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polycounter lvl 18
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sledgy polycounter lvl 18

Anyone ever had a chance to see this guy? I saw him last night and I almost ruptured something.


  • John Warner
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    John Warner polycounter lvl 18
    i am a hypnotist acctualy. and it's a shame that it's most known for stage antics. it's also a shame that people don't look at that crazy shit and think "hmm. what kind of amazing human potential is indicitive of this shit"

    yes, i've seen stage hypnosis, and, sure, yes, it's hilarious. i haven't heard bout this guy, tho. hehe the video on the site is kinda retarded, but he looks like a kind, harmless person. i'm not exctly supportive of making people dance and spew sexual fluids on command.

    anyway if you've got any questions, i'd be more than happy...
  • sledgy
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    sledgy polycounter lvl 18
    He was pretty tasteful - didn't make anyone show their bare ass or anything. He did have one jarhead thinking all the ladies in the club were naked and at one point had everyone on stage a member of the "Butt Bongos" (the jarhead was told he had an itchy instrument). You couldn't hear the "soloist" because everyone was laughing so hard. I would feel bad about laughing at their expense but hell, almost all laughter is at someone/thing's expense.

    What do you think about hypnosis and changing behavioral patterns such as smoking? How effective is it say for a serial killer, or just for depression/anxiety/bedwetting/sleeping late? (Not a bedwetter, but come mighty close once upon a drunken binge)
  • John Warner
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    John Warner polycounter lvl 18
    while there's nooooooooooooooooo way in hell i'm going to comment in any depth on the use of hypnosis with people who have mental illness, there's lots of case history of hypnotic principles being used to great success. hypnosis doesn't nessisarily have much to do with a formal trance.. that is, we all go in and out of trance all day, ever day, and all operate on the basic functions that hypnosis is based off of. learn how to communicate in this way, and you can help just about anyone better.

    hypnosis is so obscenely poweful that i'm not even going to post what it can do on these forums because people will

    a) get angry
    b) laugh at me

    you can't go see a compitent hypnotist (that's another thing, he's got to be compitent) and not want to cooperate, and get anywhere. fuck smoking, it'll help you kick heroin, IF YOU WANT TO QUIT. a good hypnotist or NLP, however, can help you get to the point of threshold, that is, the state where you've fuckin HAD it and you HAVE to change. unfortunately, there are few hypnotists out there that i've met who are cool enough to keep up to date with the extreme end of the skill spectrum.. alot of the people out there practice old school outdated methods that anyone can learn in 10 minutes, no joke. the craazy guys take a life time of practice. the dude who revolutionized hypnosis, Milton H. Erikson, alot of people thought was full of shit, cuz the stuff he was able to do seemed flat out impossible (i couldn't possibly explain because i'm having a hard time even understanding myself)

    anyway so short answer, yes, it can do all that no problem, but it depends on weither or not you want to make a change, and weither or not the hypnotist is compitent...

    to clarify, here's a good example of the compitency of the therapist. if you're fat, for example, and want to lose weight, the poor hypnotist will tell you to put your fork down between bites, you'll get fuller faster, etc etc. the good one will identify the underlying dynamic of why you're fat, and work on that.

    hope that answers...

    ... i dont know if it'll teach me to spell tho wink.gif
  • sledgy
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    sledgy polycounter lvl 18
    You won't see me laughing at you, I've seen first hand what the power of suggestion can do, and this was with John Q. Public under extremely rowdy conditions.
  • John Warner
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    John Warner polycounter lvl 18
    i.... love you.. blush.gif
  • Paolo
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    Paolo polycounter lvl 18
    I've heard that unscrupulous NLP practitioners use hypnosis to get girls into the sack. If there is any truth to this, you have more than a receptive audience around here!
  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    Does that even work when your target isn't cooperating?
  • sledgy
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    sledgy polycounter lvl 18
    One of the gals he had on stage he suggested to her that she was in love with him and from then on she was extremely amorous of him throughout the end of the show. He told her she would forget the love as soon as she sat back in the audience so up front he was being a good guy but who knows...with power, corruption!
  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah, yeah, power corrupts, power point corrupts absolutely...
  • John Warner
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    John Warner polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    I've heard that unscrupulous NLP practitioners use hypnosis to get girls into the sack. If there is any truth to this, you have more than a receptive audience around here!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    that's me, and there's nothing unscrupulous about it. it CAN be used for imoral ends. i have an ex friend (fucking idiot) who i cut off because he studied speed seduction and decided to go around fucking this and that girl, not giving a shit about their emotional wellbeing, or that of their boyfriends.

