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Digital Camera?

polycounter lvl 18
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Weiser_Cain polycounter lvl 18
I'm looking to get a digital camera for around a grand. A coworker has suggested I get the nikon d70s. I was wondering if you guys had any other suggestions or have used the nikon d20 or d20s?


  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    I have a Canon EOS 300D, the main 'rival' to the D70, and it is a great camera. If you've got the money for it, you can probably flip a coin with regards to either the D70s or Canon 350D and be completely satisfied with your choice.
  • bearkub
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    bearkub polycounter lvl 18
    Yike! I didn't pay that much for mine, but I did get a damn decent camera for under 500$. I got a Fuji FinePix s5000. Great camera, 10x optical zoom, 2x digital and 3.1 MegaPixels.


    they make an updated version that is a bit more expensive with a few more shiny things:


    Never used the one you were talking about, so I can't comment on it.
  • ScoobyDoofus
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    ScoobyDoofus polycounter lvl 19
    I currently work as a professional digital photographer.
    I shoot with Nikon D70's, Fuju S2 & S3Pro's, Nikon D1X & D2X's, Canon 20D's, etc.

    I dont have any experience with the 300D that Verm mentions, but I did play quite a bit with the 20D. The 20D kit is 1400$ (includes lens).

    Personally, I like the Nikon cameras. Our company mostly uses D70's and I'd say they are a good, cheap workhorse camera that we havnt had many problems with.
    Good pricetag on them too.
  • PaK
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    PaK polycounter lvl 18
    I have a d70.

    What is your application? Do you want to have a Dslr camera? or do you want the portability and lower cost of a prosumer (point and shoot type with a non-removable lens).

    The only advantage the prosumer cameras have is size and maybe cost a lil bit (depending on which lens you buy woth your dslr) in the price range you are speaking of. The high end prosumer nikon's are big, expensive, and the ccd chips have less of a surface area than the d70 (all of them) regardless of the megapixel rating.

    The nikon glass for the lenses is the best in the consumer market, right up there with canon which is also great.

    All DSLR's show you what the lens is going to shoot. Some prosumer cameras have an LCD in the viewfinder, so if you're used to seeing thru the lens this is a huge compromise. Even if a prosumer camrera does have a lens viewfinder, if it's not thru the lens that exposes the ccd (hence S-ingle L-ens R-eflex, slr) you arent' always looking at what the ccd is going to see. more often than not when i try and frame with my point'n'shoot cameras in sunlight the lcd has s much glare it's hard to see, but the viewfinder isn't showing me exactly what i'm framing up...so there's no way to crop accurately in camera.

    If you primarily want reference shots for work and a surface texture camera maybe a nice prosumer camera is for you. if you love photgraphy with it's ultrawide angles and printable images with complete control then the d70 is the wa to go.

    Prices for lenses for the d70 vary quiet a bit. Ken Rockwell (http://www.kenrockwell.com) has some good suggestions, tho I defied his 'no ebay' rule and got my d70 for under 800 off ebay.

    Dslr's (d70 ect) are the way to go for me, cuz I like ulra wide angle with full and easy-to-access aperture control.

    Nikon has my favorite interface for digital cameras. I currently own Nikon's, Canon's and have owned fuji's olympus's and some others along the way.

    If you need any more info email me..this is my ultra-hobby and nikon is the line I know the bes (film and digital)


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