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uPaint, .upp, .psk and custom models for UT2k4

polycounter lvl 18
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BeXoR polycounter lvl 18
Hello, I'm new and I don't know what I'm doing!

I recently started learning how to skin for UT2k4. Just the basics, editing skins, doing team skins, alpha channel stuff. I've been using Photoshop and the udn plugin.

I wanted to reskin Visimo's Trainer Girl model. I started messing around with her face but I really need practise and to do more on it before I can claim credit for the work I've done (I only redid the eyes and brows, then tweaked the rest of the face in experimentation). I think I'll be sweet for the head, but I attempted to start some very basic work on the body and was having trouble. With the flat textures things don't line up on her sides and I have to resave and import and check in UED then edit and resave... :/

So I thought let's try uPaint! Except I don't know how to open her there. I don't think I have the programs to convert her to .upp or .psk, and I'm a little (a lot) blurry on what I'm meant to do. I have the sdk saved but I don't understand what people use to paint them with or what programs to convert em with, etc, etc. I have spent hours today googling and every time I find something it's someone asking the same question and it's unanswered. So my question(s) is/are:

How do I turn Visimo's Trainer Girl into a .upp/.psk or how can I use the sdk to paint her from scratch in uPaint? Or is there some easier way for me to do this?

I wanted to rough her out in uPaint and do the detail work afterwards in PS once I know everything's where it's meant to be.

I'd appreciate any help!


  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    The short answer is not at all. PSK is an intermediate format that UED takes and then turns into the final model. There is no official tool that can reverse this process but there might be some third party apps out there that allow ripping data out of ukx files.
  • snemmy
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    snemmy polycounter lvl 18
    if you have uPaint, import the .psk (if there is one in the SDK), import the textures into their correct section and go to File / Add character into Unreal.

    if dont have a .psk and you have a 3dStudioMax file then open it and export with the ActorX plugin from http://udn.epicgames.com/Two/ActorX or email the author and ask for .psk wink.gif
  • BeXoR
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    BeXoR polycounter lvl 18
    Unfortunately, no .psk in the SDK, its just a .3ds and .max. Don't happen to have 3DStudioMax tho. frown.gif

    I emailed Visimo a few months ago but he never replied. All the links in the original thread are down and his website hasn't been updated in a while too so I think he's on a hiatus from the internet.

    TYVM for the replies though. I'll ask someone I know if they have the prog and ask them if they can help. >_<
  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    You COULD try milkshape but I'm not sure that'll work well.
  • ScreaminBubba
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    ScreaminBubba polycounter lvl 18
    1) Use an existing texture for your reference (trainer girl's current skin(s))
    2) Start painting on top of it
    3) Every so often save as bmp, import to UnrealEd texture package, name it something you'll remember
    4) go to mesh browser, bring up trainer girl, in material properties, point to your imported texture to see your progress.
    5) rinse. repeat.

    It's a bit long winded, but if u dont have a 3d package to look at your model in, it's an alternative, and it works.

    If you have access to the max or 3ds file, you could nicely ask someone with max and texporter or the psd unwrapper to save out a wireframe for you to paint on, would make your life easier.
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