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Indie Survey

polycounter lvl 18
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jaybcorreia polycounter lvl 18
Hello Indie Communtiy!!

*/^ means there is more information at the bottom of the thread.

Note: I know that some of the questions involve alot of detail but its something that will help out those that need specially noobs like myself and I hope that everyone will participate and please take your time it will really be appreciated I haven't really gotten luck on threads mostly 2 to 4 responses so if everyone could take part in this survey it will be greatly appreciated once again. Thank you

-reasons for this survey-

1.my girlfriend is doing an article on the game industry
(commercial and Indie)(development and retail)^^^
2. it can be used as a resource for beginners and help out with budgeting.
3. looking into posting it at gamasutra so the rest of the world can see what the indies are doing if they care
just a suggestion.

-how is this going to work-
When all the information is processed it will be created in forms of graphs and averages.

-ways to submit-
1.You can submit the information on this thread to keep it alive
2.or you can send it via email at IndieSurvey@yahoo.com
and if you choose this method please feel free to send samples as the samples will go on a webpage when it is developed and also the best samples can be used in the article but with your consent. will not use it or distribute it in anyway without your consent and will properly acknowledge you for your work.

1. Name/location(state or region)*
2. Skill(s)/level(s)**
3. Contract/freelance Wage (hourly)^
4. Development Tool(s)^^
5. Race -Optional***
6. Industry JOb status (employed[company name],freelance,self employed[company name])
7. Project(s) if any what stage(s)
8. Age/Gender
The ENd
Thanks for reading and participating if there is anyother stat that you would like to submit, submit it and post it on the forum for anyone else that would like to submit that same stat (this means put it together with the other survey questions.)

note2: please don't submit anything that is inappropriate or silly as this is a very serious survey
really appreciate that.

In depth Information
* if in the US city,state if international country,region

** list as many skills that you harnessed and rate the level of each

^ If your not a contractor/freelancer put down the hourly wage that you would charge someone. also include the price for each level

^^ list all tools that you use from art,audio,webdev,programming,project/asset managment,design,Books,Writing etc...

*** optional just to see which race is more into game development

^^^ (commercial and Indie)(development and retail) meaning it will cover the commercial development side of the industry, commercial retail side ex sales,special events etc.. Indie development side, and indie retail sales, special events.

thanks again for reading

for just a lil bit more information visit this site Garagegames .Plan


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