    i don't give mention to what i know about hypnosis on these boards because the weight that it has to change your life is staggering. if chump X lives his life having problems with women and i come along and suggest method Y, him accepting that idea will require him to first understand that there's something wrong with what he's been doing. most people will HATE YOU if you even act outside of their little bubble of possibility, even if you're not pushing your lifestyle on them..

    so yes, paolo, that's possible, it changed my life, and will totaly change anyone's.. and i'd be MORE than happy to go in depth into the subject with you if you want. provided you dont have any sort of sociopathic intent...
  • Paolo
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    Paolo polycounter lvl 18
    lol, as somebody who couldn't persuade someone to do something they want to do anyways, and can't even get away with things I never did, I highly doubt that I have the persuasive personality neccesary to hypnotize someone . crazy.gif
  • John Warner
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    John Warner polycounter lvl 18
    if you were here, it would be my duty to humanity to smack you.

    this is like, the number one common problem

    person look back into the past, doesn't see any examples of something happening, so the person assumes that it's impossible and that he CAN NOT learn.

    the past doesn't, in any way shape or form, equal the future. just imagine for a minute that you were the type of person who's persuasive? who would you be? someone else?

    there is a structure and a process on how to be persuasive. if you're not being persuasive now, you're probably using tons of hypnotic principles without knowing it, you're just using them poorly. you can't not use this kind of thing when communicating; that's impossible.

    instead of thinking about what you can't do, just identify with what you'd like to have, if you could do absolutely ANYTHING. if you could fucking fly, i dont give a shit. then when you've figgured out what you want, decide what you need to do to change.

    anyway sory for the rant, it's not personal, but i find it so frustrating when someone talks about a problem they have, and then just goes on about how they've always been a certain way so there's no way they could change. what a terrible thing for them to do to themselves.
  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 19
    [ QUOTE ]
    instead of thinking about what you can't do, just identify with what you'd like to have, if you could do absolutely ANYTHING. if you could fucking fly, i dont give a shit. then when you've figgured out what you want, decide what you need to do to change.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Half of what you've been talking about in this thread and in others, and the above clarifies it completely, is not hypnotism or even related, it's common every day psychology. I think maybe you have the two confused? The way you describe a "legitimate hypnotist" sounds like an amatuer psychologist.

    And don't claim I'm attacking you and use this to act all pious and play the martyr. I'm allowed to question the things you bring up without being labeled a persecutor.
  • Michael Knubben
    I'm with poop on this, you're just describing some sort of amateur psychologist, and without wanting to sound too mean:
    you sound a bit like a tele-evangelist.
    "YOU too can change your life around! Everyone can do it, but you's gots to belieeeve"
    Allthough i do agree that suggestion can be powerfull.
  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    Well, guess what NLP is? That falls under psychology, I'm sure hypnosis does as well.
  • Paolo
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    Paolo polycounter lvl 18
    I dunno, but when there is a huge discrepancy between the "could count on for anything, great guy" idea of me that my friends have and the "untrustworthy asshole" idea of me that people seem to get at first-impression, I can't help but wonder if there isn't something wrong with my modes of communication smokin.gif I'm not sure if that falls under psych or social science.
  • sledgy
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    sledgy polycounter lvl 18
    Well sure it's an aspect of psychology (duh!) I am interested in learning more about it, not to get chicks in the sack because that would be like putting roofies in someone's drink - anyone that resorts to measures like this is just a pathetic loser. It was so fascinating and shocking to see how quickly this guy put so many strangers under in a short period of time where they were oblivious to the howling laughter. I agree John with that kind of influence you could do one hell of alot of good for people you meet every day. Suggest to someone to stop beating their kids, alcoholism sucks, adultery is not a good idea, etc.
  • John Warner
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    John Warner polycounter lvl 18
    hehe thanks for the backup guys.

