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Looking for a concept artist.

polycounter lvl 18
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Zitheral polycounter lvl 18
I am looking for a concept artist to help design the look and feel of the next Weapons Factory mod on the Quake 4 engine. We are an established mod team with excellent leadership (if I do say so myself confused.gif ) and proven results. WFA was one of the most popular mods for Quake 3 and our artists have a habit of finding their way in to professional gaming companies.

If you are interested in the job, please send me an email at [Email]Zitheral@gmail.com.[/Email] Please include a link to your portfolio and any other relevant data you think might be helpful. Quake 4 is still a good half year from release but concept art (as I am sure you will know) is the very first step in the production of art assets for any project so starting early will help us to be ready to hit the ground running when Q4 is released.

Our theme is futuristic apocalypse (IE high-tech but rusted, dirty, and well-worn.) The right artist will be able to sketch both human and mechanical subjects from multiple angles in good detail (on the final sketches.) Bonus points if you are able to do texture work or 3d modelling after your sketch work is done but it is not required.

Serious inquiries only please... we take our fun seriously and hope you will too. This isn't a job but sometimes it can feel that way ooo.gif


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