHT cause an issue with some older games is the second sound device "Modem #0 Line Playback (emulated)" which might show up as a second sound tab in dxdiag. Its a 56k modem that is showing up as a sound device in device manager/sound video game controllers, which you can disable that one device and it should no longer show up as a second sound tab. This won't cause the modem to stop working it will just tell directX and windows not to try and play sound thru it. I doubt this is your issue but its something I would tweak to prevent future problems.

    Now that all that didn't help you one bit... =( I do have some "good news" I had a maxtor HD packaged as a COMPUSA special, and it died. After it went out a guy at work had the same model serries of Maxtor HD started to go out in computers he had build and sold. He had a side bussiness and was certified and lincened to build and sell. At the time he did some research and found a class action law suit agaist Maxtor. Maxtor managed to beat the issue down with legal power but it showed him there where more issues going on than just a fluke HD meltdown here and there. He switched HD brands and didn't run into any more issues like that. He thought at first it was a power supply issue and switched the brands on the PS and HD which he thought fixed the issue, but turns out it might have been just the HD.

    So with that said, how old is the drive and what model number is it? I will check and see if I still have the drive at home and let you know the model number. You also might want to call maxtor and see if there is a warrenty on the drive? Chances are they will invite you to have sex with yourself or give you a coupon for .00002% off the purchase of your next Maxtor HD...
  • sonic
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    sonic polycounter lvl 18
    Also, if your dying hd was on the same channel as your system one, it can cause the hangs and slowdowns.

    Sort of like tryin to boot with a secondary locked drive, usually just craps itself.
  • Mark Dygert
    No prob buddy, I have extreme bouts of rage for Atari myself. Everything from how hard they squeeze developers to how hardcore their customer service policies are. Its not like they are different from other companies, but its the way its pitched to customers. I should shut my trap before I go on a rant and find myself in the hot seat...

    I agree the game does apear to have issues its a PC game they always have lax standards on what can ship because they can come out with "expansions" or patch it. It also sucks when a developer promises to meet a ship date and falls really short. At that point they either get more money to finish the game or it goes out the door and the profits feed an expansion pack which is more of a bug fix. Not saying that happened here... But hey look Soaked just came out!

    Also Atari game tend to lean toward NVIDIA unless ATI gives them ass loads of money. Which only means they get ads in the manuals and the game(s) still works better on Nvidia. Not saying its all the dev's fault ATI cards have a rep in the industry for being fast in benchmarks but not being the most stable cards around. Mostly because ATI's driver support is kind of wierd. I have a Radeon 9800 pro at work and it works but its pretty picky about what drivers I install for what games/programs I use.
  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    I have tons of dead HDs from one manufacturer, all died from disintegration-style badblocking. I'm not sure if it was Seagate or Maxtor.
  • Kirin
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    Kirin polycounter lvl 18
    Okay ... I reinstalled Windows ... AGAIN ... TWICE! Once is when I had the Maxtor 40 GB drive and a 80 GD Western Digital drive as a slave. It gave me some weird blue-screen during the Windows bootup ... And the second time with the 80 GB WD drive by itself.

    sonic: I hooked up an 80 GD Western Digital drive this time without any other drives set up as slave ... maybe the 40GB Maxtor killed the 250 GB Maxtor ... who knows!

    Vig: I just filled out an RMA form at Maxtor's website to get the hard drive replaced. I just have to mail it in some box and they'll replace it ... the thing is that I'm not sure if the warranty covers the burned-out chip on the circuit board (it died in a blaze of glory as I saw sparks fly out when my case was still open) or if it's only for minor data errors or whatnot. If I get this drive back unrepaired ... then oh well.

    I'll also pick up Soaked as well ... looks like a fun expansion pack to RCT3.
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