    Poop and MightyPea, no worries guys, don't wory about offending me smile.gif i get mixed responces when i mention hypnosis all the time, so even if you were mean about it, i probably wouldn't mind smile.gif i dont know why you'd think i'd label you as a friggin persecutor.. don't wory about it.

    hypnosis and NLP falls under the large umbrella of psychology, of course it does. that statement you pointed out obviously isn't specificaly some kind of hypnotic text. everything i say isn't taken word for word from 'hypnotic doctrine' man..

    that being said, there's massive differences between the modern theraputic model and the modern hypnotic or NLP theraputic model. modern therapy seems to be based on theory and the testing there of. NLP is the process of modeling what someone does already that works, and teaching it to someone else. unless requested, i wont get into a big rant describing exactly that means, because i'll start borring people, and it's probably fairly obvious.. but if one of you requests i'd be happy to.

    Mightypea, i totaly agree about the tele-evangelist bit. unfortunately, our culture has this big victim mentality built in, so anyone who starts ranting about possibility is kind of strange sounding. the reason that talking about ideas like "you can change your life around!" is PPRROOBABLY because of tony robbins. Tony robbins, who unfortunately does act like an evangelist, and who is acctualy very good if you listen to him, Started in NLP.

    "not hypnotism or even related" .. okay man, then describe to me what hypnosis is and what it's related to. I'm not sure where you're comming from stating what is or isn't hypnosis. every single thing we humans do is hypnotic. it can either be used incompitently or properly. NLP is no different. Bandler acctualy came out and said that "neuro linguistic programming" is a bullshit term that he invented so he could do what ever he wanted. saying that something doesn't have anything to do with hypnosis is demonstrating a complete lack of understanding about what it is.

    hypnosis can more or less be defined as (and i know this sounds like technical banter, i'm sory) the process of bypassing the critical factor and accessing the unconsious. that is, language that gets past that part of your brain that's always got it's defences up. this can happen for countless reasons, most commonly from your scentences being structured properly.

    anyway, i realize the rant after Paolo's post was a little corny, but give me a damn break. tell me i'm wrong. i'm so sick of hearing someone tell themselves over and over and over and over about how they can't do something. and they tell me hypnosis doesn't exist. anyway, i suppose it did sound too harsh. sory about that dude.. i dont mean to rag on you specificaly, i suppose.

    ahaha anyway my posts are getting longer and longer, even tho i'm trying to stay away from a full on friggin rant and just sum up what i'm trying to say. i hope that in the process i'm not making things unclear. i also don't want to sound like i'm telling you the way YOU SHOULD BE LIVING YOUR LIFE :O

    sledgy- i'd be more than happy to tell you where you could get started, if you want to email me.

    as far as picking up chicks goes, what do you do now? can you honestly tell me that it's not manipulation? i'm sure that when you meet a new person, i'm sure than not only are you not acting like yourself, your putting in a consious effort to get them to like you. how is buying a girl dinner not a direct attempt to manipulate her? when most guys meet a new girl, it's just a process in one way or another of trying to show them how they're the right guy to get into the girl's pants. that is manipulation. myself, on the other hand, am now in control of my emotional state, and can relax and be myself. i don't lie and be fake, and i'm the same person 5 months into the relationship that i was the first time i meet someone. i'm able to get along with people quickly (or as they say, quickly establish rapport.. haha more nlp jargon) because i'm able to pay attention to them and understand the way they see the world. this makes me more compassionate, not evil. i use hypnotic demos not subversively, but out in the open as a positive experience that she can enjoy if she wants to take advantage. if she doesn't, i let her go. now which is better? doing that? or buying her flowers and dinner and trying to manipulate your way into her pants? my way, at least we'll both have a good time.

    anywho, i've ranted back and forth and front and back so i think i'll just put a period at the end of this scentence and hit continue.
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