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the joys of a new apartment

polycounter lvl 18
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snemmy polycounter lvl 18
moved to a new apartment with my gf this past saturday. never realized how much stuff we had at the old place. moving the couch was an experience in mathematics, how to fit an 8ft long 4ft wide couch up 30 stairs, through 3 3.5ft wide doors that form a Z shape.

net was super flaky when we got here. gave it a day or two. went to the provider and had a chat. said it could be bad wiring since everythign else was the same. checked the different jacks. kitchen one works. bedroom one doesnt. neither can recieve incoming calls. everyone gets a "this number has been disconnected" answer.

as a result i found out today that i miss the best job opportunity i could have here because they called and couldnt get ahold of me so they called the next applicant and hired him. AAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH! im soooo pissed off. was third shift like my gf works and was only a two minute walk from my apartment and i could ahve any night off i wanted except wednesday. and i would ahve been working alone all night so no one would bother me or anything. dammit!!!!!

anyway, otherwise this is a great new place.


  • Slayerjerman
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    Slayerjerman polycounter lvl 18
    Wow, small world. My wife and I had the exact same couch issue 2 weeks ago. Its impossible to fit out couch, so now we gotta rent storage for it. So gay!!!!

    And getting my internet was a hassle to say the least. But least it works.

    I feel your pain!
  • Nerd Groupie
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    Nerd Groupie polycounter lvl 18
    I've had so many couch issues in this apartment. I've had like four or five different ones, and for some reason can never rememeber the formula to get them through the door.
  • Mark Dygert
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    I would suggest something like this for the mathmaticly impaired =P Why architects can't design entry ways correctly is beyond me. Until they learn, its bean bags and bubble furniture!
  • b1ll
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    b1ll polycounter lvl 18
    ahah, Dude, that remind me, I had to give up my 3 seat sofa when I got here, Couldnt get it in with the fucked up design in the entrance, and it wouldnt fit in the backdoor, nor the window ahah. Im moving again in a few weeks, I wonder if I'll have much trouble, YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAr
  • snemmy
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    snemmy polycounter lvl 18
    just fuckin great, being super busy while moving(packing moving unpacking reorganizing) and the phone issues i may have just lost the website commission i was working on. since the guy couldnt get ahold of me he started talking with someone else.

    so that's two jobs i will have lost this week.

    looks like im off to McD's or go to deliver pizzas
  • Mojo2k
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    Mojo2k polycounter lvl 18
    i worked as a furniture delivery guy for a year,i'm a master at getting couches in buildings, once me and one other guy had to take a large sleeper sofa (MOTHA FUCKING HEAVY HEAVY SHIT) up a spiaral staircase in one of those goofy beach houses on stilts..
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